Student Poster Awards

Submit your abstract for the Student Research Poster Competition here.

Awards are presented to students that presented posters during the student poster sessions at the annual meeting. Students need to attend the Sedimentary Geology Division business meeting and awards reception to find out if they won and to claim their award.  Awards are co-sponsored by SEPM.

2023 SEPM-SGD Outstanding Student Poster winners

  • Natalee Weis (Montana State U.): Younger than anticipated maximum depositional ages of sandstones found in the Great Valley Forearc Basin reveal lengthened unconformity between the Coast Range Ophiolite and basal Great Valley Group, Del Puerto Canyon California, USA
  • Joe Clevenger (Utah State U.) Newly identified microbialite reefs on the Grand Canyon Cambrian Tonto Group
  • Briana McMaster Smith (Northern Arizona U.) Comparative geochemistry and stratigraphy of Eocene lake deposits, southwest Wyoming
  • Joshua Malone (U. of Texas) Unmixing sediment sources of the Carboniferous Ansilta Formation of the Calingasta-Uspallata Basin, western Argentina

Previous Student Poster Awardees

2022: Sophie Black , Jack Fekete, Chandler La Duke, Austin McGlannen

2019: Eliel Anttila, Anthony Edgington, Richard Hess, Taylor Kelln

2018: Daniel S Coutts, Asmara Lehrmann, Joshua R. Malone, Mingyu Yang

2017: Tadasse Alemu, Paul Dohm, Nicholas Fedorchuk, Charlie Y.C. Zang

2016: Rachel Fliflet, Angela Norman, Nicholas David Risedorf, Cody Stopka

2015: Carson Ames, Kristin Chilton, Christopher Connell, Evan Jones

2014: Alexa Goers, Robert Mahon, Maya Stokes, Tyler Winkler

2012: Samantha Taylor, Elizabeth Heness, Marcelina Labaj, David Malone

2009: Holly Buehler, Christopher Cassle, Eli Erickson, Katherine Murray, Michelle Olson
