Call for Abstracts

Submit an Abstract

Abstracts submission deadline has passed.

Abstracts Submission: Expected Behavior

The submission of an abstract implies a sincere intent to present the submitted research during the meeting. Authors and presenters are expected to display integrity in disseminating their research; adhere to the content and conclusions of abstracts as submitted and reviewed; remain gracious by offering collaborators the opportunity for recognition as a co-author; make sure that listed co-authors have made a bona fide contribution to the project, are aware of their inclusion, and have accepted that recognition; and be diligent in preparing a polished product that conveys high quality scholarship. GSA strives to promote diversity among conveners and presenters when organizing panels, keynotes, and other invitational sessions.

Submitting an Abstract

Abstracts form opens: 18 April

Submission deadline: Tues., 18 June 2024

Abstract non-refundable submission fee: GSA MEMBERS: professionals: US$60; students: US$25; NON-MEMBERS: professionals: US$80; students: US$50

Register for Connects 2024: All presenting authors (both oral and poster) will need to register for Connects 2024, in addition to paying the abstract submission fee. Learn more and register.

Read detailed guidelines on preparing your submission

Two-Abstract Rule

  • You may submit two volunteered abstracts, as long as one of the abstracts is for a poster presentation.
  • Each submitted abstract must be different in content.
  • If you are invited to submit an abstract in a Pardee Keynote Symposium, Special Session, or a topical session, the invited abstracts do not count against the two-abstract rule.

Poster Presenters

  • You will be provided with one horizontal, free-standing 8-ft-wide by 4-ft-high display board and Velcro for hanging your poster at no charge.
  • Electricity is available for a fee.
  • ALL-DAY POSTER SESSIONS: Posters will be displayed 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m., with presenting authors at their posters from 9–11 a.m. or 3:30–5:30 p.m. Presentation times will be listed in the program.
  • All poster presentations will take place in person.

Oral Presenters

The length of most oral presentations is 12 minutes plus three minutes for questions and answers. You must visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours before your scheduled presentation. All technical session rooms will be equipped with a PC Windows 10/MS Office 2013. Presentations should be prepared using a 16:9 screen ratio.