Past Lectures

 List of past Birdsall-Dreiss Lecturers and respective Lecture(s).

 Year Lecturer Employer Lecture(s)
2024 Ben Rostron University of Alberta 1. Lithium in brines (Duperow Aquifer) in southeast Saskatchewan: a modern-day gold rush.
2. Geology and hydrogeology at Aquistore: Canada's first CO2 storage project associated with a commercial-scale coal-fired power plant.
3. Groundwater and native orchids: is there a link (and why might anyone care)?
2023 Kenneth Belitz U.S. Geological Survey 1. The Quality of Groundwater Used for Public 
Supply in the Continental United States
2. Old problems, New Approach: Applications of 
Ensemble-Tree Machine Learning to Hydrogeology
 2022 Abe Springer Northern Arizona University 1. The Stories Told by Springs
2. Upland Land Management Influences on Hydrogeologic Processes
2020- 2021 Jonathan B. Martin University of Florida 1. High Latitude Hydrology: Water in a Changing World
2. Reversing Springs: Impacts on Carbonate Aquifers
 2019 Laura J. Crossey University of New Mexico 1. Chasing Helium: Mantle-to-Surface Connections to Water Quality and Geomicrobiology
2. Hydrochemistry and Geoscience Education at Grand Canyon and Beyond: Who Knew Groundwater Hydrology Could Be So Complicated?
 2018 David Bout University of Massachusetts-Amherst 1. Groundwater as a Buffer to Climatic Change:  Dynamic Subsurface Storage of Glaciated Landscapes
2. Do you know where your catchment ends?  The role of inter-basin groundwater flow and hydrogeologic transience in hydrologic processes
3. Water and Lithium - The nexus of hydrogeosciences and green energy in the transition from fossil fuels
 2017 Ed Harvey U.S National Park Service
Water Resources Division
1. Water Resource Stewardship in the U.S. National Park Service
 2016 Shemin Ge University of Colorado-Boulder 1. Fluid Induced Earthquakes: Insights from Hydrogeology and Poro-mechanics
2. Groundwater Dynamics in Headwater Regions under a Changing Climate 
 2015 Clifford I Voss U.S. Geological Survey 1. Informing Management of the World's Largest Groundwater Systems with Simply-Structured Model Analysis 
2. Density-Driven Groundwater Flow: Seawater Intrusion, Natural Convection, and Other Phenomena 
3. Ground Ice and Permafrost - 'Foundations' of the Hydrology of Cold Regions 
 2014 Larry Band University of North Carolina 1. Critical zone processes at the watershed scale: Hydroclimate and groundwater flowpath mediated evolution of forest canopy patterns 
2. Green infrastructure, groundwater and the sustainable city 
 2013 Dani Or Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich 1. How do porous terrestrial surfaces control evaporation into the atmosphere? 
2. Biophysical processes shaping bacterial life in soils – an unexplored universe under our feet 
 2012 James S (Jay) Famiglietti University of California - Irvine 1. Water cycle change and the human fingerprint on the water landscape of the 21st Century: Observations from a decade of GRACE 
2. A strategy for accelerating the development of hydrological models: Societal needs, observational requirements and public communication 
 2011 Jeffrey J McDonnell Oregon State University 1. Where does water go when it rains? Conceptualizing runoff processes in headwater catchments 
2. Isotope tracers in catchment hydrology: How far can we go? 
 2010 Hubbard Susan S Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1. Toward X-Ray Vision: Geophysical Signatures of Complex Subsurface Processes 
2. Waves and Wine: Geophysical Characterization to Guide Precision Viticulture
 2009 Zheng Chunmiao University of Alabama 1. Understanding Solute Transport in Extremely Heterogeneous Porous Media: Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Research at the MADE Site 
2. Will China Run Out of Water?
 2008 McKay Larry University of Tennessee, Knoxville 1. Cracks in the Clay: The Role of Fractures and Macropores in Critical Zone Hydrology
2. Germs and Geology: Emerging Issues in Waterborne Pathogen Research
3. Chattanooga Creek: How 30,000 tons of Coal Tar Brought Together Scientists, Social Workers and a Community
 2007 Scanlon Bridget University of Texas at Austin 1. Implications of Climate Variability for Groundwater Resources and Waste Disposal in Semiarid Regions--A Look at Ecological Controls from Annual to Millennial Timescales 
2. Impacts of Changing Land Use and Land Cover on Subsurface Water Resources 
 2006 Blowes David University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) 1. Permeable Reactive Barriers for Treating Groundwater Contaminated by Dissolved Metals 
2. Predicting, Preventing and Remediating Acidic Drainage from Sulfide Bearing Mines and Mine Wastes 
 2005 Woessner William University of Montana 1. Examining the Exchange of Groundwater with the Stream / Floodplain System: Physical, Thermal and Geochemical Approaches with Ties to Stream Renaturalization 
2. The Occurrence, Transport and Fate of Viruses and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Impacted by Septic System Effluent: The Hydrogeologists and Human Health 
 2004 Bekins Barbara U.S. Geological Survey 1. Hydrogeology and the Weak Nature of Plate Boundary Faults 
2. The Influence of Hydrogeology on 25 Years of Natural Attenuation at a Crude Oil Spill Site 
 2003 Bahr Jean University of Wisconsin-Madison 1. Groundwater as an Ecosystem Resource 
2. Geochemical Heterogeneity of Groundwater in Uncontaminated and Contaminated Aquifers 
 2002 Fogg Graham University of California-Davis 1. Plume Behavior in Heterogeneous Geologic Systems: Natural Attenuation, Remediation, and the Role of Diffusion 
2. Groundwater Vulnerability and the Meaning of Groundwater Age Dates 
3. A Geologic Approach to Simulation of Subsurface Hydrology 
 2001 Ingebritsen Steve U.S. Geological Survey 1. The Permeability of the Continental Crust 
2. Land Subsidence in the United States 
 2000 Bair Scott Ohio State University 1. Contamination of Woburn Wells G and H - What the Experts Said at Trial, What We Know Now
2. Variable-Density Fluid Flow in the Midcontinent Basins and Arches Region: Applications to Hazardous Waste Injection and Sustainable Freshwater Resources
 1999 Rojstaczer Stuart Duke University 1. Geysers: Why Are They So Rare and What Might They Indicate About Deformation in Areas of Active Tectonics?
