The Pete Mouginis-Mark Prize in planetary volcanology recognizes outstanding undergraduate and graduate student presentations in planetary volcanology (talks or posters) at the annual GSA Connects Meeting. Planetary volcanology, for the purpose of this prize, is defined as research into volcanoes and volcanic processes on the planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Moon), asteroids, or the moons of the outer planets. Volcano studies may include the geomorphology and tectonics of summit craters, the lava flows on their flanks, and the deformation of the flanks. Volcanic processes may include numerical modeling of eruptions, as well as petrologic studies of samples from known volcanic areas of the Moon, Mars or asteroids. Remote sensing (spectral, radar, gravity) of volcanoes and their products is also appropriate. Studies of terrestrial volcanoes and volcanic processes are only eligible if the primary focus is on extraterrestrial volcanism.
The applicant presentations must be presented in a session at GSA Connects that is focused on the planets. Presentations made in sessions that focus primarily on terrestrial volcanology are not eligible. Award winners and presentation of annual awards will be made by the Planetary Geology Division of the Geological Society of America (GSA), through a process determined by the Division's Management Board.
The Pete Mouginis-Mark Prize is open to all students at any degree level in a field related to planetary geosciences, regardless of location of residency or educational institution. Students must be GSA members. Studies of terrestrial volcanoes and volcanic processes are only eligible if the primary focus is on extraterrestrial volcanism. The applicant presentations must be presented in a session at GSA Connects that is focused on the planets. Presentations made in sessions that focus primarily on terrestrial volcanology are not eligible.
The student must be the senior author of the abstract, and a minimum of 50% of the material in the abstract must not have been previously presented at another meeting. Additionally, >51% of the material in the abstract and to be presented at GSA Connects was based on research conducted by the student. Judging will be based on both the written abstract and the presentation.
A good presentation should leave any observer with a clear understanding of a stated problem, how the student attempted to answer it, what data or observations were gathered, and the interpretations and conclusions that resulted. Applicants should be prepared to answer follow up questions about the nature of their work during their oral/poster presentations, as this is a significant element in the judging processes. As such, it is also critical that applicants plan to be at their poster during their session to allow judges to evaluate the in-person presentation.
To apply for the award, students MUST complete the Pete Mouginis-Mark Prize application form.
Applicants should complete the form electronically, then e-mail the completed form to Lauren Jozwiak (
For GSA Connects 2025, the Pete Mouginis-Mark Prize application form is due one day after the GSA Connects abstract deadline.
These awards will be selected from applicant presentations (posters and oral talks) during the annual GSA Connects fall meeting according to procedures determined by GSA's Planetary Geology Division. Winners will be announced at the annual Planetary Geology Division business meeting at the following year's GSA Meeting.
The fund will seek to honor one undergraduate recipient ($500) and one graduate recipient ($2,500). In addition to the monetary prize, each winner will receive a commemorative plaque recording their achievement. An additional $1,000 for each recipient will be available if they travel to the following year's GSA Connects meeting to collect the prize at the PGD business meeting.