Dwornik Award

Application deadline:

January 8, 2025 (the day after LPSC abstracts are due)

Download Dwornik Application Form

The Dwornik Award was started in 1991 with a generous endowment by Dr. Stephen E. Dwornik, who wished to encourage U.S. students to become involved with NASA and planetary science. The Award consists of a plaque and a monetary award given for outstanding student presentations (in both poster and oral categories) or a plaque for honorable mentions (poster and oral) at the annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) hosted by the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI). The awards are managed and judged by the Planetary Geology Division of the Geological Society of America.

Graduate and Undergraduate students may submit one abstract submitted to LPSC on which they are first author to be considered for the award. The student must complete the application form linked above and submit the form by email to LPI by the application deadline. Further information on eligibility and judging criteria is linked below.

The awards are open to all students at any degree level in a field related to planetary geosciences, regardless of location of residency or educational institution. Recent graduates, pre-college students, and postdoctoral fellows are not eligible. Students who have previously won a "best presentation" award as a graduate student are not eligible to compete again in either category. Students who have won a "best presentation" award as an undergraduate are not eligible to compete again in either category as an undergraduate but are eligible to compete in either category as a graduate student. Students who have won honorable mention award(s) as either a graduate or undergraduate student in either category are eligible to compete again.

Only one abstract per student will be considered for a "best presentation" award in each year. The student must be the senior author of the abstract, and a minimum of 50% of the material in the abstract must not have been previously presented at another meeting. Judging will be based on both the written abstract and the presentation.

A good presentation should leave any observer with a clear understanding of a stated problem, how the student attempted to answer it, what data or observations were gathered, and the interpretations and conclusions that resulted. Dwornik applicants should be prepared to answer follow up questions about the nature of their work during their oral and poster presentations, as this is a significant element in the judging processes. As such, it is also critical that applicants plan to be at their poster during the session to allow judges to evaluate the in-person presentation.

To apply for the award, students MUST complete the Dwornik application form.

Applicants should complete the form electronically, then e-mail the completed form to LPI at mtgawards@hou.usra.edu.

If you are unable to obtain your advisor’s electronic signature, you must attach an e-mail from your advisor confirming your eligibility.

For LPSC 2025, the Dwornik application form is due on January 8, 2025, one day after the LPSC 2025 abstract deadline which is January 7, 2025. The form must include the LPI abstract (confirmation) number of the submitted abstract for which the student will be judged for the award.

For information regarding judging of presentations, see a list of Scoring Criteria.

Winners will be notified approximately one month after LPSC. They will be announced at the annual Planetary Geology Division business meeting at that year's Geological Society of America; and they will be introduced and awarded their prizes at the following years' LPSC. A cash award of $500 and a plaque will be presented to the graduate student best oral presentation and the graduate student best poster presentation. A cash award of $250 and a plaque will be presented to the undergraduate student best oral presentation and the undergraduate student best poster presentation. Plaques will be presented to honorable mention winner(s) in each category. If the judges conclude that there is not a deserving presentation in a given category, there will not be an award given in that category.

The winners of the previous year's Dwornik competition will be honored in the current year's LPSC Monday afternoon plenary session.

Stephen E. Dwornik
Photo courtesy of Jim Zimbelman, 2010

Stephen E. Dwornik worked for NASA's Lunar and Planetary Programs Division of the Office of Space Science and Applications from 1965 to 1967. In 1968, he became Chief of Planetology in the Planetary Programs Division of the Office of Space Science, a position he held until 1976, when he served as Chief of Planetary Geology in the same division and office until 1979. At NASA, he was one of the first to recognize that the precision engineered spacecraft that were being launched to the planets were nothing more than engineering experiements without scientific analysis of the returned data. That became his job—to find the best scientists to interpret the data returned from these missions and ultimately to understand the geologic development of the planets.

As Chief of Planetology and then Chief of Planetary Geology, he organized and managed a research program that lasted more than a dozen years, ensuring that NASA grants would be given to investigators who were doing interesting planetary research. The annual PGPI (Planetary Geology Principal Investigators) meeting that he organized became an early proving and training ground for planetary geology researchers and their students. His career spanned the time period from Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo to Mariner, Viking, and Voyager. Those who started with his monetary support are now the leading figures and founding members of the field of planetary geoscience, and graduate students whose work was funded by these grants became the second generation of planetary geoscientists.

