
The MGPV Division Distinguished Geological Career Award Committee is charged with recommending to the Division's Management Board in a written report the name of an individual who, in the opinion of the Committee, is deserving of the Distinguished Geologic Career Award, the MGPV Division's highest (and what GSA terms "primary") award.  The award criteria are those given in the award description page.

The MGPV Division Early Geological Career Award Committee is charged with recommending to the Division's Management Board in a written report the name of an individual who, in the opinion of the Committee, is deserving of the Early Geological Career Award. The award criteria are those given in the award description page.

The MGPV Division Nominating Committee is charged with recognizing and recruiting the most qualified individuals available to serve as officers to run the Division and to recommend to the Division's Management Board in a written report the names of individuals as candidates to stand for election to MGPV open positions.

The MGPV Division Program Committee is charged with planning the technical sessions and symposia of the Division at the Annual and Sectional Meetings of the Geological Society of America, and other external meetings.  The Program Committee members are MGPV’s representatives on GSA’s Joint Technical Program Committee (JTPC).