Online Program

Online Program

We are pleased to offer online options to give attendees choices for managing schedules or participating remotely.

All Pardee Keynote Symposia, Noontime Lectures, Halbouty Distinguished Lecture, and the GSA Presidential Address, along with 80+ selected topical sessions, will be live-streamed and recorded for on-demand viewing by registered attendees.

Jump to information about accessing sessions and events online


Streaming / Recorded

The following sessions will be live-streamed and recorded for on-demand viewing by registered attendees.

Sessions available online include all Pardee Keynote Symposia, Noontime Lectures, Halbouty Distinguished Lecture, and the GSA Presidential Address, along with 80+ selected topical sessions.

Each of these sessions will be broadcast via individual Zoom links. Online attendees will be able to ask questions via the chat feature, and a moderator in the room will ask their questions live to the presenter. This will also allow for online attendees to interact with other online attendees via the chat feature.

All live-streamed sessions will offer real-time English text captions. Learn more.

Session # Session Title Time (PDT)
5 T2. Cenozoic Tectonism, Magmatism, Sedimentation, and Landscape Evolution in the Intermountain West I 8 a.m.–noon
8 T27. Evolution of Earth’s Surface: Honoring Xiao-Ming Liu, Recipient of the 2021 Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division’s Early Geological Career Award 8 a.m.–noon
9 T57. Secured Groundwater towards a Sustainable Earth 8 a.m.–noon
11 T90. Biotic Interactions through Time 8 a.m.–noon
13 T108. Young Investigators in Mineralogy and Crystallography 8 a.m.–noon
14 T117. Perseverance at Jezero Crater—Characterizing an Ancient Crater Lake Basin on Mars 8 a.m.–noon
16 T127. Advances in Geomorphology: Understanding How Interactions among Climatic, Tectonic, Fluvial, and Hillslope Processes Drive Topographic Change I 8 a.m.–noon
17 T137. From the Caspian to Mediterranean: Environmental Change and Human Response during the Quaternary (INQUA IFG POCAS, IGCP 610) I 8 a.m.–noon
18 T144. Intersections of Sustainability and Geosciences 8 a.m.–noon
19 T167. The Lasting Effects of the 2020–2021 COVID-19 Crisis on Geoscience Education: Insights, Problems, and Unanticipated Benefits I 8 a.m.–noon
20 T177. Solving Paleoenvironmental Problems with Isotopes: New Advances and Ongoing Challenges in Soils and Geoarchaeology 8 a.m.–noon
  GSA Presidential Address: Minerals Matter: Science, Technology, and Society noon–1:30 p.m.
34 T2. Cenozoic Tectonism, Magmatism, Sedimentation, and Landscape Evolution in the Intermountain West II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
37 T23. The How, When, Where, and Why of Open-System Magma Processes 1:30–5:30 p.m.
38 T31. Assessing Causes, Consequences, and Time Scales of Miocene Climate and Environmental Change 1:30–5:30 p.m.
40 T50. Arsenic, Fluoride, and Other Geogenic Contaminants in Groundwater Basins: Linking Advances in Natural Sciences and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Long-Term Risk Prediction and Policy Interventions 1:30–5:30 p.m.
42 T83. Future Leaders in Paleontology 1:30–5:30 p.m.
44 T114. From the Guajira Desert to the Apennines, and from the Sardinia/Corsica Microplate to the Killer Asteroid: Honoring the Career of Walter Alvarez on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday 1:30–5:30 p.m.
45 T124. New Advances in Geobiology 1:30–5:30 p.m.
46 T127. Advances in Geomorphology: Understanding How Interactions among Climatic, Tectonic, Fluvial, and Hillslope Processes Drive Topographic Change II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
47 T137. From the Caspian to Mediterranean: Environmental Change and Human Response during the Quaternary (INQUA IFG POCAS, IGCP 610) II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
49 T167. The Lasting Effects of the 2020–2021 COVID-19 Crisis on Geoscience Education: Insights, Problems, and Unanticipated Benefits II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