After retiring from NASA, he worked for Ball Aerospace for a number of years, and then spent a decade organizing an annual space exploration-related elderhostel in association with William and Mary College. Dwornik was a son of Polish and Ukrainian immigrants, served during World War II, and felt a great debt of gratitude to the U.S. As such, he was interested in encouraging more U.S. students to enter the field of planetary science. In the 1970s very few U.S. students were studying planetary science, and Dwornik was concerned. In 1991, he made an endowment to the Geological Society of America specifically to award U.S. students in planetary geoscience. The awards are managed by the Planetary Geology Division of the Geological Society of America; and have been broadened by the PGD to include all aspects of planetary science submitted to the annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

Steve Dwornik and his wife currently live in the Washington D.C. area.

Note: This short biography was compiled by Jayne Aubele from informal notes supplied by Ted Maxwell, Smithsonian Institution, Joseph Boyce, University of Hawaii, and NASA’s Historical Archives.

Initially, in 1991, the Planetary Geology Division presented awards for best oral presentation at both the LPSC and GSA annual meetings. Beginning in 1992 awards were given only for best oral presentation at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference and honorable mention citations were first awarded. Awards for poster presentations at LPSC were initiated by the Planetary Geology Division in 1993. After realizing that an increasing number of undergraduate students were applying for the award, the Planetary Geology Division began separate award categories for Best Graduate and Best Undergraduate oral and poster presentations in 2009. The Dwornik Awards have become the preeminent award for U.S. graduate and undergraduate students in planetary science.

Congratulations 2024 Dwornik Winners!

Graduate Oral

Mariana Blanco-Rojas
Purdue University

Oberon as an Ocean World? Insights from the Topography of One of the Tallest Peaks in the Solar System

Hon. Mention – Grad Oral

Laura Lark
Brown University

Patterns of Volcanism: Life-Long Consequences of Early Differentiation

Graduate Poster

Xin Yang
University of Chicago

Neon and Helium Isotopic Evidence for the Earliest Solar Cosmic-Ray Irradiation Record in Refractory Oxides

Hon. Mention – Grad Poster

Nina Gilkyson
Brown University

Thermomechanical Modeling of Icy Worlds: Insights from Ocean-Ice Interface Dynamics

Undergraduate Oral

Brianne Checketts
Purdue University

Differences in Paleoclimate Records in Ice Mounds in Craters Near the North and South Poles of Mars

Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral

Danielle Kallenborn
Imperial College London

Rays of Schrödinger Impact Ejecta and Implications for Cratering Processes

Undergraduate Poster

Allie North
Baylor University

Crustal Context of the Moon’s Gruithuisen Domes

Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster

Elana Alevy
Colby College

Multiple Lithologies in Camel Donga 003 (CK3)

