Laurence L. Sloss Award

The Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology is given annually to a sedimentary geologist whose lifetime achievements best exemplify those of Larry Sloss—i.e., achievements that contribute widely to the field of sedimentary geology and service to the Geological Society of America. The Sedimentary Geology Division’s management board will choose the recipient from two nominees selected by the nominations committee, and the award will be presented at the GSA Annual Meeting. Monies for the award are derived from the annual interest income of the Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology Fund, administered by the GSA Foundation.

Laurence L. Sloss Award

Lynn Soreghan, the Edward L. McCollough Chair and David L. Boren Professor at the University of Oklahoma is the recipient of the 2024 Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology in honor of her career contributions to sedimentary geology and GSA. 

Above: Lynn Soreghan, 2024 Lawrence L. Sloss Award Recipient


Past Awardees

2023 - Dr. Nicholas Christie-Blick
2022 - Dr. Judith Parrish
2021 - Dr. Sidney R. Hemming
2020 - Dr. Carlton Brett
2019 - Dr. Marjorie Chan
2018 - Dr. Kenneth G. Miller
2017 - Dr. Isabel P. Montanez
2016 - Dr. Tim Lowenstein 
2015 - Dr. Jody Bourgeois
2014 - Dr. Christopher Paola 
2013 - Dr. Fred Read 
2012 - Dr. Gail M. Ashley 
2011 - Dr. John P. Grotzinger 
2010 - Dr. Hugh C. Jenkyns
2009 - Dr. Raymond V. Ingersoll 
2008 - Dr. Peter G. DeCelles 
2007 - Dr. Michael A. Arthur 
2006 - Dr. Gerald M. Friedman
2005 - Dr. Theresa E. Jordan  
2004 - Dr. James Lee Wilson 
2003 - Dr. Robert J. Weimer
2002 - Dr. Allison R. "Pete" Palmer  
2001 - Dr. Robert H. Dott, Jr. 
2000 - Dr. George D. Klein 
1999 - Dr. William R. Dickinson 

Do you know a colleague who is particularly deserving of the Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology? 

Please consider possible nominations and submit materials electronically by 15 February to the Sedimentary Geology Division Secretary-Treasurer Joel Saylor.

Required nomination materials include:
(1) a cover letter describing nominee’s accomplishments in sedimentary geology and contributions to GSA,
(2) a curriculum vitae, and
(3) any additional supporting letters

We would also like to encourage everyone to make a tax-deductible contribution to support the Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology Fund, please contact Debbie Marcinkowski at or give online.

Rules and Procedures

1) Sloss Award Committee. The Sloss Award Committee will consist of six Sedimentary Geology Division members. The Committee is appointed by the Division chair and will consist of two individuals who will staggerd 3-year rotations. In 2000 and subsequent years, two individuals will be appointed by the Division Chair for three-year terms; one of these individuals will be the previous year's recipient, if that person is willing to serve. The Chair of the Committee will be selected by the Division Chair.

2) Nominations Procedures. Nominations will be from the Division membership at large, and should consist of a letter describing the Nominee's accomplishments in the field of sedimentary geology and contributions to GSA, as well as a Curriculum Vita. Nominations should be forwarded to the Division Secretary-Treasurer, who will forward the dossiers to GSA Headquarters for copying and dissemination to the Sloss Awards Committee. The Nominee need not be a member of the Division or of GSA, but must have made valuable contributions to the Society. The dossiers of nominees who did not receive the award in any given year will be retained and considered for two succeeding years; thus, nominations are valid for a total of three years. Updated information for carry-over candidates may be sent to the Division Secretary-Treasurer during the ordinary call for nominations. Sloss Award Committee members are encouraged to initiate nominations for the Award.

3) Recipient Selection. The Sloss Award Committee may use whatever means they deem appropriate to select two candidates, whose names will be forwarded to the Management Board of the Sedimentary Geology Division. The Management Board will then determine, by simple majority vote, the recipient. The recipient will be confirmed by majority vote of the GSA Council.

4) The Award. The Award will consist of a certificate and a cash award of $1000. The Award will be presented at the Division Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. The citationist will normally be the nominator, or other individual selected by the recipient in consultation with the Division Chair.

5) Endowment. The financial portion of the Award will be supported by an endowment held by the GSA Foundation. Contributions may be made to "Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology Endowment Fund."

6) Timetable. The normal timetable for recipient selection will be as follows:
- Fall: Appointment of new members to the Sloss Award Committee
- Fall-Winter: Solicitation of nominations
- 15 February: Deadline for nominations
- 15 March: Sloss Award Committee presents two candidates to the Management Board
- 1 April: Management Board selects the recipient and forwards the name to GSA Council
- Second week of May: GSA Council votes on approval of recipient
- Late October or early November: Presentation of Award at the Division Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony (in connection with the Annual Meeting)