50 T174. Great Geological Outcrops and Locales 1:30–5:30 p.m.
51 P1. Linking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to the Climate Crisis: Inclusive Leadership and Practice in Geoscience 2–4 p.m.
Session # Session Title Time (PDT)
63 GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division Awards Session 8 a.m.–noon
64 P2. Cordilleran Subduction Zones: Dynamics of Plate Deformation from Megathrust to Mountain Building 8 a.m.–noon
67 T21. From the Afar Rift to Alaskan Arcs (and the Oregon Plateau in between): Honoring the Career and Contributions of William K. Hart 8 a.m.–noon
68 T34. Metals for the Future: Geology of Critical and Basic Minerals for the Green Economy I 8 a.m.–noon
70 T46. Rifts, Rifted Margins, Backarcs, and Spreading Ridges: Understanding Extensional Processes across Tectonic Settings and Time Scales I 8 a.m.–noon
72 T66. New Frontiers in Cave and Karst Research: In Honor of the International Year of Caves and Karst 8 a.m.–noon
73 T81. Impacts of Volcanism on Global Climate and Oceans—Drivers of Mass Extinctions through the Phanerozoic I 8 a.m.–noon
76 T94. The Neoproterozoic Earth-Life System 8 a.m.–noon
78 T112. Exploring the Solar System in the Thermal Infrared I: A Memorial Session in Remembrance of Joshua L. Bandfield 8 a.m.–noon
79 T131. Mountain Glaciation and Climate Change of the Past and Present I 8 a.m.–noon
82 T152. Advances in Undergraduate Research and Education, Colorado Geology, and Igneous Petrology I: Celebrating the 55-Year Career of Reinhard “Bud” Wobus 8 a.m.–noon
  Halbouty Lecture:On Soil Erosion and Biogeochemical Cycling of Essential Elements 12:15–1:15 p.m.
99 P3. Geoheritage: Celebrating Our Past, Protecting Our Future 1:30–5:30 p.m.
101 T34. Metals for the Future: Geology of Critical and Basic Minerals for the Green Economy II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
102 T46. Rifts, Rifted Margins, Backarcs, and Spreading Ridges: Understanding Extensional Processes across Tectonic Settings and Time Scales II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
104 T81. Impacts of Volcanism on Global Climate and Oceans—Drivers of Mass Extinctions through the Phanerozoic II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
105 T84. Cephalopods Present and Past: Evolution, Paleoecology, and Links to Paleoenvironmental Change 1:30–5:30 p.m.
106 T96. Phylogenetic Paleobiology: Combining Evolutionary Trees and Fossils to Understand the Evolution of Life 1:30–5:30 p.m.
108 T112. Exploring the Solar System in the Thermal Infrared II: A Memorial Session in Remembrance of Joshua L. Bandfield 1:30–5:30 p.m.
109 T116. Impact Cratering in the Solar System: Remembering Nadine Barlow and H. Jay Melosh 1:30–5:30 p.m.
112 T141. Reconstruction of Quaternary Paleoenvironments at Regional and Global Scales: A Tribute to Eric C. Grimm (1951–2020) 1:30–5:30 p.m.
114 T152. Advances in Undergraduate Research and Education, Colorado Geology, and Igneous Petrology II: Celebrating the 55-Year Career of Reinhard “Bud” Wobus 1:30–5:30 p.m.
129 GSA Hydrogeology Division Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture 4–5 p.m.
Session # Session Title Time (PDT)
133 T20. Structural Geology and Tectonics Division 40th Anniversary Symposium: Drivers of Orogenesis 8 a.m.–noon
135 T37. Geologic Energy Research I 8 a.m.–noon
138 T68. Lacustrine Systems around the World I: In Honor of Michael Rosen 8 a.m.–noon
139 T71. Advances and New Voices in Marine and Coastal Geoscience I 8 a.m.–noon
140 T85. In Memory of Joanne Kluessendorf: The Winifred Goldring Award and the Promise of Women in Paleontology I 8 a.m.–noon
143 T99. Insights into Cordilleran Tectonics and Magmatism from the Sedimentary Record 8 a.m.–noon
144 T101. Broken Paradigms: Shallow-Water Deposition of Organic-Rich Facies through Earth History 8 a.m.–noon
145 T105. Reading the Record of Volcanic Tephra and Tuff in Geoarchaeological Site Studies and Drill Core Records 8 a.m.–noon
