Planetary Science MS/PhD Positions Starting Fall 2024
There are many opportunities available to students interested in planetary geology. Below are a list of internships, scholarships, fellowships, awards and workshops for both undergraduate and graduate students. Please check out the website for each opportunity for further information and for up-to-date information on the application due date.
If there are any student opportunities not posted here please contact a PGD student representative with relevant information.
Lunar Planetary Institute (LPI) Summer Intern Program
Undergraduate Internship
Due date: see website
Dwornik Awards
Graduate and Undergraduate
Due date: early January, annually
LPI Career Development Award
Due date: early January, annually
Computational Physics Student Summer Workshop
Due date: mid-January, annually
Student Research Grants for GSA
Due date: mid-January, annually
Laboratory for Atmospheric & Space Physics – University of Colorado, Boulder
Undergraduate (REU)
Due date: late January, annually
Pellas-Ryder Award
Graduate and Undergraduate (by nomination)
Due date: late January, annually
Space Astronomy Program
Undergraduate, Graduating Senior, Grad Student
Due date: varies, see website
Student Airborne Research Program (SARP)
Due date: late January, annually
Exploration Science Summer Intern Program
Graduate Internship
Due date: late January, annually
Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teachers – Arecibo Observatory
Undergraduates & Graduating Seniors
Due date: late January, annually
NASA's Summer Undergraduate Program for Planetary Research (SUPPR)
Undergraduate Internship
Due date: early February, annually
Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
Graduate Fellowship
Due date: varies, see website
Farouk El-Baz Student Research Award (Desert Research)
Undergraduate and Graduate
Due date: early February, annually
REU Program – University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy
Undergraduate Research Program
Due date: early February, annually
REU Program – Boston University
Undergraduate Research Program
Due date: early February, annually
REU - Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics
Due date: early February, annually
REU Program – SETI
Undergraduate Research Program
Due date: early February, annually
REU Program in Physical Sciences – Museum of Natural History
Undergraduate Research Program
Due date: early February, annually
REU Program – Cornell University
Undergraduate Research Program
Due date: early February, annually
Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium
Due date: varies by member schools
REU Program – Texas Christian University
Undergraduate Research Program
Due date: mid-February, annually
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) - Caltech
Due date: varies by opportunity
NASA/APL Internship Program
Graduate and Undergraduate Internships
Due date: late March, annually
JPL Planetary Science Summer School
Graduate Award, Workshop/Field Course
Due date: early April, annually
JPL Summer Internship Program
Graduate and Undergraduate Internships
Due date: early April, annually
GSA Planetary Geology Division Student Advisory Member
Due date: early June, annually
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
Graduate Fellowship
Due date: late October, annually
The Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
Graduate Travel Funds
Due date: late November, annually
Student Travel Grants for GSA
Graduate and Undergraduate Travel/Conference Funds
Due date: TBA
List of Astronomy/Planetary Science REU Internships
Check individual REUs for due dates
Meteor Crater Field Camp
Graduate Workshop/Field Course
Due date: early June, when offered
Short Course and Field School at Sudbury Crater
Graduate Workshop/Field Course
Due date: late June, when offered
Space Grant Consortiums
Graduate and Undergraduate Internships, Fellowships, Scholarships, Awards
Due date: varies by opportunity