2. Truly Useful Predictions of Subsurface Contaminant Transport: Can We Ever Have Enough Data?
3. Faults and Fluids: What Can We Learn About Brittle Failure in the Crust From Shallow Subsurface Hydrology?
 1998 Hanor Jeffrey S Louisiana State University 1. Origin and Migration of Saline Fluids in Sedimentary Basins
 1997 Person Mark A University of Minnesota 1. Basin-scale hydrogeologic modeling: problems, solutions, and applications
 1996 Nordstrom D Kirk U.S. Geological Survey 1. Model Validation and Other Chimeras: Some Personal Reflections on the Philosophy of Science
2. Negative pH, Ultra-Acidic Mine Waters, and the Challenge of Environmental Restoration at the Iron Mountain Mine Superfund Anomaly
 1995 Neuzil Chris U.S. Geological Survey 1. Groundwater Hydrodynamics of an Ultra-Low-Permeability Shale, South Dakota
2. Abnormal Pressures as Hydrodynamic Phenomena
 1994 Phillips Fred New Mexico Institude of Mining and Technology 1. Chlorine-36 in Fossil Rat Urine: A Key to the Chronology of Groundwater
2. A Geological Approach to Characterizing Aquifer Heterogeneity
3. Ice-Age Lakes and Glaciers: A History of the Hydrologic Cycle
 1993 Siegel Donald I Syracuse University 1. Effects of Continental Glaciation on Ground-water Chemistry: From Dilution to Pollution 
2. The Hydrogeology of Wetlands: Paradigm Lost 
3. Geochemistry of an Oil Contaminated Shallow Aquifer: Environmental to Geological Implications 
 1992 Dreiss Shirley J University of California, Santa Cruz 1. The Hydrogeology of an Active Subduction Zone 
2. Regional Scale Transport in a Karst Aquiferna 
 1991 Farvolden Robert N University of Waterloo 1. Ground Water in Human Societies 
2. Hydrogeology and its Implications in the World's Largest City 
 1990 Smith J Leslie University of British Columbia 1. Groundwater and Tectonic Processes 
2. Solute Transport in Fracture Networks 
 1989 Wood Warren W U.S. Geological Survey 1. Geologic Questions? Hydrologic Solutions
2. Lakes, Solutes, and Ground Waters
 1988 Cartwright Keros Northern Illinois University 1. Large-Scale Experiments in Hydrogeology Safe Landfills? Can We Succeed? (We Must)
 1987 Neuman Shlomo P University of Arizona 1. Reflections on Contaminant Transport Modeling
2. Recent Trends in Fractured Rock Hydrology
3. What is Stochastic Hydrology? The AVRA Valley Case Study
 1986 Konikow Leonard F U.S. Geological Survey 1. Predictive Accuracy of Ground-Water Models? Lessons from a Postaudit
2. Modeling Solute Transport and Dispersion in Ground Water
 1985 Kreitler Charles W University of Texas at Austin 1. Hydrogeology? The Interaction between Hydrologic and Geologic Processes
2. Hydrogeologic Characterization of a Sedimentary Basin: The Palo Duro Basin as an Example
 1984 Schwartz Frank W University of Alberta 1. A Case Study of Groundwater Contamination from a Chemical Spill
2. Computers and Hydrogeology
 1983 Parizek Richard R Pennsylvania State University 1. The Hydrologic Significance of Fracture Traces and Lineaments
2. The Environmental Cost of Coal from a Hydrogeologist's Perspective
 1982 Domenico Patrick University of Illinois 1. Hydrology and Geologic Processes
2. Some Preliminary Assessment Techniques in Solid and Radioactive Waste Disposal
 1981 Remson Irwin Stanford University 1. Modern Hydrology? Capabilities and Challenges Optimal Ground-Water Management
 1980 Stephenson David A Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1. Hydrogeologic Aspects of Energy Development
2. The Challenge for Earth Scientists in Water Resources
 1979 Back William  U.S. Geological Survey 1. Recent Developments in Geochemistry of Ground Water
2. On the Principles of Geochemistry Applied to Ground-Water Studies
3. Environmental Problems Related to Chemistry of Ground Water in Limestone Areas with Emphasis on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Hydrology and Mythology in Ancient America
 1978 Bear Jacob Technion, Israeli Institute of Technology 1. Hydraulics and Management of Groundwater Resources