Established by Council on November 19, 1980.
Article I
Organization, Name and Purpose
Article II
Article III
Article IV
Officers and Management Board
Article V
Powers and Duties of Officers
Article VI
Committees and Division Representatives
Article VII
Article VIII
Division Awards
Article IX
Division Communications: Newsletter and Website
Article X
Rules and Amendments of the Bylaws
Article I
Organization, Name, and Purpose
This Division of The Geological Society of America, Inc., is organized in accordance with Article IX, Divisions of the Society, of the bylaws of that Society and is governed by the provisions of that article.
Name. The name of the Division is the “Structural Geology and Tectonics Division of The Geological Society of America, Inc.”
Definition. Structural geology and tectonics are the investigation of the geometry, kinematics, dynamics, and mechanics of deformation in natural earth materials at all scales. These investigations are frequently field-based, but also include remote observation, experimental and laboratory work, and computer simulations and modeling. They commonly involve other earth scientists, other scientists and/or other members of society. The investigations increase the basic understanding of geological processes and contribute to the well being of society.
Purpose. The purpose of the Division is to bring together scientists interested in structural geology and tectonics to facilitate the presentation and discussion of their research, to stimulate communication with other earth scientists, to promote research and the publication of results of structural geology and tectonic studies, and to advise and assist the officers and committees of the Society in matters pertaining to structural geology and tectonics.
Article II
Categories. Any Member, Fellow, Honorary Fellow, or Affiliate of the Geological Society of America (GSA) who is in good standing within the Society may become a member of the Structural Geology and Tectonics Division. To effect Division membership, an applicant shall express his/her desire on the GSA application or membership renewal forms and pay annual dues. All Division members in good standing are eligible to vote and to hold office in the Division.
Voting Rights. Individual Members of the Division in good standing all have full and equal voting rights and are entitled to one vote on Division matters, except as outlined in the Bylaws and in the Rules and Regulations of the. Division as described and outlined in Article VIII.
Article III
Responsibility. The Society shall be financially responsible for normal expenses of the Division. All other financial obligations or commitments of the Division must have prior approval of the Council. The Division General Fund is managed by the Society, whereas special funds and other award funds may be managed by the Geological Society of America Foundation.
Dues. The Division will collect annual dues and may collect special assessments from Division members when recommended by its Management Board and approved by a majority vote of the voting Division members at the Annual Business Meeting or by ballot.
Contributions. The Division may solicit and accept contributions of funds to be used and expended under supervision of its Management Board and subject to GSA Council approval.
Bequests. Any future bequests to the Structural Geology and Tectonics Division, and all subsequent donations to such funds, are to be kept intact and only the proceeds will be used in accordance with standard procedures of the GSA Foundation, except that the Management Board will have the power to utilize portions of the principal only in the case of a clear emergency by unanimous vote of the Management Board, or by amendment of the bylaws in accordance with established procedure.
Article IV
Officers and Management Board
Officers. The officers of the Division shall be a chair, a first vice-chair, second vice-chair, past chair, secretary-treasurer, and vice secretary-treasurer. The chair, first vice-chair, and second vice-chair shall each be elected for terms of one year. The secretary-treasurer is elected for a term of two years. The vice secretary-treasurer is elected for a term of one year to serve in the final year of the secretary-treasurer’s 2-year term. The normal progression in office is from second vice-chair to first vice-chair to chair to past chair, and from vice secretary-treasurer to secretary-treasurer. The terms of office shall begin immediately following the annual business meeting at which the results of the election are announced.
Management Board. The Management Board shall consist of the chair, first vice-chair, second vice-chair, secretary-treasurer, and the immediate past chair of the Division. Ex-Officio members are the vice secretary-treasurer and the student representative(s).
The management of the affairs and the property of the Division shall be the responsibility of the Management Board of the Division. The management of the Division shall be in accordance with the bylaws of the Society. The Management Board shall report annually on Division activities in accordance with the Society’s and Division’s procedures.
Election of Officers. The nominating committee of the Division shall nominate two candidates every year for the office of second vice-chair and every two years for the office of vice secretary – treasurer. When approved by the Division Management Board, these nominations shall become the regular ballot and shall be submitted by the chair of the Division to the Division representative of GSA, who shall prepare and distribute a ballot that will have space for write-in nominees to the voting members of the Division.
Student representative, Ex-Officio. The Division may elect, or the Management Board may appoint, one or two student representatives as ex-officio non-voting member(s) of the Division Management Board. The student(s) may be an undergraduate or graduate student. Student representatives shall serve a one-year term, which may be renewed by the Management Board.
