

4 Members; Chair, 1 year; First Vice-Chair, 1 year; Second Vice-Chair, 1 year; Secretary-Treasurer, 2 years

Management Board:
5 Members; consists of the Division officers & the Chair of the preceding year


Patricia Coorough Burke

Milwaukee Public Museum

First Vice-Chair

Philippe Claeys

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Second Vice-Chair

Kerry Macgruder

University of Oklahoma


Christopher L Hill

Boise State University

Past Chair

Patricia Bobeck

Student Member Anna Whitaker

Terms of office shall begin immediately following the annual business meeting and extend through the next annual business meeting. The nominating committee of the division shall nominate candidates annually for chair, first vice-chair, and second vice-chair, and every two years for secretary-treasurer.


The annual business meeting of the Division is held during the annual meeting of the Society.

JTPC Representatives

Renee Clary History & Philosophy of Geology Division Representative (12/1/2012 - present)
Patricia Coorough Burke  History & Philosophy of Geology Division Representative (12/1/2023 - 11/30/2025)


Web Manager

Will Parcell
Wichita State University