MGPV Newsletters


Welcome to the newsletter of GSA’s Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology (MGPV) Division.  Aside from this Division website, newsletters are one important means for GSA Division leaders to communicate information to their members, and they serve as an archive for the Division.

The MGPV Division publishes two newsletters per year.  The first after GSA’s and Division’s Annual Meeting and before any elections, deadlines for abstracts, and nominations.  A second newsletter is issued a month or so before the Annual Meeting.  Newsletters will contain Division news, calls for award nominations and meeting abstracts, announcements of upcoming meetings, ballot and officer candidate information, meeting news, award acceptances, and other important news and information.

If you are a member that has email access, a notice will be sent by GSA alerting you that a new issue has been posted on the website.  Issues of the newsletter, past, present ,and future, will be available for retrieval in electronic Portable Document Format (pdf) on the Division’s website.

The MGPV Division leaders welcome your feedback to the newsletter of the Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology (MGPV) Division.