Women Rising: Removing Barriers and Achieving Parity in the Geosciences


Monday, November 5, 1:30–5:30 p.m.


1:30–1:40 Introductory Remarks, S. Stover

1:40–2:00 A Snapshot of Women Geoscientists in the WorkForce in 2018: What Have We Overcome and What Do We Continue to Face? B.B. Schneider and R.E. Pommer

2:00–2:25 When Barriers Collide, M. Suiter

2:25–2:40 Proactive Strategies for Gender Equity at the Geological Society of America, I.P. Montañez, R. Gries, and V.S. McConnell

2:40–2:55 What We Know Works, Lessons Learned from NSF’s ADVANCE program, M.A. Holmes

2:55–3:40 Beginning Bystander Intervention Strategies, M. A. Holmes and D. Mogk3:40–4:45 Small Group Discussions: Issues and Action

  1. Work/life Issues (re-entering workforce, work/life balance)
  2. Negotiations (salaries, projects, promotions)
  3. Confronting Barriers (sexual harassment, changing the culture)
  4. Wildcard topics

4:40–4:45 Regroup

4:45–5:10 Ways to Take Action Individually: Advice from a Woman GeoPioneer, J. Willenbring

5:10–5:30 Highlights of Small Group Discussions and Closing Comments, K.A. Kryc and S. Stover

Women Rising Blogs

Jane Willenbring, 29 October 2018, Sending Out the Bat-Signal, Speaking of Geoscience blog.

Tahlia Bear, 23 October 2018, Social Identities and Success, Speaking of Geoscience blog.

Dr. Anita Marshall, 8 October 2018, Moving Forward: Overcoming Our Ideas About Disability in the Geosciences, Speaking of Geoscience blog.

Beth A. Johnson, 24 September 2018, Dealing with the Imposter Syndrome, Speaking of Geoscience blog.

Blair Schneider, 11 September 2018, Don’t Just Stand There… Do Something!, Speaking of Geoscience blog.

Kelly Kryc, 29 August 29 2018, A Special Place in Hell, Speaking of Geoscience blog.

Reports and Other Materials

Website for David Mogk:   https://serc.carleton.edu/geoethics/professionalism.html

References and related resources on topics that impact professional practice and workplace climate for geoscientists as they interact with students, colleagues and the public.

Increasing diversity and inclusion in the geosciences references,  provided by Carol deWet  (attached)

ADVANCEGeo Partnership, Empowering geoscientists to transform workplace climate:  https://serc.carleton.edu/advancegeo/resources/index.html

Research and strategies to respond to sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying, designing codes of conduct, and strategies for creating inclusive and equitable workplace cultures.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018, Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Washington DC. The National Academies Press

Johnson, Beth A., 2018, Women and Geology: Who Are We, Where Have We Come From, and Where Are We Going?, Memoir 214, Geological Society of America

Participate in the Women Rising Pardee Session Survey


Women Rising

The Changing Face of Geoscience in the 21st Century: Increasing Diversity and Inclusion to Solve Complex Problems

Pardee Symposium, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2017, Seattle, WA.

Articles recommended by participants in the Pardee Symposium


Sexton, J.M., O'Connell, S., Banning, J., and Most, D., 2014, Characteristics and culture of geoscience departments as interpreted from their website photographs, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, v. 20, 257-278. DOI: 10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2014009751 http://www.dl.begellhouse.com/journals/00551c876cc2f027,2006fb1a55e86eee,7c2ea740714341cb.html

Sherman-Morris, K. & McNeal, K.S., 2016, Understanding perceptions of the Geosciences among minority and non minority undergraduate students, J. Geoscience Education 64, 147-156.


Holmes, M.A, Mukasa, S. B. & Schwert, D., 2017, Getting to fair: recognizing implicit bias and easing its impact, EOS 98, March 8. https://eos.org/agu-news/getting-to-fair-recognizing-implicit-bias-and-easing-its-impact

Fiske, S. T., 2002. What we know about bias and intergroup conflict, the problem of the century. Current Direction in Psychological Science, 11, 123–128. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8721.00183

Ginther, D. K., et al., 2011. Race, ethnicity, and NIH research awards. Science, 333, 1015–1019.

Bertrand, M. and Mullainathan, S., 2004. Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A field experiment on labor market discrimination. The American Economic Review, 94,  991–1013.

Kaiser, J., 2011. NIH uncovers racial disparity in grant awards. Science, 333, 925–926.