Past Dwornik Awardees

2023 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Marley A. Chertok
University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Mare Protolith Properties and Secondary Impacts Inferred from Rocky Crater Populations
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Thom Chaffee
Stanford University
Testing Whether Lunar Melt Glasses Preserve Records of Impact-Generated Magnetic Fields
Graduate Poster Fiona Nichols-Fleming
Brown University
Core Solidification and Contraction on 16 Psyche
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Mishal K.T.
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Topographic Evolution of the Lunar Poles: Implications for Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs) and Volatile Deposits
Undergraduate Oral Sara Cuevas-Quiñones
Purdue University
Automated Crater Morphology Characterization on the Moon Using an Unsupervised Neural Network
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral Lucas.R. Reynoso
Arizona State University
Positive Glycine Incorporation in Ceres Analogue Minerals
Undergraduate Poster Haskelle Trigue White
Oregon State University
Investigating the Geochemical Conditions on the Venusian Surface During the Possible Climate Transition
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster John C. Bush
University of Southern California
Robotic Legs as Novel Planetary Instrumentation to Explore the Mechanical Properties of Regolith
2022 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Matthew Jones
Brown University
Impact-Catalyzed Formation of the Lunar Compositional Asymmetry
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Cole Nypaver
University of Tennessee
New Observations of Recently Active Wrinkle Ridges in the Lunar Mare: Implications for the Timing and Origin of Lunar Tectonics
Graduate Poster Lydia Kivrak
University of Florida
Optimizing the Pyrolysis Temperature for TMSH Thermochemolysis for Improved Biosignature Detection in Acidic Mars-Analog Samples
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Aisha Khatib
University of Maryland
Classifying Deep Moonquakes Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Undergraduate Oral Elena Romashkova
Massachusetts Inst of Technology
Analysis of Transient Fog Features on Titan
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral Joshua De Oliveira
University of Notre Dame
Internal Consistency for XCT-Derived Estimates of Formation Orientation of Lunar Basalts 12038 and 15556
Undergraduate Poster Jordan Ando
Swarthmore College
Locations and Multispectral Features of Distinct Classes of Diagenetic Features Within the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster Kaitlyn Goss
Mount Holyoke College
Lewis Cliff 87223, an Anomalous Enstatite Chondrite with Implications for the Origin of Earth
2021 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Samuel Cartwright
University of Nevada, Reno
Identification of Spectral End Members in the Martian South Polar Residual Cap
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Brynna Downey
University of California Santa Cruz
Early Dynamical Evolution of the Moon with a Subsurface Magma Ocean
Graduate Poster Chase Chivers
Georgia Institute of Technology
Thermal and Chemical Evolution of Small, Shallow Water Bodies on Europa
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Rebecca Hahn
North Carolina State University
A New Study of Shield Fields and Their Spatial Relationships on Venus
Undergraduate Oral Lisette Melendez
University of South Florida
Quantifying the Environmental Response to Deglaciation in Martian Craters During the Late Amazonian
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral Claire Blaske
Arizona State University
Energetic Requirements for Dynamos in the Metallic Cores of Super-Earth and Super-Venus Exoplanets
Undergraduate Poster Ari Essunfeld
Yale University
Attribute Recognition for Grouping Elevated-Manganese ChemCam Targets by Visual Characteristics
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster Kierra Wilk
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Characterizing Unusual Deposits at Ius Chasma, Mars
2019 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Clara Maurel
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Partial Differentiation and Magnetic History of the IIE Iron Meteorite Parent Body
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Xiaochen Mao
Washington University
Spin Evolution of Ceres due to Impacts
Graduate Poster Alexandra E. Doyle
Oxygen Fugacities of Rocky Exoplanets from Polluted White Dwarf Stars
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Amanda Ostwald
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Parental Melt of Nakhlites as Determined from Melt Inclusions
Undergraduate Oral Patrick Matulka
