George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service Award


Presentation of the 2022 George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service Award by Yu-Feng F. Lin (right) and Madeline Schreiber (left) to Eric Peterson (middle).

The Award

The Hydrogeology Division's George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service Award, first presented in 1984, honors noted American hydrogeologist George Burke Maxey. An esteemed mentor and pioneering researcher, Maxey's career spanned more than 35 years and helped establish hydrogeology as the discipline we know today. Presented annually, the award recognizes exemplary service "to the hydrogeology profession and to the Hydrogeology Division."

How To Nominate

The Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America seeks nominations for the Distinguished Service Award for the coming year.

The award will be made in recognition of distinguished personal service to the hydrogeology profession and to the Hydrogeology Division. The award is based on a history of sustained creditable service to the hydrogeology profession and to the Hydrogeology Division. The recipient must be a member of the Hydrogeology Division and not have previously received the award. Nominations should include:

  1. A letter of nomination that describes the distinguished service that warrants the nomination. Supporting letters are helpful but not required.
  2. If more than one nomination is made, they must be ranked in order of preference.

Submission Deadline

Each year, the deadline for submission is by February 1.
Nominations should be sent by e-mail to

Distinguished Service Award Winners 

(click on hyperlinked names to read the citation).

 Year  Recipient   Year  Recipient
2024  Abhijit Mukherjee 2025
2023  Clifford I. Voss 2022 Eric Peterson
2021  Prosun Bhattacharya 2020 Steve Ingebritsen
2019  Alan E. Fryar 2018 Todd Halihan
2017  Carol Wicks 2016 Jack Hess 
2015  Bill Simpkins 2014  Robert W. Ritzi
2013  E. Scott Bair 2012  Brian Katz
2011  Mary Anderson and David Diodato 2010   Van Brahana and Scott W. Tyler
2009  Ira Sasowsky 2008  F. Edwin Harvey
2007  Janet Herman 2006  Jean Bahr
2005  Ralph Davis and Frank Schwartz 2004  Allan Freeze
2003  John D. Bredehoeft 2002  Mary Jo Baedecker
2001  Donald I. Siegel 2000  Leonard F. Konikow
1999  Richard R. Parizek and Warren W. Wood 1998  John A. Cherry
1997  Stanley Davis and Leonard Wood 1996  John M. Sharp Jr. and Paul A. Witherspoon Jr.
1995  Tom Holzer 1994  Darryll Pederson and Joe Rosenshein
1993  Paul Seaber and Dave Stephenson 1992  Robert Farvolden, Phyllis Garmen, and Eugene Simpson
1991  Keros Cartwright, Claire B. Davidson and William E. Wilson 1990  George Davis
1989  Charles L. McGuinness (posthumous), Gerald Meyer, Jerry D. Vineyard 1988  William Beck
1987  John C. Ferris, Philip E. LaMoreaux Sr. and I. Wendell Marine 1986  Ralph Heath, Philip E. LaMoreaux Sr. and Harry LeGrand
1985  Stanley W. Lohman and Joseph F. Poland 1984  George B. Maxey (posthumous)