GSA 2020 Connects Online: Not just another video call
Watch presentations at your leisure.
Bookmark your place and return later, or stop to take notes.
Get help editing your presentation.
Our staff will work with you to polish your recording and make it shine.
Have a private chat.
Connect with colleagues, download business cards of new contacts, and send private chats.
Connect in our lounge.
Read the social media wall and general chat, and connect with friends, old and new.
Visit the Resource & Innovation Center.
Connect live with corporations, universities, Associated Societies, and Divisions.
Dive deeper into your career choices.
Learn how to craft a résumé, use USAJobs, and meet with mentors.
Honor your colleagues.
Visit the GSA Hall of Fame and see the honors and awards and our new Fellows.
Visit the GSA Headquarters Booth.
Ask questions about your membership, learn about new programs, and visit the GSA Foundation.