Roles and Responsibilities of the PGD Student Advisory Members
This position, open to currently enrolled graduate students, offers students an opportunity to actively engage with the PGD officers and planetary community in an important role on this service committee. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, updating and maintaining the Student Opportunities page on the PGD website, helping to staff and provide student-related materials at the PGD booth during the GSA annual meeting and at LPSC, running the annual button design contest, serving as a PGD representative to the GSA Student Advisory Council, and participating in and taking notes for regularly scheduled PGD telecons. This is a two-year position (second year as a Senior Student Advisor), and includes one partial travel award to attend and present first-author research at the annual GSA meeting.
How to Become a PGD Student Advisory Member
Interested students should email a current one-page CV (include discipline and advisor) and a short justification (~300-500 words) on why they are interested in serving as a Student Advisor. Justification should focus on record of previous community involvement and public service. Send completed application materials as a single PDF to the current PGD Chair.
Application Deadline
Applications and questions should be sent to the current PGD Chair by August 1st, 2024. The official start of the year-long position begins at the end of the 2024 GSA annual meeting.