Colgate University
Rounding and Comminution Rates of Ice Clasts Using the Titan Tumbler: Fluctuating Roundness and Stepped Mass Loss
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral Christopher Yen
Brown University
An Updated Orbital Analysis of Ancient Strata in Terby Crater, Mars: The Thickest Deltaic Sequence on Mars?
Undergraduate Poster Walter Zimmerman
University of Alaska Anchorage
Bands on Europa: A New Geometry-Based Classification to Explain Why Bands Form
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster Steffanie Sillitoe-Kukas
Florida State University
Spherules in the Martian Polymict Breccias: I: Origin and Internal Chemical Zoning
2018 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Xinting Yu
Johns Hopkins University
Where does Titan sand come from: Insight from Mechanical Properties of Titan Organic Analogs
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Erica Jawin
Brown University
Assessing the volcanic history of the Prinz-Harbinger region on the Moon using radar and spectroscopy
Graduate Poster Daniel Dunlap
Arizona State University
Pb-Pb Age of the ungrouped achondrite NWA 11119: Timing of extraterrestrial silica-rich volcanism
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Ellen Leask
California Institute of Technology
New possible CRISM artifact at 2.1 micrometers and implications for orbital mineral detections
Undergraduate Oral Jordan Bretzfelder
University of Southern California
Divining the Lunar mantle: Spectral analysis of the Imbrium Basin
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral Aleksandra Gawronska
University of Notre Dame
Implications of bimodal olivine compositions in VHK basalts
Undergraduate Poster Samuel Cartwright
Middlebury College
Geology of the Lunar Moscoviense Basin
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster Charlene Detelich
North Carolina State University
Investigating the morphology of the Iapetus Equatorial Ridge
2017 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral R. Terik Daly (Brown University) Projectile preservation during oblique hypervelocity impacts
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Kevin M. Cannon (Brown University) Primordial clays on Mars formed beneath a steam or supercritical atmosphere
Graduate Poster Tess E. Caswell (Brown University) Grain size evolution in icy satellites: New experimental constraints
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Hannah H. Kaplan (Brown University) Reflectance spectroscopy of meteorite insoluble organic matter (IOM)
Undergraduate Oral Allison M. McGraw (University of Arizona) Do L-chondrites come from the Gefion asteroid family?
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral Carol B. Hundal (Wellesley College) Chronology of fresh rayed craters in Elysium Planitia, Mars
Undergraduate Poster Emma S. Sosa (Lafayette College) Constraining the petrogenesis of the paired achondrites GRA 06128/9 through partial melting of an oxidized chondrite
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster Isabel R. King (Harvey Mudd College) Evolution of circular polarization ratio (CPR) profiles of kilometer-scale craters on the lunar maria
2016 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Michelle S. Thompson (University of Arizona) Simulation of micrometeorite impacts through in situ dynamic heating of lunar soil
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Mathieu G.A. Lapotre (California Institute of Technology) Orbital and in-situ observations in support of the existence of an unknown stable aeolian bedform regime on Mars
Graduate Poster Cameron M. Mercer (Arizona State University) Exploring non-uniform 40Ar* loss in Apollo 16 impact melt breccias using a laser microprobe
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Lauren M. Jozwiak (Brown University) Pyroclastic eruptions on Mercury: Insights into eruption mechanisms from vent morphology
Undergraduate Oral Danielle G. Neighbour (University of Arkansas) Cryogenic viscous liquids on icy moons
Undergraduate Poster Julianne Sweeney (State University of New York at Geneseo) Crater degradation and surface erosion rates at the InSight landing site, Western Elysium Planitia, Mars
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster Michael J. O'Shea (State University of New York at Geneseo) Using the morphology of impact craters as a relative age indicator for fluvial activity at Xanthe Terra, Mars
2015 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Robert E. Jacobsen (University of Tennessee) Wet-to-dry Hydrological Transition Encapsulated in Fluvial Stratigraphy of Aeolis Dorsa, Mars
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Alison R. Santos (University of New Mexico) Petrology of Iron, Titanium, and Phosphorus Rich Clasts within Martian Meteorite Northwest Africa 7034
