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Be sure to follow GSA on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X, formerly known as Twitter, so you can stay up-to-date on GSA Connects 2023 speakers, events, workshops, and more.
Help spread the word about how great #GSA2023 will be! By sharing the messages from this toolkit with your professional network, we will reach a broader audience and make this the best meeting possible.
Join me and thousands of other geoscientists from around the world at #GSA2023 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA from 15–18 Oct! I'm excited to attend the premier geoscience meeting and learn the latest research, expand my network, and explore the Resource & Innovation Center.
I'm counting down the days until GSA Connects 2023! Register now to join me at #GSA2023 in Pittsburgh to get connected to the geoscience community. I can't wait to see you there!
I’m excited to attend #GSA2023 in just a few months! GSA Connects 2023 is the best place to develop my professional skills, network with passionate scientists, and honor colleagues at awards ceremonies. Don’t miss out and join me in Pittsburgh!