GSA takes pride in offering safe, professional, inclusive events in which participants with diverse backgrounds and points of view feel welcome and can count on being treated with dignity and respect. By attending this meeting, you agree to comply with GSA’s Events Code of Conduct and make this a Respectful, Inclusive Scientific Event (“RISE”). Here are some simple ways you can make this a positive, engaging, and welcoming experience for everyone:
GSA takes all concerns seriously and will take action against individuals found to have violated the Events Code of Conduct. Such action may include but is not limited to requiring offenders to leave the event without refund.
A land or territorial acknowledgement is a statement made that recognizes the ancestral place of Indigenous peoples who historically occupied the current institution or space. Learn more and how to make your own.
Closed captioning will be available for all technical sessions, Pardee Symposia, Feed Your Brain lectures, and the Presidential Address. Presentations will be recorded.