Graduate Poster Hannah C. M. Susorney (Johns Hopkins University) The Surface Roughness of Mercury: Investigating the Effects of Impact Cratering, Volcanism, and Tectonics
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Jessica A. Watkins (UCLA) Role of Hydrated Silicates in Long-Distance Transport of Landslides in Valles Marineris, Mars
Undergraduate Oral Jonathan Oulton (Florida State University) Chemical Evidence from Gujba for Differentiation and Evaporation/Re-condensation Processes During the CB-Impact Event
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral Roger J. Michaelides (Cornell University) Titan’s Empty Lake Basins: Constraining Surface Physical Properties by Investigating Radar Backscatter Behavior at Multiple Incidence Angles
Undergraduate Poster Hank M. Cole (Colorado School of Mines) The Anatomy of a Wrinkle Ridge Revealed in the Wall of Melas Chasma, Mars
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster Amanda Stadermann (Washington University, St. Louis) Revisiting the Youngest Mare Basalts on the Moon: Analysis of Primary and Secondary Crater Distributions in the Basalts South of Aristarchus Crater
2014 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Diane T. Wetzel (Brown University) Dissolved Carbon Content of the Lunar Volcanic Glass Beads and Melt Inclusions: Carbon from the Lunar Interior
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Michelle S. Thompson (University of Arizona) Nanoscale Analysis of Space-Weathering Features in Soils from Itokawa
Graduate Poster Yuyan "Sara" Zhao (Stony Brook University) Photochemical Influences on Bromine and Chlorine Geochemistry on the Martian Surface
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Jinping Hu (Arizona State University) Back-Transformation of Ringwoodite in L5-6 Chondrite Mbale: Implications for the Preservation of Shock Effects in Highly Shocked Meteorites
Undergraduate Oral George D. McDonald (Cornell University) Examining Effects of Orbital Forcing on Titan's Dune Orientations
2013 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Elena S. Amador (University of Washington) The Lost City Hydrothermal Field: A spectroscopic and astrobiological martian analog
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral Matthew Chojnacki (University of Tennessee Knoxville) Local sourcing and aeolian fractionation as factors for compositional heterogeneity of martian aeolian bedform sand
Graduate Poster Rita Parai (Harvard University) Strontium isotopic constraints on early solar system chronology
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Tabb C. Prissel (Brown University) Mg-suite plutons: implications for mantle-derived primitive magma source depths on the moon
Undergraduate Oral Katelyn M. Lehman (Texas Christian University) Composition analysis of the Marius Hills Volcanic Complex using Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment and Moon Mineralogy Mapper
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral Amanda L. Wagner (University of Arkansas) Evaporation of ethane-methane liquid mixtures under simulated Titan conditions
Undergrad Poster Nancy H. Thomas (University of Washington) Identification of spectral endmembers in CRISM data using factor analysis and target transformation
2012 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Doug Hemingway (UC Santa Cruz) Insights into lunar swirl morphology and magnetic source geometry: models for the Reiner Gamma and Airy anomalies
Hon. Mention - Grad Oral Sonia Tikoo (Brown University) Decline of the ancient lunar core dynamo
Graduate Poster Isaac Smith (Univ Texas) The northern spiral troughs of Mars as cyclic steps: a theoretical framework for calculating average migration and accumulation rates
Hon. Mention - Grad Poster Andrew Ryan (Arizona State Univ) Lava coils and drifting patterned ground in Cerberus Palus, Mars
Undergrad Poster Terik Daly (Brigham Young Univ) Steps toward an innovative electrospray-based particle source for dust accelerators
Hon. Mention - Undergrad Poster Kelsey Crane (Univ Tennessee) Shape and thermal modeling of a selection of M-type asteroids
Hon. Mention - Undergrad Poster Heather Meyer (College of Charleston) Using a new crustal thickness model to test previous candidate lunar basins and to search for new candidates
2011 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral K. J. Zabrusky (Colorado School of Mines) The Distribution and Depositional History of Sedimentary Deposits in Arabia Terra
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral D. M Hurwitz (Brown University) Modeling affects of Lunar Surface Slope, Temperature, and Material Properties on the Efficiency of Erosion during the Formation of Rima Prinz
