The Secretary-Treasurer coordinates communications among the various officers and GSA Headquarters, monitors Division expenditures, and prepares minutes from the Business Meeting. The term of office is two years.
Rebecca Taormina
Department of Math & Science
National Park College
Hot Springs National Park, AR
The Student Representative, Ex-Officio is a non-voting member of the Division Management Board. The student representative advises on matters concerning GSA student and early career issues, as well as Division outreach. Term of office is two years. The Student Representative is expected to attend the Annual Meeting, so the Geoarchaeology Division subsidizes their travel expenses.
Benjamin Deans
Department of Anthropology
Washington University in St Louis
St Louis, MO
The GSA Council Division Liaison is a GSA Councilor appointed by the GSA President as a communication conduit between the Division and Society administration. The division liaison is a member of the Division's management board and is welcome at all Division meetings.
Susan Stover
Kansas Geological Survey
Lawrence, KS