About Us


The division was founded in 1959, with the late Burke Maxey as Chair. Since that time, it has grown to be one of the largest divisions in the Society, with over 1,000 active members.



Hydrogeology is that branch of the geological sciences which is concerned with the character, source, occurrence, movement, availability, and use of water. The Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America emphasizes and focuses on the geologic aspects of hydrogeology, recognizes the role of geology in the hydrologic cycle, and the importance of hydrogeology to society and science.


  • To bring together scientists interested in hydrogeology to facilitate the presentation and discussion of their problems and ideas
  • To promote research and the publication of results on hydrogeologic studies and cooperate with other Divisions and Sections of the Society and with other scientific organizations in fostering, aiding, furthering, and promoting research in hydrogeology
  • To advise and assist the officers and committees of the Society in matters pertaining to hydrogeology


    Hydrogeology is that branch of the geological sciences which is concerned with the character, source, occurrence, movement, availability, and use of water. The Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America emphasizes and focuses on the geologic aspects of hydrogeology, recognizes the role of geology in the hydrologic cycle, and the importance of hydrogeology to society and science.


    • To bring together scientists interested in hydrogeology facilitate the presentation and discussion of their problems and ideas;
    • To promote research and the publication of results on hydrogeologic studies cooperate with other Divisions and Sections of the Society and with other scientific organizations in fostering, aiding, furthering, and promoting research in hydrogeology; and
    • To advise and assist the officers and committees of the Society in matters pertaining to hydrogeology.
    George Burke Maxey

    George Burke Maxey