Management Board

The EEGD management board is an entirely volunteer group of elected officers. Board members are voted in by EEGD members during a  summer online election. If you, or someone you know, is interested in contributing their service to GSA and EEGD, please contact one of our officers. The deadline for ballot nomination is 1 June.

Management Board Duties

The Chair is the Chair of the Division, the convener and director of the Management Board, and the Division's representative to GSA Headquarters, the profession, and the public. This position is responsible for coordination of all activities of the division. At the Annual meeting, the Chair presides over the Management Board meeting and the Business-Awards Ceremony dinner. The term of office is one year, with the chair transition occurring during the annual division business meeting.

First Vice-Chair
The first vice-chair chairs the Program Committee for the annual meeting and, as such, serves as the senior Division representative on the Joint Technical Program Committee (JTPC) for the annual meeting. The first vice-chair supervises planning for the Division technical sessions or symposia to be held at the Annual Meeting of the succeeding year. The first vice-chair coordinates the work of any section representatives and will appoint representatives to organize technical sessions for section meetings. The term of office is one year, with the assumption of the Chair position taking place during the annual division business meeting. 

Second Vice-Chair
The second vice-chair serves as a member of the Program Committee for the annual meeting and, as such, serves as the junior Division representative on the JTPC for the annual meeting. The second vice-chair will assist in preparing a newsletter. The term of office is one year.

The secretary-treasurer shall act as secretary of the Management Board and shall keep and archive the records of the Division. The secretary-treasurer shall notify the officers and the members of the committees of their election or appointment and shall arrange for issuance of notices of all Division and Management Board meetings and of election results. He/she shall maintain liaison with Geological Society of America headquarters and shall serve, ex officio, as a member of all committees. The secretary-treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds of the Division and shall keep records of all receipts and disbursements and other financial transactions of the Division. The secretary-treasurer shall account to the Geological Society of America Council for all funds advanced by the Geological Society of America. Treasurer duties may be passed to other board members if there are fiduciary constraints due to civil service rules. The term of office is one year. 

Past Chair
The past chair shall serve as an adviser to the Chair, forms some of the corporate memory of the Division, and chairs the Nominations Committee. The term of office is one year.

Student Representative
The Division may elect, or the Management Board may nominate and appoint, a student representative as an ex-officio, voting member of the Division Management Board. The student can be an undergraduate or graduate student. The student representative shall advise on matters concerning GSA student and early career issues, as well as Division outreach to a young audience including social media. The student representative shall serve a two-year term. 

Management Board 

Chair: Ann Youberg - Arizona Geological Survey
First Vice-Chair: W. Paul Burgess - California Geological Survey
Second Vice-Chair: Luke McGuire - University of Arizona
Past Chair: Francis Rengers - U.S. Geological Survey
Student Representative: Pham Minh Ngoc (Alicia) Nguyen - Washington and Lee University

Committees and Appointments

GSA Annual Meeting Division Program Chair: Ann Youberg

GSA Sectional Meeting Division Coordinator: Paul Burgess

Division Publications Committee: Syed Hasan (Chair)

Division Webmaster:  Stephen Slaughter

GSA External Awards Committee: EEGD Management Board

E.B. Burwell Jr. Award Committee: Wendy Zhou (Chair), Terry West, Ed Keller, Eric Gamble

Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer Award Committee: Ann Youberg and Paul Burgess

Roy J. Shlemon Scholarship Awards Committee: Karin Burger (Chair), Betsy Mathieson, Stephen Slaughter

Division Awards Committee: EEGD Management Board

John C Frye Memorial Award Committee (GSA representative): Ann Yourberg

Nominations Committee: Anne Witt, Dennis Staley, Norm Levine, Bill Schulz

GSA Joint Technical Program Committee: Anne Carter Witt (chair) and Paul Burgess

University Liaison Committee: Scott Burns (Chair), Terry West (Co-Chair), Paul Santi, John Keefer, Abdul Shakoor, Skip Watts, John Williams

Student Poster Awards Committee: EEGD Managment Board

Council Liaison: Madeline Schreiber