Each year, the Geological Society of America elects members to Fellowship in recognition of their significant contributions to the science of geology. Many Hydrogeology Division members have been afforded this honor.
Deadline for Nomination - February 1
2024 Fellow Recipients
- Michael Cardiff
- Gregg Davidson
- Chris Gellasch
- Matthew Kirk
- Tara Root
- Patricia Bobeck
2021 Fellow Recipients
- Rosemary C. Capo
- Dru J. Germanoski
- Jeffrey M. McKenzie
- Abhijit Mukherjee
2020 Fellow Recipients
- Madeline Gotkowitz
- Marcia Schulmeister
2019 Fellow Recipients
- Laurel G. Larsen
- Norman S. Levine
- Sarah L Lewis
- Jennifer C. McIntosh
2018 Fellow Recipients
- Peter T. Doran
- Masaki Hayashi
- Thomas M. Johnson
- John W. Lane, Jr.
- Laura K. Lautz
- Yu- Feng Forrest Lin
- Thomas E. McKenna
- Michael A. Phillips
- Mark E. Reid
- Michael Elliot Smith
- Michael C. Sukop
- Donald S. Sweetkind
- Stephen J. Van der Hoven
- Dorothy J. Vesper
2017 Fellow Recipients
- Alicia Wilson
- John McCray
- Gwendolyn Macpherson
- Tim Grundl
- Michael Gooseff
2016 Fellow Recipients
- Mark Brusseau. University of Arizona
- Christopher Carlson, US Forest Service
- Derek Ford, McMaster University
- Susan Swanson, Beloit College
- Michael Young, University of Texas–Austin
2015 Fellow Recipients
- E. Calvin Alexander, University of Minnesota
- Frederick Day-Lewis, U.S. Geological Survey
- Charles F. Harvey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Michelle M. Lorah, U.S. Geological Survey
- Maureen A. Muldoon, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Jean-Philippe Nicot, University of Texas
- Stephen R.H. Worthington, Worthington Groundwater
2014 Fellow Recipients
- Charles B. Andrews, S.S. Papadopulos and Associates
- Larry Band, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
- William L. Cunningham, U.S. Geological Survey
- Gareth J. Davies, Tennessee Department of Environment
- Jay Famiglietti, University of California–Irvine
- Jeff McDonnell, University of Saskatchewan
- Dani Or, ETH Zurich
- Geary M. Schindel, Edwards Aquifer Authority
2013 Fellow Recipients
- John Karl
- F.P. Bohlke
- Martha S. Phanikumar
- David L. Parkhurst
- Carl Walter Gable
- Qinhong Hu
- Eric W. Peterson
- Denis R. LeBlanc
2012 Fellow Recipients
- Prosun Bhattacharya
- Patrick Burkhart
- Barry Hibbs
- Daniel Larsen
- George Linkletter
- Schaun Smith
2011 Fellow Recipients
- R. Laurence Davis
- Timothy Dixon
- Margaret Eggers
- Susan Hubbard
- Karen Johannesson
- David Wunsch
2010 Fellow Recipients
- Zhenxue Dai
- W. Mike Edmunds
- Todd Halihan
- Jiin-Shuh Jean
- Michael R. Rosen
- Margaret A.Townsend
- Yan Zheng
2009 Fellow Recipients
- Richelle M. Allen-King, University of Buffalo
- William M. Alley, US Geological Survey
- David A. Benson, Colorado School of Mines
- Laurel B. Goodwin, Universityof Wisconsin-Madison
- Larry D. McKay, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
- Darrel W. Schmitz, Mississippi State University
- Madeline E. Schreiber, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univesity
- Allen M. Shapiro, US Geological Survey
- Chi-Yeung John Suen, California State University-Fresno
- Donald C. Thorstenson, US Geological Survey
- Dongxiao Zhang, University of Southern California
2008 Fellow Recipients
- Laura J. Crossey
- David T. Long
- Martin D. Milfflin
- Donald Rosenberry
- Douglas Kip Solomon
- Yu-Shu Wu
2007 Fellow Recipients
- Brian Berkowitz, Weizmann Institute Science
- Randy Hunt, US Geological Survey
- Shu-Guang Li, Michigan State University, Dept.of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Hui-Hai Liu, LBNL Earth Sciences Division
- Karsten Pruess, Earth Sciences Division Berkeley Lab
- Benjamin Jay Rostron, Univ Alberta, Dept Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
- Elizabeth J. Screaton, Univ Florida, Dept Geological Sciences
- Marios A. Sophocleous, Kansas Geological Survey, Univ Kansas
- Abraham E. Springer, Northern Arizona Univ, Dept Geology
2006 Fellow Recipients
- David W. Blowes, University of Waterloo
- Anne E. Carey, Ohio State University
- David M. Diodato, USNWTRB
- Andrew T. Fisher, Univ. Calif. Santa Curz
- Shaun K. Frape, University of Waterloo
- Alan E. Fryar, University of Kentucky
- Shemin Ge, University of Colorado
- F. Edwin Harvey, University of Nebraska
- David W. Hyndman, Michigan State University
- Jonathan B. Martin, University of Florida
- Fred J. Molz, Clemson University
- Donald O. Whittemore, Kansas Geol. Survey
- Hongbin Zhan, Texas A&M University
- Vitaly A. Zlotnik, University of Nebraska
2005 Fellow Recipients
- Barbara A. Bekins, USGS
- Francis H. Chapelle, USGS
- Isabelle M. Cozzarelli, USGS
- Ghislain de Marsily, Univ. of Paris
- George M. Hornberger, University of Virginia
- Paul A. Hsieh, USGS
- Xiaolong (Bill) Hu, Florida State University
- C. Kent Keller, Washington State University
- William Berry Lyons, Ohio State University
- Eileen P. Poeter, Colorado School of Mines
- Robert W. Ritzi, Jr., Wright State University
- Laura Toran, Temple University
- Carol M. Wicks, University of Missouri
- You-Kuan Zhang, University of Iowa
- Chen Zhu, Indiana University