Removal of a Management Board Officer. Any officer of the Division who fails to perform the duties prescribed in the bylaws and procedures, or who is convicted of a felony, or who brings discredit to the GSA or the Division in any way, may be removed from office by a unanimous vote of the other members of the Management Board of the Division. Any officer of the Division may make a motion for the removal of any other officer of the Division. The officer who is the subject of a removal motion will be provided an opportunity to present arguments against removal prior to any vote on the motion. Officers deemed to no longer be in good standing by the Society are by default no longer eligible to serve and shall be removed from the Division Management Board without further proceedings.
Qualifications. Nominees and officers must be members in good standing of the Society.
Election Procedures. The election of officers shall be in accordance with the election procedures of the Society and shall be under the supervision of the Society. All provisions governing the election of officers of the Society that are applicable to the Division shall govern the election of officers of the Division. In the event of a tied vote for elected office, the Management Board shall decide the winner.
Re-election. No person shall be eligible to serve more than one consecutive term of office except in extreme emergency and with the unanimous approval of the Management Board of the Division and the president of the Society. Normally, these offices are only held once by any person. In accordance with Article VI, Section 3 of the bylaws of the Society, the chair and vice-chair shall not be eligible for re-election to their respective offices until at least three (3) years have elapsed from the expiration of their terms of office.
Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring during the term of any elected officer of the Division shall be filled by appointment of the Management Board, and such appointee shall serve until the next annual business meeting of the Division.
Expenses of the Management Board. No member of the Management Board may be reimbursed from the funds of the Division for their travel expenses for attending meetings of the Division. The Management Board may authorize expenses for attendance of any member of the Division, including members of the Management Board, for attendance at the annual Division chairs' meeting of the Society or for other functions of the Society or Division as deemed appropriate. Travel expenses may be paid for by the Division upon authorization of the Management Board for any special function of the Division, such as a distinguished lecture series, or any meeting or function deemed in the best interest of the Division by the Management Board.
Appointed Members of the Management Board. A Council Liaison to the Division is appointed by the President of the Geological Society of America.
Article V
Powers and Duties of Officers (Management Board)
Management Board. The property and affairs of the Division shall be managed by the Management Board as defined in Article IV, and Division procedures.
Chair. The chair shall preside at the annual meetings of the Division and meetings of the Management Board. The chair shall submit a report to the Management Board of the activities of the Division during his/her term of office and on future plans. The chair shall arrange for issuance of notices of all Division and Management Board meetings and of election results.
First Vice-Chair. The first vice-chair shall assume the powers and duties of the chair in the event of the temporary absence or disability of the chair. Such absence or disability is to be determined by a majority vote of the Management Board. The first vice-chair nominates the Division representative to the Joint Technical Program Committee (JTPC) for the annual meeting and is the liaison between the JTPC representatives and the Management Board.
Second Vice-Chair. The second vice-chair shall assume the chair whenever both the chair and the first vice-chair are not available. Such absence or disability is to be determined by a majority vote of the Management Board.
Secretary-Treasurer. The secretary-treasurer shall act as secretary of the Management Board and shall keep and archive the records of the Division. He/she shall liaise with GSA headquarters and shall serve, ex officio, as a member of all committees. The secretary-treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds of the Division and shall keep records of all receipts and disbursements and other financial transactions of the Division. The secretary-treasurer shall account to the Geological Society of America Council for all funds advanced by the Geological Society of America.
Vice- Secretary-Treasurer. The vice-secretary-treasurer shall assume the secretary-treasurer position whenever the secretary-treasurer is not available. Such absence or disability is to be determined by a majority vote of the Management Board.
Past Chair. The past chair shall serve as an advisor to the chair, and is the chair of the Nominations Committee.
Council Liaison to Division. The Council Liaison to the Division is an ex-officio member of the Management Board. He/She shall have no voting privileges on proceedings of the Management Board.
Student Representative/Member. The student representative(s) shall advise on matters concerning student and early career issues of GSA members, as well as Division outreach to a young audience via social media.
Article VI
Committees and Division Representatives
Formation of Committees. The chair of the Division, with the concurrence of the Management Board, shall establish any committees that are required to help the Division function effectively. All committee members, including the committee chair, shall be appointed by the chair of the Division with advice of the Management Board, unless required otherwise in these Bylaws. Only the chair of the committee need be a member of the Division, but all committee members must be members of either the Geological Society of America or an Associated Society. The Division secretary-treasurer shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of every committee. Members of the Management Board are not normally appointed as committee members.
Program Committee. The program committee will plan and arrange for the technical sessions of the Division at the annual meeting and such other programs as may be directed by the Management Board. The first vice-chair of the Division shall nominate the Division's representative to Council's Joint Technical Program Committee. The Management Board approves the nomination. Once approved, the JTPC shall represent the Division in consultation with the first vice chair as needed. JTPC representatives are selected two years prior to the annual meeting for which they will have the responsibility of initiating and coordinating the program. In the first year of service, the future JTPC assists the current JPTC in planning the annual meeting and in doing so, learns the process.