Graduate Poster C. E. Viviano (Univ Tennessee) Using THEMIS to Address Discrepancies between OMEGA/CRISM and TES Detections of Phyllosilicates
Undergrad Poster S. Christian (Bryn Mawr College) Frequency Analysis of SHARAD Reflectors within the North Polar Layered Deposits, Mars and Implications For the Link between Radar and Optical Data
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Poster N. Jamsja (Portland State Univ) Presence of Hydrous Phases in two R Chondrites, Northwest Africa 6491 and 6492
2010 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Erin Shea (MIT) Evidence for a Lunar Core Dynamo at 3.7 Ga from Mare Basalt 10020?
Graduate Poster Kelsi Singer (Washington Univ) Pits, Spots, Uplifts, and Small Chaos Regions on Europa: Evidence for Diapiric Upwelling from Morphology and Morphometry
Hon. Mention – Grad Oral David Blair (Purdue Univ) Testing Mechanisms for the Formation of a Ring of Graben in Central Raditladi Basin Mercury
Hon. Mention – Grad Poster Charles Barnhart (UC Santa Cruz) The Role of Impact Excavation in Distributing Clays Over Noachian Surfaces
Undergrad Oral Jacob Richardson (E. Michigan Univ) Identification of Volcanic Ridge in Northern Syria Planum, Mars: Constraint on Geologic History of Syria
Undergrad Poster Cameron Mercer (Middlebury College) Principal Components Analysis of Reflectance Spectra Returned by the Mars Exploration Rover
Hon. Mention – Undergrad Oral Christina King (Univ Hawaii) Martian Slope Streaks Form Sporadically Throughout the Year
2009 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Graduate Oral Brendan Hermalyn (Brown Univ) Early-Stage Ejecta Velocity Distribution
Graduate Poster Michael Krawczynski (MIT) Titanium Oxidation State and Coordination in the Lunar High Titanium Glass Source Mantle
Hon. Mention – Graduate Mark Salvatore (Brown Univ) Assessing the Mineralogy of Acidalia Planitia, Mars, Using Near-Infrared Orbital Spectroscopy
Undergrad Oral Paul Richardson (Univ Washington) The Relationship Between Lava Fans and Tubes on Olympus Mons in the Tharsis Region, Mars
Undergrad Poster Mairi Litherland (Rice Univ) Effects of Planetary Radius on Lithospheric Stresses and Magma Ascent on the Terrestrial Planets
Hon. Mention - Undergrad Kaylan Burleigh (Univ Arizona) Small Impacts Trigger Dust Landslides on Mars
2008 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Leah H. Roach (Brown Univ) Constraints on the rate of sulfate phase changes in Valles Marineris interior layered deposits
Poster Presentation Brian C. Hahn (SUNY-Stony Brook) Martian Surface Heat Production and Crustal Heat Flow from Mars Odyssey Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
Hon. Mention - Oral Joshua T.S. Cahill (Univ Hawaii) Radiative transfer modeling of geophysically targeted lunar impact crater central peaks
Hon. Mention - Poster Melissa K. Bunte (AZ State Univ) Geologic Mapping of the Zal Region of Io
Hon. Mention - Poster Stephanie Brown (MIT) Predicting Mercury's Ancient Crustal Composition
2007 Award Recipient Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Sarah Stewart Johnson Sulfur Volatiles in the Early Martian Atmosphere
Poster Presentation Julie Chittenden Effect of Wind on the Stability of Water Ice Under Martian Conditions
Hon. Mention - Oral Nick Tosca Fe-Oxidation Processes at Meridiani Planum and Implications for Secondary Fe-Mineralogy
Hon. Mention - Poster Caleb Fasset Age Constraints on Martian Valley Networks from Buffered Crater Counting
2006 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Christine McCarthy (Brown Univ) Ice/hydrate eutectics: The implications of microstructure and rheology on a multiphase Europan crust
Oral Presentation Michael Ranen (Harvard Univ) Barium isotope heterogeneities in early solar system materials
Poster Presentation Justin Filiberto (Stony Brook Univ) Are terrestrial ferropicrites analogues of martian rocks?
2005 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Jeffrey C. Hanna (Washington Univ) Tectonic pressurization of aquifers in the formation of Mangala and Athabasca Valles on Mars
Poster Presentation Sarah M. Milkovich (Brown Univ) Stratigraphic analysis of the north polar cap of Mars
Hon. Mention - Oral Oleg Abramov (Univ Arizona) Impact-induced hydrothermal activity on early Mars
2004 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Nicholas J. Tosca (Stony Brook Univ)  
Poster Presentation Keith A. Milam (Univ Tennessee)  
Hon. Mention - Oral Sarah K. Noble (Brown Univ)  
Hon. Mention - Oral Chris Okubo (Univ Nevada, Reno)  
Hon. Mention - Poster Joel A. Hurowitz (Stony Brook Univ)  
2003 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Brad Thomson (Brown Univ)  
Poster Presentation Erin Kraal (Univ CA, Santa Cruz)  
Hon. Mention - Poster John Chappelow (Univ Alaska)  
Hon. Mention - Poster Catherine Corrigan (Case Western Reserve Univ)  
