Press & Media Toolkit

Media Toolkit

Use these resources to help you cover GSA Connects 2024.

About GSA Connects 2024

GSA Connects 2024 will be held from 22–25 September 2024 in Anaheim, California, USA, offering a diverse event for the geoscience community. The meeting will feature cutting-edge technical sessions, professional education opportunities, and networking events. Attendees will have access to special lectures, receptions, and exhibits. Thousands of geoscience professionals are expected to attend, providing a unique opportunity for press and media to cover the latest advancements, trends, and collaborations in the field of geoscience.

About the Geological Society of America

The Geological Society of America (GSA), founded in 1888, is a global scientific society with members from academia, government, and industry in more than 100 countries. Through its meetings, publications, and programs, GSA enhances the professional growth of geoscientists at all career levels, encourages cooperative research among earth, life, planetary, and social scientists, fosters public dialogue on geoscience issues, and promotes the geosciences in the service of humankind. GSA is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, USA.



You may use these logos to represent the meeting and GSA.







Check Back Soon

Please check back here for more press and media resources as the meeting approaches.