Women and Gender

Rosen, J, 2017, Data illuminate a mountain of molehills facing women scientists, EOS 98, January 25. https://eos.org/features/data-illuminate-mountain-molehills-facing-women-scientists

Holmes, Mary Anne, O’Connell, S., Frey, C., and Ongley, L., 2008. Gender imbalance in U.S. geoscience academia. Nature Geoscience, 1, 79-82.

Keane, C., (2014), Washington, D.C., American Geosciences Institute. U.S. Female Geoscience Enrollments Level Off. https://www.americangeosciences.org/sites/default/files/currents/Currents-102-GenderEnrollments2014.pdf

Wilson, C., (2017), Washington, D.C., American Geosciences Institute. Female Geoscience Faculty Representation Grew Steadily Between 2006-2016

Wilson, C., (2017), Washington, D.C., American Geosciences Institute. Representation of Women in the Geoscience Workforce in 2013

Steinpreis, R. E., Anders, K. A, and Ritze D., 1999. The inpact of gender on the review of the curricula vitae of job applicants and tenure candidates: a national empirical study. Sex Roles, 41, 509–528.

Barres, Ben, 2006. Does gender matter? Nature, 442, 133–136.

Lerback, Jory and Hanson, Brooks, 2017. Journals invite too few women to referee. Nature, 541, 455–457. http://www.nature.com/news/journals-invite-too-few-women-to-referee-1.21337

Dutt, K., Pfaff, D., Bernstein, A., Dillard, J., and Block, C., 2016. Gender differences in recommendation letters for postdoctoral fellowships in geoscience. Nature Geoscience, 9, 805–808. https://www.nature.com/articles/ngeo2819

Wendel, J., 2015. Working toward gender parity in the geosciences, EOS, 96, doi:10.1029/2015EO031573. https://eos.org/agu-news/working-toward-gender-parity-in-the-geosciences


Atchison, C.L., and Libarkin, J.C., 2016, Professionally held perceptions about the accessibility of the geosciences, Geosphere, v. 12, 1-12. DOI: 10.1130/GES01264.1, http://geosphere.geoscienceworld.org/content/12/4/1154

Atchison, C.L. & Libarkin, J.C. (2013).  Fostering accessibility in geoscience training programs.  EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 94(44), 400.  DOI: 10.1002/2013EO440005.

Carabajal, I.G., Marshall, A.M., & Atchison, C.L. (in press).  A synthesis of access and inclusion in geoscience education literature.  Journal of Geoscience Education, November 2017 Issue. 

Professional Societies

Mukasa, S. B., 2009, Underrepresentation of women and minority awardees in geoscience societies. Elements, 5, 2, 77-78.


Wilson, C.  (2016). Status of the Geoscience Workforce 2016. American Geosciences Institute.

Callahan, C.N., Libarkin, J.C., McCallum, C.M. & Atchison, C.L. (2015).  Using the lens of social capital to understand diversity in the earth system sciences workforce.  Journal of Geoscience Education.  63(2), 98-104.  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5408/15-083.1

Burns, Crosby; Barton, Kimberly: and Kerby Sophia, 2012, The State of Diversity in Today’s Workforce, Center for American Progress, Wash. DC, 7 p.

Shrestha, Laura B. and Heisler, Elayne J., 2011, The Changing Demographic Profile of the United States, Congressional Research Service report 7-5700, Wash. DC., 36 p.

Stange, Melissa, 2016, Nine ways the workplace will be different in 2050, Business Insider Mag, http://www.businessinsider.com

Hawksworth, John; Audino, Hannah, and Clarry, Rob 2017, The long view: how will the global economic order change by 2050?, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 72 p.

Hawksworth, John and Chan, Danny, 2015, The World in 2050: Will the shift in global economic power continue?  PricewaterhouseCoopers, London UK, 46 p.

Lee, Marlene A. and Mather, Mark, 2008, U.S. Labor Force Trends, Population Bulletin, 63, 2, Population Ref. Bur., Wash. DC, 20 p.

Lowell, B. Lindsay; Gelatt, Julia; and Batalova, Jeanne, 2006,
Immigrants and Labor Force Trends: The Future, Past, and Present, Insight, vol 17, Migration Policy Inst, Wash. DC., 32 p.

Batalova, Jeanne and Fix, Michael, 2015, Through an Immigrant Lens: PIAAC Assessment of the Competencies of Adults in the U.S., Migration Policy Inst, Wash. DC., 41 p.

Toossi, Mitra, 2012, Projections of the labor force to 2050: a visual essay, Monthly Labor Review, Oct 2012, 14 p., Bur Labor Stats, Wash. DC.

Implementing Change

Uriarte, M., Ewing, H., Eviner, V., and Weathers, K., 2007.  Constructing a broader and more inclusive value system in science. BioScience, 57, 71–78.