2002 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Kelly Wilbur (Brown Univ)  
Poster Presentation Nicholas Warner (Stony Brook Univ)  
Hon. Mention - Oral Molly McCanta (Brown Univ)  
Hon. Mention - Oral Chris Okubo (Univ Nevada, Reno)  
2001 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Sarah T. Stewart (CalTech)  
Poster Presentation Jennifer Anderson (Brown Univ)  
Hon. Mention - Poster Matthew Silver (Whitman College)  
Hon. Mention - Poster Kevin K. Williams (Arizona State Univ)  
2000 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Christopher Cooper (Brown Univ)  
Poster Presentation Carolyn van der Bogert (Brown Univ)  
Hon. Mention - Oral Jennifer Anderson (Brown Univ)  
Hon. Mention - Oral Joshua Bandfield (Arizona State Univ)  
Hon. Mention - Poster Natasha Johnson (Washington Univ)  
1999 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation William A. Pike (Carleton College) Melting temperatures in the Fe-Ni-S system at high pressures: Implications for the state of the martian core
Poster Presentation Geoffrey Collins (Brown Univ) Surface stresses resulting from internal differentiation: Application to Ganymede tectonics
Hon. Mention - Oral Carolyn van der Bogert (Brown Univ) Experimental frictional heating of dolomitic marble: New insights for martian meteortite Allan Hills 84001
Hon. Mention - Poster Elizabeth Addington (Univ Mass) Clusters of Small volcanoes on Venus
Hon. Mention - Poster Brian Banks (Southern Methodist Univ) Intratessera flood-lava basins (ITB’s) constrain timing of crustal plateau structures
1998 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Nancy Chabot (Univ Arizona) The effect of S on the solubility of K in m
Poster Presentation Michelle E. Minitti (Brown Univ) Assessment of shock effects on hornblende water contents and isotopic composition
1997 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Dante Lauretta (Washington Univ) The Origin of Ni-bearing Sulfides in CI Carbonaceous Chondrites
Poster Presentation Jannette Akridge (Univ Arkansas) Fusion Crust and the Measurement of Surface Ages of Antarctic Ordinary Chondrites
Hon. Mention Kevin Williams (Arizona State Univ)
Hon. Mention Steven Hauck (Washington Univ)
Hon. Mention Michelle E. Minitti (Brown Univ)
Hon. Mention Nancy Chabot (Univ Arizona)
Hon. Mention Rachel Mastrapa (Univ S. California)
Hon. Mention Scott Mest (Univ Pittsburgh)
1996 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Catherine Weitz (Brown Univ) Eruption and emplacement of lunar pyroclastic glasses as inferred from the 74001/2 section
Poster Presentation Darren Williams (Penn State Univ) Habitable planets with high obliquities
Hon. Mention - Oral Glenn A. Gaetani (MIT) The effect of variable fO2/fS2 conditions on wetting angles in olivine/sulfide melt aggregates: mobility of sulfide
melt in the Earth's upper mantle
Hon. Mention - Oral Victoria Hamilton (Arizona State Univ) Determining the composition of Mars: vibrational spectroscopy of the Zagami meteorite
Hon. Mention - Poster Matthew Staid (Brown Univ) Craters as indicators of compositional stratigraphy in Mare Tranquillitatis and Serenitatis
1995 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Laura Griffith (Washington Univ)
Poster Presentation Erich Fischer (Brown Univ)
Hon. Mention - Oral Rachel Friedman (Univ Hawaii)
Hon. Mention - Oral Olivier Barnouin (Brown Univ)
Hon. Mention - Poster Eric Grosfils (Brown Univ)
Hon. Mention - Poster Thomas Burbine (MIT)
Hon. Mention - Poster Jason Dahl (Bemidji State Univ)
1994 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Lauren Browning (Univ Tennessee)
Poster Presentation Tracy K. P. Gregg (Arizona State Univ)
Hon. Mention - Oral Maribeth Price (Princeton Univ)
Hon. Mention - Oral Robert Pappalardo (Arizona State Univ)
Hon. Mention - Poster Melissa Wenrich (Arizona State Univ)
1993 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Laura Watson (CalTech)
Poster Presentation Patrick McGovern (MIT)
Hon. Mention - Oral Lauren Browning (Univ Tennessee)
Hon. Mention - Oral Jessica Sunshine (Brown Univ)
Hon. Mention - Poster Erich Fischer (Brown Univ)
Hon. Mention - Poster Edward S. Michlovich (Purdue Univ)
Hon. Mention - Poster Brian Tonks (Univ Arizona)
1992 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation Nathan T. Bridges (Arizona State Univ)
Hon. Mention - Oral Kenneth S. Edgett (Arizona State Univ)
Hon. Mention - Oral Tracy K. P. Gregg (Arizona State Univ)
Hon. Mention - Oral Bradley G. Henderson (Univ Colorado)
Hon. Mention - Oral Timothy J. McCoy (Univ Hawaii)
Hon. Mention - Oral Elizabeth McFarlane (Arizona State Univ)
1991 Award Recipient (Institution) Presentation Title
Oral Presentation LPSC Laurinda Chamberlin (CalTech)
Oral Presentation GSA Robert Sullivan (Arizona State Univ)