2024 |
Ben Rostron |
University of Alberta |
1. Lithium in brines (Duperow Aquifer) in southeast Saskatchewan: a modern-day gold rush. |
2. Geology and hydrogeology at Aquistore: Canada's first CO2 storage project associated with a commercial-scale coal-fired power plant. |
3. Groundwater and native orchids: is there a link (and why might anyone care)? |
2023 |
Kenneth Belitz |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1. The Quality of Groundwater Used for Public Supply in the Continental United States |
2. Old problems, New Approach: Applications of Ensemble-Tree Machine Learning to Hydrogeology |
2022 |
Abe Springer |
Northern Arizona University |
1. The Stories Told by Springs |
2. Upland Land Management Influences on Hydrogeologic Processes |
2020- 2021 |
Jonathan B. Martin |
University of Florida |
1. High Latitude Hydrology: Water in a Changing World |
2. Reversing Springs: Impacts on Carbonate Aquifers |
2019 |
Laura J. Crossey |
University of New Mexico |
1. Chasing Helium: Mantle-to-Surface Connections to Water Quality and Geomicrobiology |
2. Hydrochemistry and Geoscience Education at Grand Canyon and Beyond: Who Knew Groundwater Hydrology Could Be So Complicated? |
2018 |
David Bout |
University of Massachusetts-Amherst |
1. Groundwater as a Buffer to Climatic Change: Dynamic Subsurface Storage of Glaciated Landscapes |
2. Do you know where your catchment ends? The role of inter-basin groundwater flow and hydrogeologic transience in hydrologic processes |
3. Water and Lithium - The nexus of hydrogeosciences and green energy in the transition from fossil fuels |
2017 |
Ed Harvey |
U.S National Park Service Water Resources Division |
1. Water Resource Stewardship in the U.S. National Park Service |
2016 |
Shemin Ge |
University of Colorado-Boulder |
1. Fluid Induced Earthquakes: Insights from Hydrogeology and Poro-mechanics |
2. Groundwater Dynamics in Headwater Regions under a Changing Climate |
2015 |
Clifford I Voss |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1. Informing Management of the World's Largest Groundwater Systems with Simply-Structured Model Analysis |
2. Density-Driven Groundwater Flow: Seawater Intrusion, Natural Convection, and Other Phenomena |
3. Ground Ice and Permafrost - 'Foundations' of the Hydrology of Cold Regions |
2014 |
Larry Band |
University of North Carolina |
1. Critical zone processes at the watershed scale: Hydroclimate and groundwater flowpath mediated evolution of forest canopy patterns |
2. Green infrastructure, groundwater and the sustainable city |
2013 |
Dani Or |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich |
1. How do porous terrestrial surfaces control evaporation into the atmosphere? |
2. Biophysical processes shaping bacterial life in soils – an unexplored universe under our feet |
2012 |
James S (Jay) Famiglietti |
University of California - Irvine |
1. Water cycle change and the human fingerprint on the water landscape of the 21st Century: Observations from a decade of GRACE |
2. A strategy for accelerating the development of hydrological models: Societal needs, observational requirements and public communication |
2011 |
Jeffrey J McDonnell |
Oregon State University |
1. Where does water go when it rains? Conceptualizing runoff processes in headwater catchments |
2. Isotope tracers in catchment hydrology: How far can we go? |
2010 |
Hubbard Susan S |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
1. Toward X-Ray Vision: Geophysical Signatures of Complex Subsurface Processes
2. Waves and Wine: Geophysical Characterization to Guide Precision Viticulture |
2009 |
Zheng Chunmiao |
University of Alabama |
1. Understanding Solute Transport in Extremely Heterogeneous Porous Media: Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Research at the MADE Site |
2. Will China Run Out of Water? |
2008 |
McKay Larry |
University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
1. Cracks in the Clay: The Role of Fractures and Macropores in Critical Zone Hydrology |
2. Germs and Geology: Emerging Issues in Waterborne Pathogen Research |
3. Chattanooga Creek: How 30,000 tons of Coal Tar Brought Together Scientists, Social Workers and a Community |
2007 |
Scanlon Bridget |
University of Texas at Austin |
1. Implications of Climate Variability for Groundwater Resources and Waste Disposal in Semiarid Regions--A Look at Ecological Controls from Annual to Millennial Timescales |
2. Impacts of Changing Land Use and Land Cover on Subsurface Water Resources |
2006 |
Blowes David |
University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) |
1. Permeable Reactive Barriers for Treating Groundwater Contaminated by Dissolved Metals |
2. Predicting, Preventing and Remediating Acidic Drainage from Sulfide Bearing Mines and Mine Wastes |
2005 |
Woessner William |
University of Montana |
1. Examining the Exchange of Groundwater with the Stream / Floodplain System: Physical, Thermal and Geochemical Approaches with Ties to Stream Renaturalization |
2. The Occurrence, Transport and Fate of Viruses and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Impacted by Septic System Effluent: The Hydrogeologists and Human Health |
2004 |
Bekins Barbara |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1. Hydrogeology and the Weak Nature of Plate Boundary Faults |
2. The Influence of Hydrogeology on 25 Years of Natural Attenuation at a Crude Oil Spill Site |
