GSA Fellows

Fellowship is an honor that is bestowed on the best of our profession once per year at the GSA Spring Council meeting. GSA members are elected to Fellowship in recognition of distinguished contributions to the geosciences. Fellowship nominations may only be made by a Fellow of the Society. The PGD has established a GSA Fellows Nominating Committee. Our current committee are GSA Fellows Bob Anderson, Simon Kattenhorn, and Devon Burr.

PGD-Affiliated GSA Fellows

Adams, John B.
Agron, Sam L.
Anderson, Robert Charles (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Arvidson, Raymond E. (Washington Univ, Dept Earth & Planetary Sci)
Aubele, Jayne C. (New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science)
Baker, Victor R. (Univ Arizona, Dept Hydrology & Water Res)
Baldwin, Suzanne L. (Syracuse Univ, Dept Earth Sciences)
Basu, Abhijit (Indiana Univ, Dept Geological Sciences)
Beaty, David W. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Bishop, Janice L. (The SETI Institute)
Boothroyd, Jon C. (Univ Rhode Island, RI Geological Survey, Dept Geosciences)
Brakenridge, G. Robert (Dartmouth College, Dept Geography)
Breed, Carol S.
Brett, Robin
Buczkowski, Debra (Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory)
Burke, Kevin (Univ Houston, Dept Geosciences)
Burr, Devon M. (Northern Arizona University, Astronomy and Planetary Sciences)
Burt, Donald M. (Arizona State Univ, School of Earth and Space Exploration)
Byerly, Gary R. (Louisiana State University)
Cady, John W. (GeoPeregrino)
Campbell, Michael D. (M. D. Campbell and Associates, L.P.)
Catacosinos, Paul A.
Christensen, Philip R. (Arizona State Univ, School of Earth and Space Exploration)
Christiansen, Eric H. (Brigham Young Univ, Dept Geological Sciences)
Crelling, John C. (Southern Illinois Univ, Dept Geology)
Crumpler, Larry S. (New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science)
De Hon, Rene A.
Dyar, M. Darby (Mount Holyoke College)
Eastler, Thomas E.
Edgell, H. Stewart
El-Baz, Farouk (Boston Univ, Center Remote Sensing)
Elder, Curtis H. (RR 2)
Elston, Wolfgang E. (Univ New Mexico, Dept Earth & Planetary Sciences)
Eppler, Dean B. (NASA Johnson Space Center)
Evans, Cynthia A.
Farmer, Jack D. (Arizona State University)
Frey, Herbert V. (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Planetary Geodynamics Lab)
Friedman, Samuel A.
Gaddis, Lisa R. (USGS Astrogeology)
Gaffey, Michael J. (Univ North Dakota, Dept Space Studies)
Gastil, R. Gordon
Gillespie, Alan R. (Univ Washington, Dept Earth & Space Sciences)
Gilmore, Martha Scott (Wesleyan University)
Gold, David P. (Penn State Univ, Dept Geosciences)
Golombek, Matthew P. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Grant, John A. III (Smithsonian Institution Center for Earth and Planetary Studies)
Greeley, Ronald (Arizona State Univ, School of Earth and Space Exploration)
Gregg, Tracy K.P. (Univ Buffalo, Dept Geology)
Grosfils, Eric B. (Pomona College, Dept Geology)
Hamilton, Warren B.
Hansen, Vicki L. (Univ Minnesota, Dept Geol. Sciences)
Harvey, Ralph P. (Case Western University, Dept Earth, Env, and Planetary Sci)
Hays, James F. (Univ Arizona, Dept Geosciences)
Head, James W. (Brown Univ, Dept Geological Sciences)
Horton, James Wright (US Geological Survey)
Howard, Alan D. (Univ Virginia, Environmental Sciences)
Hughes, Scott S. (Texas A & M Univ, College of Arts and Sciences)
James, Odette B. (US Geological Survey)
Jull, A. J. Timothy (Univ Arizona, Dept Geosciences)
Jurdy, Donna M. (Northwestern Univ, Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences)
Kah, Linda C. (Univ Tennessee, Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences)
Kattenhorn, Simon Allen (University of Alaska, Anchorage)
Kelley, Michael S. (NASA)
Kieffer, Susan W. (Univ Illinois, Dept Geology)
King, David T. (Auburn University)
Kochel, R. Craig (Bucknell Univ, Dept Geology)
Kring, David A. (Lunar & Planetary Institute)
Lancaster, Nicholas (Desert Research Institute)
Levich, Robert A.
Lipps, Jere H. (Univ California Berkeley, Museum Paleontology)
Lofgren, Gary E. (NASA Johnson Space Center)
Lopes, Rosaly M. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Lovering, John F.
Lucchitta, Baerbel K.
MacDonald, William D. (SUNY at Binghamton, Dept Geological Sciences)
Maxwell, Ted A. (Smithsonian Institution)
McEwen, Alfred (Univ Arizona)
McGill, George E. (Univ Massachusetts, Dept Geosciences)
McHenry, Lindsay (Univ Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
McKinnon, William (Washington University)
Melosh, H. Jay (Purdue Univ, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
Michalski, Joseph (University of Hong Kong)
Milton, Daniel
Mollard, John D. A. (J.D. Mollard and Associates (2010) Ltd)
Moore, Jeffrey M. (NASA-Ames Research Center Space Sciences Division)
Moores, Eldridge M.
Mueller, Paul A. (Univ Florida, Dept Geological Sciences)
Norman, Marc D. (Australian National Univ, Earth Sciences)
OConnell, Richard J. (Harvard Univ, Dept Earth & Planetary Sciences)
Phillips, Roger J. (Southwest Research Institute)
Pieters, Carle M. (Brown University)
Pincus, Howard J.
Plescia, Jeffrey B. (Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory)
Poag, C. Wylie (US Geological Survey, Woods Hole Science Center)
Prockter, Louise M. (Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory)
Radebaugh, Jani (Brigham Young University)
Schneider, Robert
Schultz, Peter (Brown University, Geological Sciences)
Skehan, James W. (Campion Health Ctr Weston Observatory)
Solomon, Sean C. (Carnegie Institution of Washington, Dept Terrestrial Magnetism)
Speidel, David H.
Squyres, Steven (Cornell Univ, Dept Astronomy)
Stauffer, Peter H. (US Geological Survey)
Strom, Robert G. (Univ Arizona, Lunar & Planetary Laboratory)
Taranik, James V.
Tarling, D. H.
Taylor, Patrick T.
Tewksbury, Barbara J. (Hamilton College, Dept Geosciences)
Treiman, Allan (Lunar and Planetary Institute)
Underwood, James R. (Balcones Place)
Wang, Alian (Washington University, St. Louis)
Ward, A. Wesley
Warme, John E. (Colorado School Mines, Dept Geology & Geological Engineering)
Watters, Thomas R. (Smithsonian Institute, Center for Earth & Planetary Studies)
Wilhelms, Don E.
Williams, David A. (Arizona State Univ, School of Earth & Space Exploration)
Williams, George E. (Univ Adelaide, Geology and Geophysics)
Yingst, R. Aileen (Planetary Science Institute)
Zimbelman, James R. (Smithsonian Institution)