146 T120. The G.K. Gilbert Award Session I 8 a.m.–noon
147 T129. Dynamics of Huge Floods 8 a.m.–noon
  Climate Change Special Session: Earth to Economy: Accelerating Innovation for Climate Change Solutions 8:30–11:30 a.m.
165 T20. Structural Geology and Tectonics Division 40th Anniversary Symposium: Drivers of Orogenesis (Posters) 10:30 a.m.–noon
168 T7. Initiation and Evolution of Arc-Forearc Systems in Cascadia and Beyond 1:30–5:30 p.m.
170 T37. Geologic Energy Research II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
172 T68. Lacustrine Systems around the World II: In Honor of Michael Rosen 1:30–5:30 p.m.
173 T71. Advances and New Voices in Marine and Coastal Geoscience II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
175 T85. In Memory of Joanne Kluessendorf: The Winifred Goldring Award and the Promise of Women in Paleontology II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
178 T109. Life's Innovations from the Early Earth to the Search on Modern Mars I: Honoring the Career of Andrew H. Knoll 1:30–5:30 p.m.
179 T120. The G.K. Gilbert Award Session II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
183 T165. Measuring Learning in Geoscience Education 1:30–5:30 p.m.
197 Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) Awards Lectures, Presidential Address, and Annual Business Meeting 3–5:30 p.m.
198 GSA Hydrogeology Division Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecture 4:30–5:30 p.m.
Session # Session Title Time (PDT)
201 P5. Geoscience and Society: Action and Interdisciplinary Engagement on Local and Global Scales 8 a.m.–noon
202 T8. Intracontinental Tectonics and Orogeny: The Deformation, Fabric Evolution, and Mechanism 8 a.m.–noon
204 T25. Metamorphism into the 21st Century I—A Celebration of the Career of Mike Brown 8 a.m.–noon
205 T28. Groundwater–Surface Water Interactions in Streams, Lakes, and Wetlands 8 a.m.–noon
211 T74. Geoscience Approaches to Interpreting Coastal Records of Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Storms 8 a.m.–noon
213 T95. Advances in Virtual Paleontology: Applications, Digitization, and Dissemination 8 a.m.–noon
214 T109. Life's Innovations from the Early Earth to the Search on Modern Mars II: Honoring the Career of Andrew H. Knoll 8 a.m.–noon
215 T140. Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironments, and Paleoceanography of Northwestern North America 8 a.m.–noon
216 T148. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes: Delineating Biogeochemical and Metabolic Pathways Linking Environmental Exposures and Human Health 8 a.m.–noon
217 T149. Building the Workforce of the 21st Century: Understanding Diversity, Intersectionality, Ethics, and Inclusivity in the Geosciences and Implementing Transformative Change in Our Culture I 8 a.m.–noon
  Noontime Lecture: The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover in Jezero Crater 12:15–1:15 p.m.
231 T1. Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes: Geologic, Geophysical, and Modeling Constraints on Rupture Timing and Process 1:30–5:30 p.m.
233 T25. Metamorphism into the 21st Century II—A Celebration of the Career of Mike Brown 1:30–5:30 p.m.
234 T39. Engineering Geology for the Betterment of Society: Honoring the Legacy of Jerome V. De Graff 1:30–5:30 p.m.
235 T59. Effects of Carbonate Minerals on Critical Zone Characteristics and Processes 1:30–5:30 p.m.
237 T86. New Insights on Arthropod Paleobiology 1:30–5:30 p.m.
239 T109. Life's Innovations from the Early Earth to the Search on Modern Mars III: Honoring the Career of Andrew H. Knoll 1:30–5:30 p.m.
240 T115. Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars 1:30–5:30 p.m.
242 T135. Dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet 1:30–5:30 p.m.
243 T149. Building the Workforce of the 21st Century: Understanding Diversity, Intersectionality, Ethics, and Inclusivity in the Geosciences and Implementing Transformative Change in Our Culture II 1:30–5:30 p.m.
245 T173. Machine Learning for Advancing Data Analysis Toolkit in Geoscience 1:30–5:30 p.m.

