
The Geoarchaeology Division’s purpose is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary communication and community development among researchers and educators addressing geoscientific and archaeological questions. The division seeks to promote inclusive discussion of investigative and interpretive problems, stimulate research and teaching in human-environmental systems, and support these objectives within the framework of the Geological Society of America.


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  • Submit Your Proposals for Section Meetings

    Proposals for technical sessions, field trips, and short courses are due by 31 July 2024 for the 2025 Section Meetings.

    I've personally submitted a technical session for each of the section meetings, but would love to see more!

    Submit your proposal by 31 July!
    I'd also love to see your Field Trip and Short Course proposals!! I've submitted a field trip proposal for South Central, but as the Field Trip and Short Program Coordinator for GSA you'll have the privilege of working directly with me to see your Field Trips or Short Courses through!! ~Rebecca
  • Submit Your Abstracts!

    We'd love to see more abstracts come through for the June 18 deadline! Here are just a few sessions to consider:

    T26. The New Role of Geoscience in Archaeological Training and Demand in U.S. Cultural Resource Management (CRM)

    T27. Geoarchaeology of Landesque Capital: Current Research on Long-term Water and Soil Management

    T35. Dating the Quaternary: Development and Application of Geochronological Tools in Geomorphology and Archaeology

    T140. Myths and Misrepresentations Surrounding Cosmic Impact Claims in Paleoclimatology, Paleontology, Paleoecology, Geoarchaeology, and Quaternary Research