2003 |
Bahr Jean |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
1. Groundwater as an Ecosystem Resource |
2. Geochemical Heterogeneity of Groundwater in Uncontaminated and Contaminated Aquifers |
2002 |
Fogg Graham |
University of California-Davis |
1. Plume Behavior in Heterogeneous Geologic Systems: Natural Attenuation, Remediation, and the Role of Diffusion
2. Groundwater Vulnerability and the Meaning of Groundwater Age Dates |
3. A Geologic Approach to Simulation of Subsurface Hydrology |
2001 |
Ingebritsen Steve |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1. The Permeability of the Continental Crust |
2. Land Subsidence in the United States |
2000 |
Bair Scott |
Ohio State University |
1. Contamination of Woburn Wells G and H - What the Experts Said at Trial, What We Know Now |
2. Variable-Density Fluid Flow in the Midcontinent Basins and Arches Region: Applications to Hazardous Waste Injection and Sustainable Freshwater Resources |
1999 |
Rojstaczer Stuart |
Duke University |
1. Geysers: Why Are They So Rare and What Might They Indicate About Deformation in Areas of Active Tectonics? |
2. Truly Useful Predictions of Subsurface Contaminant Transport: Can We Ever Have Enough Data? |
3. Faults and Fluids: What Can We Learn About Brittle Failure in the Crust From Shallow Subsurface Hydrology? |
1998 |
Hanor Jeffrey S |
Louisiana State University |
1. Origin and Migration of Saline Fluids in Sedimentary Basins |
1997 |
Person Mark A |
University of Minnesota |
1. Basin-scale hydrogeologic modeling: problems, solutions, and applications |
1996 |
Nordstrom D Kirk |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1. Model Validation and Other Chimeras: Some Personal Reflections on the Philosophy of Science |
2. Negative pH, Ultra-Acidic Mine Waters, and the Challenge of Environmental Restoration at the Iron Mountain Mine Superfund Anomaly |
1995 |
Neuzil Chris |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1. Groundwater Hydrodynamics of an Ultra-Low-Permeability Shale, South Dakota |
2. Abnormal Pressures as Hydrodynamic Phenomena |
1994 |
Phillips Fred |
New Mexico Institude of Mining and Technology |
1. Chlorine-36 in Fossil Rat Urine: A Key to the Chronology of Groundwater |
2. A Geological Approach to Characterizing Aquifer Heterogeneity |
3. Ice-Age Lakes and Glaciers: A History of the Hydrologic Cycle |
1993 |
Siegel Donald I |
Syracuse University |
1. Effects of Continental Glaciation on Ground-water Chemistry: From Dilution to Pollution |
2. The Hydrogeology of Wetlands: Paradigm Lost |
3. Geochemistry of an Oil Contaminated Shallow Aquifer: Environmental to Geological Implications |
1992 |
Dreiss Shirley J |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
1. The Hydrogeology of an Active Subduction Zone |
2. Regional Scale Transport in a Karst Aquiferna |
1991 |
Farvolden Robert N |
University of Waterloo |
1. Ground Water in Human Societies |
2. Hydrogeology and its Implications in the World's Largest City |
1990 |
Smith J Leslie |
University of British Columbia |
1. Groundwater and Tectonic Processes |
2. Solute Transport in Fracture Networks |
1989 |
Wood Warren W |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1. Geologic Questions? Hydrologic Solutions |
2. Lakes, Solutes, and Ground Waters |
1988 |
Cartwright Keros |
Northern Illinois University |
1. Large-Scale Experiments in Hydrogeology Safe Landfills? Can We Succeed? (We Must) |
1987 |
Neuman Shlomo P |
University of Arizona |
1. Reflections on Contaminant Transport Modeling |
2. Recent Trends in Fractured Rock Hydrology |
3. What is Stochastic Hydrology? The AVRA Valley Case Study |
1986 |
Konikow Leonard F |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1. Predictive Accuracy of Ground-Water Models? Lessons from a Postaudit |
2. Modeling Solute Transport and Dispersion in Ground Water |
1985 |
Kreitler Charles W |
University of Texas at Austin |
1. Hydrogeology? The Interaction between Hydrologic and Geologic Processes |
2. Hydrogeologic Characterization of a Sedimentary Basin: The Palo Duro Basin as an Example |
1984 |
Schwartz Frank W |
University of Alberta |
1. A Case Study of Groundwater Contamination from a Chemical Spill |
2. Computers and Hydrogeology |
1983 |
Parizek Richard R |
Pennsylvania State University |
1. The Hydrologic Significance of Fracture Traces and Lineaments |
2. The Environmental Cost of Coal from a Hydrogeologist's Perspective |
1982 |
Domenico Patrick |
University of Illinois |
1. Hydrology and Geologic Processes |
2. Some Preliminary Assessment Techniques in Solid and Radioactive Waste Disposal |
1981 |
Remson Irwin |
Stanford University |
1. Modern Hydrology? Capabilities and Challenges Optimal Ground-Water Management
1980 |
Stephenson David A |
Woodward-Clyde Consultants |
1. Hydrogeologic Aspects of Energy Development |
2. The Challenge for Earth Scientists in Water Resources |
1979 |
Back William |
U.S. Geological Survey |
1. Recent Developments in Geochemistry of Ground Water |
2. On the Principles of Geochemistry Applied to Ground-Water Studies |
3. Environmental Problems Related to Chemistry of Ground Water in Limestone Areas with Emphasis on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Hydrology and Mythology in Ancient America |
1978 |
Bear Jacob |
Technion, Israeli Institute of Technology |
1. Hydraulics and Management of Groundwater Resources |