Landslide Committee

Landslides are one of the most common geologic hazards and occur in all 50 states and U.S. Territories. Annually, landslides cause loss of life and billions of dollars in damage to public and private property. The Division created the Landslide Committee as a resource for earth scientists, engineers, and anyone interested in landslide hazards. Our goal is to support research, collaboration, outreach, and communication regarding landslide hazard and risk, emphasizing conditions that lead to slope failure and the impact on the built environment. The goals of the committee are to:
The Landslide Committee facilitates collaboration between individuals and entities with a role in understanding landslide hazards and reducing landslide risk. The committee is a permanent team that engages state and federal agencies, university researchers, cities, counties, private consultants, and others working to reduce landslide risks.

Participation in the committee is open to members of GSA with an interest in landslide hazard and risk reduction and do not need to be members EEGD. The committee is guided by two co-chairs who are members of EEGD. The co-chairs schedule meetings, develop agendas, organize technical sessions, and coordinates subgroups and activities. The Division secretary-treasurer shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of this committee.

The committee will meet at least once a year at the GSA Annual meeting. Here is our charter

If you have questions or would like to join the mailing list for the Landslide Committee, please contact the current co-chairs: Bill Burns and Matt Crawford

How to Join the Landslide Committee
Log into the GSA website and go to the Connected Community 
Once on the page, you will see four drop down menus near the top and in the second menu, select "Communities to which I belong or can join". Scroll down to the Landslide Committee and click "Join".

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