Call for Abstracts

Abstracts deadline: 20 July 2021, 11:59 p.m., PDT

Submit an Abstract

Abstracts submission deadline has passed.

Submitting an Abstract

Abstracts form opens: 1 June

Submission deadline: Tues., 20 July, 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time

Abstract non-refundable submission fee: GSA MEMBERS: professionals: US$60; students: US$25; NON-MEMBERS: professionals: US$80; students: US$50

Read detailed guidelines on preparing your submission.

Two-Abstract Rule

  • You may submit two volunteered abstracts, as long as one of the abstracts is for a poster presentation;
  • Each submitted abstract must be different in content; and
  • If you are invited to submit an abstract in a Pardee Keynote Symposium or a topical session, the invited abstracts do not count against the two-abstract rule.

Poster Presenters

  • You will be provided with one horizontal, free-standing 8-ft-wide by 4-ft-high display board and Velcro for hanging your dis-play at no charge.
  • Each poster booth will share a 6-ft-long by 30-inch-wide table.
  • Electricity is available for a fee.
  • Morning Session: Posters will be displayed 9 a.m.–1 p.m., with presenters present 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
  • Afternoon Session: Posters will be displayed 2:30–6:30 p.m., with presenters present 4–6 p.m.

Oral Presenters

The normal length of an oral presentation is 12 minutes plus three minutes for questions and answers. You must visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours before your scheduled presentation. All technical session rooms will be equipped with a PC running Windows 10/MS Office 2016. Presentations should be prepared using a 16:9 screen ratio.


Abstracts Policy Statement

We are excited to be able to offer an in-person meeting at Portland this coming fall.  Following GSA Connects Online 2020, attendees expressed overwhelming enthusiasm for coming together in person as soon as would be safe and practicable. Guided by that sentiment, we have carefully structured GSA Connects 2021 as a safe, in-person meeting, with risk-free registration and online options for attendees.

GSA staff appreciate the thoughtful and respectful comments that we received about our implementation of this model.  We, along with every other society, are learning and experimenting with how meetings will be conducted in this transition year and beyond. The decisions we made reflected the best synergy between the needs and wishes of you, our community, balanced with our equally important need to meet our fiscal responsibility to members.

We all know that the world is not back to "business as usual" and that not everyone will be able to attend in person to present their research. We also know that the world is changing and that there is and will be increased demand for “hybrid” conferences, with both remote and in-person presentation options.  We aspire to that model, but it is an expensive one and we are not in a position to go there fully this year.

Please contact for consideration if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from traveling.  Requests for remote presentations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and, if accepted, speakers will be required to pre-record their presentations and register for the meeting.

We continue to strive to serve GSA members as well as the broader geoscience community to the very best of our abilities, and we are looking forward to a valuable and productive meeting experience for all participants.

Key Things to Know

  • The submission of an abstract implies a sincere intent to present the submitted research during the meeting in Portland. There will be limited options for remote oral presentations.
  • The body of your abstract must be 2000 characters or fewer, not counting spaces.
  • NEW PROCESS: SUBMITTER MUST BE PRESENTER. In order to submit an abstract to any GSA meeting, you must have a GSA account. If you do not have a GSA account, you can create one on the sign in page by clicking on the link that applies to you under "Sign In Help & First Time Users." You do not need to be a member of GSA to have an account. The abstract submittal fee is determined based on the GSA account information you enter. In order to have the correct amount charged, the presenting author must be the abstract submitter. Therefore, if you are submitting an abstract for someone else, the fee will be determined based on your member status, not theirs. GSA cannot change or update the amount the system is charging.
  • Please be patient! When submitting an abstract, the first page is slow-loading. We thank you for your patience while the page is loading.
  • If you want to edit an abstract you have submitted for this meeting, you can reenter through the User Portal link found on the Call for Papers page.
  • If you notice you have submitted your abstract to an incorrect session, please complete your abstracts submission, then notify Nancy Wright or Heather Clark to move your abstract to your preferred session.
  • When submitting an abstract to a discipline session, a list of possible topical sessions may pop-up during the submission process. This list is provided as an option for you, in case you feel your abstract might fit well into one of those sessions.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Content and Presentation

  • Please familiarize yourself with and adhere to the Events Code of Conduct for abstract publication and meeting presentation.
  • Abstracts must describe recent findings in the realms of science, pedagogy, or their applications.
  • All abstracts undergo peer review. Common reasons for rejection include dubious conclusions, questionable methodologies, poorly written prose, and incomplete or outdated information.
  • The Technical Program Committee (TPC) will attempt to honor the authors’ designations of Topical Session, Discipline, or presentation mode (oral or poster). Final assignments remain at the discretion of the Technical Program Chair (TPC). Session scheduling and presentation modes are firm once assigned.
  • AUTHORS: Again, please adhere to the Events Code of Conduct describing content, authorship, and scholarship.
  • PRESENTERS: Presenting authors can deliver two (2) abstracts during the meeting, which can consist of one (1) volunteered oral presentation and one (1) volunteered poster presentation, or two (2) poster presentations. The only exemption to this policy occurs when the presenter is also invited to give a presentation in either a Pardee Keynote Session or a Topical Session, as invited abstracts are not counted. Invited presenters will receive a PIN to exempt that abstract. If the session to which a presenting author is invited is canceled, that abstract will lose its exempted status.
  • CO-AUTHORS: You may be listed on additional abstracts as a non-presenting co-author. There is no limit to the number of abstracts one can co-author.
  • All presenting authors, including invited speakers, are responsible for paying their abstract submission fee. All presenting authors must pay their registration fees, plus any other expenses they might incur associated with the GSA meeting.
  • Acceptance notifications will be emailed 12 August, to allow sufficient time to make travel arrangements.
  • Enhance your professional reputation by submitting a refined abstract. Then, deliver an admirable presentation.