2025 application deadline:
August 30th.
The Richard Hay Award is a travel grant awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student presenting a paper or poster in geoarchaeology at the annual GSA meeting. This student travel award honors Richard Hay, a long-standing member of the Geoarchaeology Division with a long and distinguished career in sedimentary geology, mineralogy, and archaeological geology. He is particularly well-known for his work at the Olduvai Gorge and Laetoli hominin-bearing sites and was awarded the Division's Rip Rapp award in 2000.
The Richard Hay Award is competitive; the Geoarchaeology Division Awards Committee selects recipients based on the scientific merit of their research topic and the clarity of their expanded paper or poster abstract. Applicants must submit their abstract to GSA by the deadline and be presenting their paper or poster in one of the Division's sessions at the annual meeting.
Materials & Information:
The application and reference forms must be emailed as attachments to gsa.agd@gmail.com. You and your reference writer will receive automatic confirmations after submitting application materials.
For more information contact gsa.agd@gmail.com.