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Quaternary Research Center, U Washington
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Sampling Equipment
Arts Machine Shop (AMS)
Giddings Machine Company
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Radiocarbon Dating Labs and Services
Radiocarbon Information Sources
Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Group
Beta Analytic Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory
Center for Applied Isotope Studies (CAIS)
University of Georgia, Athens
Center For Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CAMS)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Geochron Laboratories
(a division of Krueger Enterprises, Inc.)
INSTAAR Laboratory for AMS Radiocarbon Research
National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Facility
(NOSAMS - Woods Hole)
Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory
Quaternary Isotope Laboratory
, University of Washington, Seattle
Other Dating Labs and Services
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
, University of Arizona.
Luminescence Dating Laboratory
Canadian Association of Palynologists World Wide Web Links
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American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists
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Archaeological Society of British Columbia
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American Quaternary Association
BARFA, the Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology Association
British Society for Geomorphology (formerly BGRG)
Canadian Association of Geographers
International Association of Geomorphologists
International Society for Archaeological Prospection
Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division, Geol Soc. America
The Society for Archaeological Sciences
Society for Historical Archaeology(SHA)
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Register of Professional Archeologists
TLTP Archaeology consortium
Underwater Archaeology Society of British Columbia
Quaternary Research
Radiocarbon Journal
Journal of Quaternary Science
Other Useful Sites
Geomorphology Listserver
: All messages sent to the GEOMORPHLIST members are screened by the moderator, Jeff Lee. To join GEOMORPHLIST, send a message to Jeff at:
. For the directory please provide the following information: your name, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, and a few keywords to specify your interests in geomorphology.
Quaternary Listserver
: A listserver for all interested in Quaternary research, particularly but not exclusively in Canada, is established through the Canadian Quaternary Association. Many items of interest to CANQUA members appear on the list. But anyone, CANQUA or otherwise, can subscribe. To subscribe send to the address
the following message: subscribe quaternary your name (e.g. subscribe quaternary Mike Mammoth). The subject category should be left blank. You should receive acknowledgement of your subscription. To sign off the list send this message to the same address: signoff quaternary. Messages to the list should be sent to:
. The listowner is Dave Liverman, Newfoundland Geological Survey, Department of Mines and Energy, P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, Newfoundland, AqB 4J6 email:
Palynology Listserver
: To join a listserver for exchange of news and information about Palynology and Pollination Biology please send e-mail message to:
with the message: subscribe polpal-l your-real-name (e.g. subscribe polpal-l Mike Mammoth). The subject category should be left blank. To post a message to this list, please send it to the address:
. The list owner is Peter Kevan at University of Guelph.
Radiocarbon Dating Listserver
: The listserver C14-L has been established for discussion of radiocarbon dating and relatedissues. To subscribe please send e-mail message to: with the following content: SUBSCRIBE C14-L Your Name, where "Your Name" is your first and last name. For further information please contact David Sewell at e-mail address:
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