The Hydrogeologist is the semi-annual newsletter of the Geological Society of America's Hydrogeology Division.
Since 1965, The Hydrogeologist has been published twice each year to inform Division members of important newsand upcoming events. During 1998, at the direction of the Management Board, electronic (Internet) publishing of the newsletter began. If you are a member that has email access, a notice will be sent alerting you that a new issue has been posted on the website. Hardcopy newsletters are only sent to those members who do not have email access.
Voting for Division Officers is accomplished by email/WWW for those members with access. For others, voting is conducted by postal service.
Issues of the Newsletter, both present and future, will be available below for retrieval in electronic (PDF) Portable Document Format. PDF is a universal format that can be viewed and printed from most computer systems. A free program required for using the files can be obtained by pressing the button provided below for Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.
Members of the Division will be notified by email each time this website is updated with a new issue of The Hydrogeologist. Those members who do not have internet access will continue to receive the newsletter in paper form through the US mail.
The History of the Division Newsletter
From its inception in 1965 through 1980, the GSA Hydrogeology Division newsletter, The Hydrogeologist, was published as one yearly issue by the Division Secretary-Treasurer. Early “editors” included William Back (1965-66), James Irwin (1967-68), Robert Bergstrom (1969-72), Keros Cartwright (1973-74), John Cherry (1975-76), Richard Cooley (1977-78), and Claire Davidson (1979-80), who continued in the newly defined position of Editor, through 1981. From 1982 to 1986 Tom Holzer and Heidi Horton were co-Editors, and Tom continued as Editor through 1987. Beginning in 1984, The Hydrogeologist was published twice each year. Bill Wilson served as Editor from 1988 through 1990. From 1991 until 1997, Alan Dutton was Editor. He was followed by Ira Sasowsky from 1998-2001 who moved the newsletter from an exclusively mailed paper copy to an electronic format posted on the Division’s website which was managed by David Diodato. From 2002 until 2007 and again in 2009, Ed Harvey accepted the duties of both newsletter editor and website administrator (with the assistance of Duane Mohlman). Harvey changed the layout and format of the publication to include a new logo and page one banner, color text, backgrounds and photos, featured columns such as the Chair's Corner, Bulletin Board, Hydro on the Hill, and the fall issue's Technical Program Summary Calendar. Carl Mendoza, served as editor for 2008. Andrea Brookfield was editor from 2009 through 2018. Tara Root is the current editor.
In order to preserve the Division's history, an effort is currently underway to archive all of the Division's past newsletters. Those presently available are listed below. Additional issues are being converted to PDF files for future post. If you have copies of older newsletters (particularly pre-1980) that you would be willing to loan, we'd be happy to scan them and return them to you. Please contact Tara Root to contribute.
The latest newsletter is the Winter 2025 Issue (Issue 114) available here: Winter 2025 Issue 114