Short Courses

The following short courses will be conducted online ahead of the meeting.

Short courses must be added to attendee registration. Most require an additional fee. Get short course descriptions and details.

501. Geophysics For Bedrock and Formation Mapping.
Tue., 14 Sept., 7 a.m.–11 a.m. US$35. CEU: 0.40. Limit: 50.
502. Climate Adaptation Planning for Emergency Managers.
Tue., 14 Sept., 11 a.m.–3 p.m.; Wed., 15 Sept., 11 a.m.–3 p.m. US$0. CEU: 0.80. Limit: 45.
503. Age-Depth Modeling of Sedimentary Deposits.
Wed., 15 Sept., 9 a.m.–11 a.m.; Wed., 22 Sept., 9 a.m.–11 a.m.; Wed., 29 Sept., 9 a.m.–11 a.m. US$30. CEU: 0.60. Limit: 50.
505. NASA Data Made Easy: Getting Started with Synthetic Aperture Radar.
Thu., 16 Sept., 10 a.m.–2 p.m. US$20. CEU: 0.40. Limit: 50.
506. Your Thesis is Software: Tools for the Geoscientist to Help Write Better Code, from Version Control to Test-Driven Development.
Fri., 17 Sept., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. US$10. CEU: 0.60. Limit: 50.
507. Ground-Penetrating Radar—Principles, Practice, and Processing.
Fri., 17 Sept., 7 a.m.–2 p.m. US$45. CEU: 0.70. Limit: 50.
508. From Airborne Electromagnetic Method Data to 3D Hydrogeological Conceptual Model.
Mon., 20 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m.; Tue., 21 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. US$35. CEU: 0.80. Limit: 50.
509. 3D Hydrogeological Modeling. How to Build Them and Why.
Wed., 22 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m.; Thu., 23 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. US$35. CEU: 0.80. Limit: 50.
510. Introduction to Seismic Structural Interpretation.
Fri., 24 Sept., 8 a.m.–3 p.m. US$35. CEU: 0.70. Limit: 50.
512. Find Your Voice: Hazards and Science Communication in Crisis and Calm.
Tue., 28 Sept., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. US$20. CEU: 0.40. Limit: 50.
514. An Introduction to Stratigraphic Data Analysis in R (SDAR), a Quantitative Toolkit to Analyze Stratigraphic Data.
Wed., 29 Sept., 11 a.m.–3 p.m.; Thu., 30 Sept., 11 a.m.–3 p.m. US$35. CEU: 0.40. Limit: 50.
517. Machine Learning in Geosciences: Existing and Novel Tools to Mine Geologic Data.
Fri., 1 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. US$35. CEU: 0.60. Limit: 50.
518. Forensic Geochemistry: Contaminant Sources/Release Ages and Aquifer Continuity in Soil/Groundwater Systems using Stable Radiogenic Isotopes of Strontium (Sr) and Lead (Pb).
Mon., 4 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. US$35. CEU: 0.60. Limit: 50.
519. Introduction to Structure from Motion (SfM) Photogrammetry.
Mon., 4 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. US$35. CEU: 0.60. Limit: 50.
520. Resistivity Surveying: Getting the Best and Making the Most from Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Induced Polarization Data.
Tue., 5 Oct., 7 a.m.–1 p.m. US$35. CEU: 0.60. Limit: 50.
521. New Approaches To Date Brittle and Ductile Deformation.
Tue., 5 Oct., 6 p.m.–9 p.m. US$20. CEU: 0.30. Limit: 50.
522. Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS.
Wed., 6 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. US$25. CEU: 0.60. Limit: 50.
523. Teaching Quantitative Structural Geology.
Wed., 6 Oct., 9 a.m.–3 p.m. US$20. CEU: 0.60. Limit: 50.
525. Methods and Geological Applications in Geo-Thermo-Petro-Chronology I.
Fri., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$70. CEU: 0.80. Limit: 40.
526. Methods and Geological Applications in Geo-Thermo-Petro-Chronology II.
Sat., 9 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$70. CEU: 0.80. Limit: 40.

GeoCareers Program

You must register (In-Person or Online-Only) for GSA Connects 2021 to attend these online events.

Presenters will review the fundamentals of crafting a winning résumé.

These speakers will address issues faced by women in geology. Short presentations will be followed by networking.

Visit with agency and company representatives to ask your career questions. Learn about each unique work culture and types of internships and careers available.

Learn the importance of networking to your career and meet some professionals willing to offer advice and answer questions.

Panelists from industry, government, academia, and non-traditional sectors will answer questions and offer advice in preparation for a career in these fields.

This panel will contain representatives from several non-profits who have activities of interest to early career professionals.

How to Access Online Events

Please read the following information on how to access the online and live streaming sessions, Presidential Address, special lectures, and GeoCareers events.

This information does not apply to short courses. Learn more about accessing short courses.

  • In order to access the online and live-streaming events, we are asking everyone to have an account within GSA. You do not need to be a member of GSA to have an account. You also will need to be registered for the meeting, whether you registered for in-person or online only.
  • How to sign in to the meeting: Navigate to the Meeting Program and sign in with the GSA Account ID and email address used to register for the meeting.
    • If you are not sure what your current GSA account username is, please contact Sales & Service.
  • All times for the meeting are in Pacific Daylight Time. You can adjust the time in the Meeting App by clicking on the “My Time” button in the upper left corner.
  • Please be sure to update your Zoom account for all the latest features. GSA will be utilizing Zoom for all GSA platform online events. Zoom frequently releases updates to its software, so make sure to double check that you have the most recent version. You will be able to change or modify your name that displays in Zoom once you enter a Zoom room.
  • Links to all online and live-streaming events will open for you to access 20 minutes before the event begins. There will be a purple "Join Now" button next to the event in the Meeting App.
  • We encourage participation via the chat box in Zoom for selected events and as always, please be respectful of your colleagues in all events, and follow the GSA Code of Conduct.
  • Closed Captioning will be available for all live-streamed sessions. This will be live closed captioning done by a company GSA has hired, called Visible Voices. It will not be auto-generated and/or computer generated.