Info for Presenters


All speakers must pay the registration fee to speak and attend GSA Connects 2021 in Portland.
All sessions will take place at the Oregon Convention Center (OCC).

Poster Presenters

You will be provided with one horizontal, free-standing 8-ft-wide by 4-ft-high display board and Velcro for hanging your display at no charge.

Each poster booth will share a 6-ft-long by 30-inch-wide table.

Electricity is available for a fee. You can order electricity through the Oregon Convention Center.

Wi-Fi will be available in the poster hall area.

Morning Session: Posters will be displayed 9 a.m.–1 p.m., with presenters present 11 a.m.–1 p.m.

Afternoon Session: Posters will be displayed 2:30–6:30 p.m., with presenters present 4–6 p.m.

Presenters must remove their poster when the session is over.

Poster presenters have the opportunity to present their poster at the assigned booth using a TV monitor. Presenters are responsible for all fees associated with this type of presentation. If interested, contact GSA Meetings no later than 22 Sept.



GSA's Events Code of Conduct allows for recordings/photos of presentations UNLESS the presenter has communicated that recordings are not allowed. It is the responsibility of presenters who do not want to allow recordings to display a "No Recording" logo conspicuously in their slides and/or poster presentations.

Please use this downloadable graphic with your presentations if you wish to restrict recording.

Oral Presenters


The normal length of an oral presentation is 12 minutes plus three minutes for questions and answers.

You must visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours before your scheduled presentation.

All technical session rooms will be equipped with a PC using MS Office 2016.

Presentations should be prepared using 16:9 ratio.

Make the most of your presentation with tips from this article on creating better visuals.

GSA strives to provide you with top quality equipment in each of the technical session rooms. As you prepare your GSA oral presentation, please do so by using the 16:9 ratio in PowerPoint, or whichever presentation package you are using. To double-check this in PowerPoint, go to > Design > Page Setup, and make sure the "Slides Sized for" field is set to "On-screen Show (16:9)."

  • For best results, use commonly used fonts. Remember, these are rental computers, and may not support the full selection of fonts.

We strongly recommend all speakers visit the Speaker Ready Room to run through presentations in order to get comfortable with the equipment. We recommend this also to anyone who uploaded their presentation early. It's best to make sure images and fonts used in your presentation, work well on the rented conference centers equipment. Highly qualified technicians are on-hand to offer any needed assistance.

Speaker Ready Room Hours
Oregon Convention Center, C125/C126
Sat., 9 Oct. 8 a.m.–8 p.m.
Sun.–Tues., 10–12 Oct. 6:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
Wed., 13 Oct. 6:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
The Speaker Ready Room does not have internet service.


If you uploaded your presentation online, or if you were not able to submit your presentation online prior to the meeting, please bring your presentation, on a thumb drive, to the Speaker Ready Room the day before your presentation. Below is a schedule:

If Your Presentation Is On: Upload No Later Than:
Sun., 10 Oct. 8 p.m., Sat., 9 Oct.
Mon., 11 Oct. 6:30 p.m., Sun., 10 Oct.
Tues., 12 Oct. 6:30 p.m., Mon., 11 Oct.
Wed., 13 Oct. 6:30 p.m., Tues., 12 Oct.

If you have a Sunday presentation and are unable to get to the speaker ready room on Saturday, please take your presentation directly to your session room at least 30 minutes before the session is scheduled to begin.

Acceptable file types: PowerPoint (.ppt, pptx, pps, or .ppsx), Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), or PDF (.pdf). If your graphics or video clips are not embedded in your presentation, please be sure that you bring them as well. The Speaker Ready Room does not have available thumb drives, so please be sure to come prepared.

Mac users—Please Read: If your presentation was created on a Mac and converted to run on a PC, please test it before you come to the meeting. Make sure that the hyperlinks still function, and avoid using a rewritable CD (CD-RW), as we’ve encountered compatibility problems with them. If your presentation includes embedded video, your video will most likely NOT play automatically on the PC platform. You will need to either convert your .mov files to .avi format or create a link in your slide show to an external .mov file. If you choose the latter, your animation will play in a separate QuickTime window, outside of your PowerPoint presentation. THE KEYNOTE PRESENTATION SOFTWARE IS NOT SUPPORTED AT GSA CONNECTS. We strongly recommend that you test your Mac-produced presentation on a Windows-based system before coming to the meeting. If you are unable to run your Mac presentation from a PC, we will be able to accommodate you. Please talk to the technicians in the Speaker Ready Room for more information.

Abstracts Submission: Expected Behavior

Working together as a community of geoscientists, we will continue to advance the finest science in a respectable, professional manner. Authors will display integrity in disseminating their research. Presentations will adhere to the content and conclusions of abstracts, as submitted and reviewed. Listed co-authors will have made a bona fide contribution to the project. Conversely, the presenter should remain gracious by offering collaborators the opportunity for recognition as a co-author. All co-authors must be aware of their inclusion and have accepted that recognition. Presenters must be diligent in preparing a polished product that conveys high quality scholarship. Submission of an abstract implies a sincere intent to present during the meeting.