M. Bayani Cardenas is a hydrology professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences of the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas at Austin. His research seeks to understand flow and transport processes across different hydrologic settings, water quality and quantity problems, and scales, using a combination of theoretical, computational, and observational methods. He received his education from the University of the Philippines-Diliman, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.
Cardenas’ lectures are:
- Hydrobiogeochemistry of terrestrial-aquatic interfaces from pore to continental scales
- How a river's periodic pulse affects its liver: hyporheic zones in the Anthropocene
- Tidal and seasonal groundwater-surface water mixing zones: hot or cold spots for arsenic contamination?
- Groundwater on ice: hydrogeology and the fate of permafrost carbon in Arctic watersheds
- Land-ocean connectivity in Arctic lagoons due to groundwater
- Ridge to reef volcanic hydrogeology: submarine groundwater in the world’s most biodiverse coasts
- Devastation of a sole source coastal aquifer from the most powerful storm ever
- Insights on groundwater renewability from age and residence time analysis
- Beyond Darcy and Fick – Micro-scale insights on nonlinear continuum flow and transport
More information on the lectures above is available here.
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