The following are resources about race in STEM, with a focus on geosciences and fields relevant to planetary geosciences. We will continue to populate these lists, and would welcome contributions from the PGD community. You may send additional resources to be included in this list to the PGD officers.
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture provides a non-geosciences-specific resource as a great jumping-off point to learn more about how to talk about race and racism.
Academic Commentary:
Race and Racism in the Geosciences (2020). Kuheli Dutt. Nature Geoscience, 13, 2-3.
Dutt's publication was followed-up by an excellent NY Times article.
No Progress on Diversity in 40 years (2018). Rachel E. Bernard & Emily H. G. Cooperdock. Nature Geoscience, 11, 292-295.
Online resources and websites:
The #ShutDownSTEM has created a great compilation of resources.
Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes (2019). Flower Darby & James M. Lang