Nominating Committee. The nominating committee shall nominate candidates annually for chair, first vice-chair, and second vice-chair. The first vice-chair and second vice-chair run unopposed for the chair and first vice-chair offices, respectively. Two candidates are nominated to run for the second vice-chair office. The committee will nominate two candidates every other year for vice secretary-treasurer. The following year, the vice secretary-treasurer will run unopposed for the secretary-treasurer office. The nominees must be members of the Structural Geology and Tectonics Division. The nominating committee chair is the Division past chair.
Career Contribution Award Committee. The CCA committee is responsible for selecting the winner of the Career Contribution Award. The recommended awardee is approved by the Division Management Board.
Outstanding Publication Award Committee. The Outstanding Publication Award will be considered annually in accordance with the bylaws of the Society. The award is made to the author or authors of a published work (paper, book, or map) of exceptional distinction that clearly advances the science of structural geology and/or tectonics.
Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award. This research grant promotes research combining structural geology and diagenesis, and curriculum development in structural diagenesis. Graduate students, postgraduate researchers, and faculty are eligible.
Other Committees. The Division Chair, with the approval of the Management Board, may appoint other committee chairs. Appointment of committee members will be the responsibility of the respective committee chairs.
Responsibility. The chair of each committee shall report the activity of the committee during the preceding year to the Management Board in a timely manner. Reports, recommendations, or other actions by appointed committees, other than the Nominating Committee, shall be subject to the approval of the Management Board, and shall be summarized in the annual report of the Management Board. The Secretary - Treasurer of the Division shall report appropriately to the Executive Director of the Society if the attention or action of the Council is required.
Tenure. Committee appointments shall expire at the close of the next annual meeting of the Division, unless otherwise specified. Vacancies on committees may be filled by interim appointment at any time by the committee chair. Committee members may be reappointed to serve a maximum of three years.
Committee Vacancies. Vacancies on committees may be filled by interim appointments at any time by the committee chair, with the approval of the Division chair. Vacancies of committee chairs may be filled by appointment of Division chair.
Division Representatives. In order to facilitate effective communication and interaction between the Division and other components of the Geological Society of America and (or) other related scientific societies, the chair may appoint, at his/her discretion, with advice of the Management Board, members in good standing of the Division, to serve as representatives to these other entities. The responsibilities and the terms of these Division appointees shall be defined when created and recorded in guidelines in the Division Rules and Procedures Handbook.
Article VII
Annual Business Meeting. The annual business meeting of the Division shall be held during the annual meeting of the Society. Awards and other special recognition by the Division shall be presented at this meeting.
Meetings of the Management Board. The Management Board shall meet in person during the annual meeting of the Society prior to the annual business meeting of the Division. Special meetings of the Management Board may be called at any time by the Division chair or by a majority of the officers. Meetings of the Management Board may be conducted in person, by telephone, by correspondence, by e-mail, or by any combination of means of communication that the chair may direct.
Standing and ad hoc Committee Meetings. While in-person meetings of these committees are desirable, meetings may be conducted in person, by telephone, by correspondence, by e-mail, or by any combination of means of communication that the committee chair may direct.
Special Meetings. The chair, with the concurrence of the Management Board, may call a special meeting of the members of the Division at any time and place. Special meetings of the Management Board may be called at any time by the Division chair or by a majority of the officers. Special meetings of the Management Board may be conducted in person, by telephone, correspondence, e-mail, or by any combination of means of communication that the chair may direct.
Quorum. A simple majority of the officers of the Division shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the membership of the Division or of the Management Board. At any meeting of any committee, the committee members present shall constitute a quorum. Any meeting may proceed or be adjourned without the presence of a quorum, but any vote or action taken during or as a result of any meeting shall be considered legal and binding only if a quorum is present.
Technical Sessions. Technical sessions of the Division shall be held during the annual and regional meetings of the Society. Cooperative meetings with other societies, or other special programs, may be held at any time, subject to the approval of the Management Board. The participation of non-members of the Society who are engaged or interested in the relationship and engagement of the geological sciences with the broad interests of general society shall be encouraged at all technical sessions.
Symposia. Research symposia of the Division shall be held during the annual meeting of the Society and may be held during regional meetings. The Division’s program committee will appoint symposia chairs. The symposia chairs and the program committee will determine symposia topics.
Informal Meetings. The Management Board and program committee may schedule informal research meetings during the annual and regional meetings of the Society.
