Info for Presenters


All speakers must pay the registration fee to speak and attend the Annual Meeting.
All sessions will take place virtually using the GSA 2020 Connects Online e-Platform.
Recorded presentations must be complete and uploaded by 11:59 p.m. EDT on 7 October 2020.

Poster Presenters

Guidelines for Recording of Presentations:

  • Full instructions, plus a template, are available to presenters in Speaker's Corner. Please read the 27 August email, titled  "To GSA Presenters: Recording Instructions" for instructions on how to access Speaker's Corner.
  • Recorded presentations are requested of all poster presentations.
  • Recordings for this meeting will be open for early viewing starting 19 October. You must be registered for the meeting to view presentations.
  • Each recorded presentation may be up to 5 minutes long. During the technical program, poster presenters also have 5-minutes for questions and answers.
  • Please read GSA's Recording policy found on this page. If you are interested in placing a graphic on your presentation to help discourage others from recording your presentation, you may download and use this graphic.
  • GSA is trying to make this meeting available to everyone and ask presenters to use closed captioning when recording their presentation.
  • Presenters with disabilities are welcome to request accommodations. If you would like to request an accommodation, please contact Tahlia Bear, GSA Career and Diversity Officer before the end of 3 September, 2020. Please include your specific request and a brief explanation. There is no need to include any documentation regarding your disability.
  • Maximum pdf slide file size accepted: 100MB.
  • A minimum 24-28 point size (or bigger)for body text is used to ensure optimal legibility.
  • Do not use animated effects, "animations," or videos within the poster.
  • Recorded presentations must be complete and uploaded by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on 7 October 2020.
  • View an example of an ePoster.

Recording Policy

GSA's Events Code of Conduct allows for recordings and photos of presentations unless the presenter has communicated that recordings are not allowed. It is the responsibility of presenters to display a "No Recording" graphic conspicuously in their slides and/or poster presentations.

Please use this downloadable graphic with your presentations if you wish to restrict recording.

Closed Captioning

To ensure accessibility and accurate closed captioning, we are asking presenters to include closed captioning on their pre-recorded presentations. If the closed captioning software misinterprets something, the presenter can re-record.

The platform will also have live auto-captioning, active only for presentations without pre-recorded closed captioning and during the live Q&A portion of the sessions.

Record Yourself Presenting (Optional)

Embed a video of yourself presenting to make your presentation more personable and approachable.

Using PowerPoint:

Using Zoom:

Oral Presenters

Guidelines for Recording of Presentations:

  • The normal length of an oral presentation is 12 minutes plus three minutes for questions and answers.
  • Please read GSA's Recording policy found on this page. If you are interested in placing a graphic on your presentation to help discourage others from recording your presentation, you may download and use this graphic.
  • GSA is trying to make this meeting available to everyone and ask presenters to use closed captioning when recording their presentation.
  • Presenters with disabilities are welcome to request accommodations. If you would like to request an accommodation, please contact Tahlia Bear, GSA Career and Diversity Officer before the end of 3 September, 2020. Please include your specific request and a brief explanation. There is no need to include any documentation regarding your disability.
  • GSA has an Attendee Toolkit web page which has some templates available for your use, or you may create your own slides.
  • Recorded presentations must be complete and uploaded by 11:59 p.m. EDT on 7 October 2020.
  • When you are ready to upload your recording, please follow the email you received dated 27 August 2020, titled "To Presenters: Recording Information." YOU MUST NAME YOUR RECORDED PRESENTATION THE SAME NAME PROVIDED TO YOU IN THE EMAIL.
    1. Open your Powerpoint presentation, or which ever program you are using.
    2. Click the “Slide Show” tab
    3. Click “Record Slide Show”
    4. Click “Record from Beginning”
    5. Make sure your microphone is engaged (lower right-hand corner of Powerpoint window)
    6. Make sure your pointer is being recorded (Right click on your PowerPoint slide; click pointer options; click arrow options; click visible)
    1. Click the red record button in the upper left hand corner of your Powerpoint presentation
    2. When you are finished with your recording, click the stop button in the upper left hand corner of your Powerpoint presentation
    3. Right click on the Powerpoint and click “End Show”
    4. Click “File” “Save As.” You must name your recorded presentation the same name provided to you in the 27 August email.
    5. To save as an "mp4" file, select MPEG-4 VIDEO when saving file. (Also acceptable are .pptx, .wmv, .fbr, and .mov files)
    6. Make sure your recording does not go over your presentation time of either 12 minutes, or 15 minutes. Please check the 27 August email for your allotted time.
    7. Play your presentation to ensure your recording turned out the way you intended
    1. Speak clearly and turn off anything that makes loud noises in the room.
    1. Click on this link:
    2. Enter the “Recipient”:
    3. Click “Verify”
    4. Click “Browse files”
    5. Select your file to upload. File must be named with name provided in 27 August email
    6. Click the “Upload” button at the bottom of the screen
    7. When the upload status bar reaches 100%, your upload is complete
    8. Close the web browser or tab
  • Download a printable version of these instructions

Abstracts Submission: Expected Behavior

Working together as a community of geoscientists, we will continue to advance the finest science in a respectable, professional manner. Authors will display integrity in disseminating their research. Presentations will adhere to the content and conclusions of abstracts, as submitted and reviewed. Listed co-authors will have made a bona fide contribution to the project. Conversely, the presenter should remain gracious by offering collaborators the opportunity for recognition as a co-author. All co-authors must be aware of their inclusion and have accepted that recognition. Presenters must be diligent in preparing a polished product that conveys high quality scholarship. Submission of an abstract implies a sincere intent to attend the meeting.