Ronald Greeley Award

For Distinguished Service

Nomination deadline:  August 15th (annually)

In 2011, the PGD established the Ronald Greeley Award for Distinguished Service. This award may be given to those members of the PGD, and those outside of the Division and GSA, who have rendered exceptional service to the PGD for a multi-year period. The award is not open to currently serving members of the Management Board, but may be awarded to past members of the Management Board who have provided exceptional service to the PGD after their term on the Management Board has ended.

Nominations for the award should include 1) a description of what the nominee has given to the PGD community (no more than one page), 2) the nominee's CV, and 3) up to 3 supporting letters that highlight the impact of the nominee’s service on the community (no more than one page per letter). The nomination may be made by any PGD member and should be sent to the PGD Chair (Jennifer Piatek, by August 15th. The award consists of a certificate signed by the Chair, and will be presented each year at the Division's Business Meeting/Awards Reception at the Annual Meeting.

Nominations for the award, which should include a description of what the nominee has given to the PGD community, may be made by any PGD member to the Management Board prior to August 1st of each year, and approval of the award must be by majority vote of the Management Board. The names of awardees must be supplied to GSA Headquarters by August 1 of each year. The award consists of a certificate signed by the Chair, and will be presented each year at the Division's Business Meeting/Awards Reception at the Annual Meeting.

2023 Ronald Greeley awardee, Devon Burr (Northern Arizona University)

2023 Ronald Greeley awardee,
Devon Burr (Northern Arizona Univ)

Past Awardees

Award Year Winner Institution Service
2023 Devon Burr Northern Arizona University For valuable work on the PGD Fellows nominating committee and for being an amazing advisor and mentor to so many students within the PGD community.
2022 Andy Shaner Lunar and Planetary Institute For outstanding outreach activities related to planetary science education
2021 Christian Koeberl

Jeff Plescia
University of Vienna

Johns Hopkins University
These two planetary geologists have, for at least the last 15 years, led the organization of terrestrial impact crater and other cratering sessions for the GSA PGD at our annual meetings. The have helped make the GSA Annual Meeting an important place to report work on impact crater studies.
2020 Danielle Wyrick Southwest Research Institute For her commitment to helping early career scientists succeed by providing opportunities, and ensuring recognition of their efforts. Additionally, her work with the GSA leadership to create new GSA Codes of Conduct and working as a part of the PGD Board focusing on the lack of minority representation critical to making the field of planetary geosciences more equitable and inclusive.
2019 Debra Buczkowski Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory After serving on the PGD Board (2011-2015), Debra continued to volunteer on the GSA Joint Technical Planning Committee (JTPC) for several years, serves as technical session chair, actively recruits speakers, and helps at the PGD booth during the Annual Meeting.
2018 Kelsi Singer Southwest Research Institute Kelsi was a driving force behind the universally well-regarded Women in Science blog (, and the PGD recognizes all the effort required to sustain this important activity.
2017 David Williams Arizona State University Dave served as a PGD officer (2007-2011) and continued to assist the PGD by helping subsequent officers. He was a living, breathing encyclopedia of how to successfully lead the PGD. He was invaluable.
2016 Tracy Gregg University of Buffalo Tracy nominated PGD members for GSA Fellowship and managed the PG&G undergraduate research program (PGGURP, now NASA's Summer Undergraduate Program for Planetary Research [SUPPR]) that helped place undergraduates interested in planetary research with NASA-funded PIs all over the country. Tracy served on the PGD Board from 1999-2003.
2015 Michael S. Kelley NASA HQ Mike served on the PGD Board from 2002-2004 and continued to contribute his time and resources to the PGD and the booth at the Annual Meeting for several years.
2014 Louise M. Prockter JHU/Applied Physics Laboratory Louise served on the PGD Board from 2005-2009 and continued to contribute her time to the PGD for several years.
2013 James R. Zimbelman Smithsonian Institution Jim nominated PGD members for GSA Fellowship and served on the PGD Board from 1996-1997.
2012 David Kring Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) David runs and organizes a review committee in support of the PGD Eugene Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award. After the award presentation at the GSA Annual Meetings, David would send an email to the awardee as well as contacting all other applicants with encouraging remarks. This sustained annual effort was an important support to our early career scientists in their work to help us understand the fundamental planetary geologic process of impact cratering. David served on the PGD Board from 1998-2000.

Eric Twelker

Timothy McCoy

The Meteorite Market

Smithsonian Institution

Eric donates meteorites from The Meteorite Market to be sold and raffled at the PGD booth during the Annual Meeting, the major source of revenue for the PGD booth. All proceeds from the PGD booth go toward travel grants, directly supporting students in the field of planetary science.

Tim donated and prepares the meteorite slice on the Greeley award winner plaque.