Open Meeting Rule. All in-person meetings of the board or committees of the Division shall be open to Division members who wish to observe all or part of the proceedings. Observers may participate in the proceedings only upon invitation of the person presiding over the meeting.
Scientific Sessions. Technical sessions, research symposia, or other types of special programs of the Division can be held during both the annual and section meetings of the Geological Society of America and meetings of the Adhering Associated Societies or other societies at any time, subject to the approval of the Management Board. The participation of non-members of the Society who are engaged or interested in relevant areas shall be encouraged at all scientific sessions.
Article VIII
Division Awards
Primary Award. The Division shall sponsor no more than one primary award to be presented at the annual GSA meeting. The primary award will be the Career Contribution Award that will be considered annually in accordance with the bylaws of the Society. The award is made to an individual who throughout her/his career has made numerous distinguished contributions that clearly advanced the discipline of structural geology and/or tectonics. Nomination for the Career Contribution Award will be solicited from current Division members. The awardee will be selected by the Career Contribution Award committee and approved by the Division Management Board. The final award recipient name will be sent to GSA for ratification at the GSA Spring Council meeting, no later than 1 April. The award will be presented at the annual business meeting of the Division at the annual GSA meeting.
Other Awards. The Division may sponsor other awards, recognitions, and grants as approved by the Management Board.
The Outstanding Publication Award will be considered annually in accordance with the bylaws of the Society. The award is made to the author or authors of a published work (paper, book, or map) of exceptional distinction that clearly advances the science of structural geology or tectonics. Nomination for the Outstanding Publication Award will be solicited from current Division members. The awardee will be selected by the Outstanding Publication Award committee and approved by the Division Management Board. The final award recipient names will be sent to GSA no later than 1 August. The award will be presented at the Annual Meeting.
The Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award is a research grant that promotes research combining structural geology and diagenesis, and curriculum development in structural diagenesis. The award highlights research on disciplinary boundaries between structural geology and sedimentary petrology. Graduate students, postgraduate researchers, and faculty are eligible. Administration of this award is done annually with the Sedimentary Geology Division. The selection committee comprises the First Vice-Chairs of the Structural Geology and Tectonics Division and the Sedimentary Geology Division, and one other person from each Division. The final award recipient names will be sent to GSA no later than 1 August.
Article IX
Division Communications: Newsletter and Website
The Division will communicate with its own members, other members of the Geological Society of America, and members of the Adhering Associated Societies. Communication of the Division shall be structured in such a manner so that the Adhering Associated Societies can easily share their activities with the Division.
The Division shall have a newsletter published on a regular basis as prescribed by the Management Board, which shall be distributed to all Division members by means determined by the Management Board. The newsletter editor shall be appointed by the Management Board and shall serve at the discretion of the Management Board.
The Division shall maintain a website linked to the Geological Society of America’s Division web page. The Management Board may, at its discretion, appoint a Division web manager to maintain the Division website. If the Management Board appoints a web manager, the web manager shall serve at the discretion of the Management Board.
Article X
Rules and Amendments of the Bylaws
The Management Board of the Division, by a majority vote, may adopt, rescind, or amend rules supplementing the bylaws. These are contained in a written Division Rules and Procedures Handbook (on the Division website). Changes in the Handbook, other than those proposed and adopted by the Management Board, may be proposed by any committee or member of the Division. These proposed changes must be received electronically or in writing by the secretary-treasurer of the Division at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting to be considered by the Management Board.
Subject to ratification by the Council, bylaws of the Division may be adopted, rescinded, or amended by majority vote of the voting members of the Division. A ballot vote proposing a change of the bylaws shall be held if favored by a majority of the Management Board or if petitioned by ten percent of the voting members of the Division. Such a vote shall be supervised by the Society and held in accordance with the procedures of the Society.
Bylaws amended on May 3, 1984, November 7, 1984, November 12, 1986, October 28, 1992, and May 13, 1994;
October 1, 2007 – Language amended to conform with new GSA policy on who is eligible to vote and hold office.
October 31, 2007 – Council approval of procedural changes and establishment of Division “rules and regulations” document.
April 29, 2011 – Council approval of bylaw changes – Amended to reflect change in name of the Outstanding Publication Award, changing the due date for the annual report, and other minor modifications.
October 26, 2013 – Article IV, added item 2 Student Representative to the Management Board; Article VI named changed to Duties of Officers and Management Board, added item 5. Student representative.
Fall 2018 to summer 2019: major changes to bylaws to add elements from the new GSA bylaws template; changes were made to Program committee and Nominating committee for procedures that were followed for many years that differed from the bylaws. Changes were made for the new vice secretary-treasurer position. Many minor changes were made for clarification.
Past versions of Division Bylaws (PDF format)