
GeoCareers Program Schedule



Exploring a Career in the Minerals Industry


2019 GSA First Time Attendee Orientation
Learn how to get the most out of your first GSA Annual Meeting! GSA's Student Advisory Council will cover general information, highlight special events, discuss best practices, and answer any questions you may have.


Geoscience Careers in the Petroleum Industry



GeoCareers Center Events

PCC, 124AB North Building

Students, early career professionals, and mentors are welcome. Post or view jobs, receive career information, or attend one of our presentations.

Mentoring will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Show up early to secure your 30-minute consultation.

What's Your Problem, What's Your Point Publishing Workshop, 11:30 a.m.–2 p.m.

Social Media for Scientists – Lecture, 2–3 p.m.

Social Media for Scientists – Lab, 3–4 p.m.

Selling Yourself at GSA: Learn how to network and leave a lasting impression., 4–5:30 p.m.

This informal gathering begins with remarks from a few key women speakers who will address issues faced by women in geology. A networking session follows, providing time for sharing ideas and getting to know other women geoscientists.

Special GeoCareers Events

If you are entering the job market, supporting someone who is, or just want more information on the types of non-academic geoscience careers in industry or with the federal government, you’ll want to attend this series of events. Registration is not required but is recommended in order to receive communications about the event’s line-up. Sign-up on your Annual Meeting registration form to indicate your interest.

Before you jump into the job-search process, gain an understanding of the current geoscience workforce data, including salary, employment trends, and projections. Presenters will also review the fundamentals of crafting a winning résumé and how to best utilize the USAJOBS database for applications for federal employment.

Hear presentations from sponsoring companies to learn more about types of positions, where recruitment happens, and work culture. Participating companies include Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Hess Corporation, Newmont Goldcorp, and more.

Representatives from government and industry sectors will answer questions and offer advice in preparation for a career in these fields.

See Panelists Bios and Panelists' Answers to Commonly Asked Questions.

Visit agency and company booths to ask your career questions. Learn about each unique work culture and types of internships and careers available. Participants include Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Hess Corporation, Newmont Goldcorp, and more. Look for the GeoCareers logo to identify participating companies and agencies.


GeoCareers Center Events

PCC, 124AB North Building

Students, early career professionals, and mentors are welcome. Post or view jobs, receive career information, or attend one of our presentations.

This informal gathering will include remarks from representatives of several non-profits who have activities of interest to early career professionals. There will be time for networking and sharing ideas on how these organizations can best serve you.

Review will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Show up early to secure your 30-minute consultation. Bring two copies of your résumé.

If you would like to volunteer to review résumés sign-up here.

Early Career Perspectives: Careers in Oil and Gas, 10 –11 a.m.

Mentoring will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Show up early to secure your 30-minute consultation.

This reception provides students and early career professionals with an exciting opportunity to network with more than 40 geoscience professionals. The mentors will answer questions, offer advice about career plans, and comment on job opportunities within their fields.

Early Career Perspectives: Landing a Job in Environmental Consulting, 1–1:45 p.m.

Want to see what other Geology Clubs are up to? Join the Geology Club Meet-Up and chat with other representatives about their activities, goals, and accomplishments.

Film: Can We Talk? Difficult Conversations with Underrepresented People of Color: Sense of Belonging and Obstacles to STEM Fields, 3:30–5 p.m.

Other GeoCareers Events

Location: Hall E North Building

Visit agency and company booths to ask your career questions. Learn about each unique work culture and types of internships and careers available. Participants include Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Hess Corporation, Newmont Goldcorp, and more. Look for the GeoCareers logo to identify participating companies and agencies.

Location: Mancuso's Restaurant (201 E. Washington St.)

This student luncheon features a panel of mentors representing a variety of colleges, universities, museums, and government agencies.


GeoCareers Center Events

PCC, 124AB North Building

Students, early career professionals, and mentors are welcome. Post or view jobs, receive career information, or attend one of our presentations.

Review will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Show up early to secure your 30-minute consultation. Bring two copies of your résumé.

If you would like to volunteer to review résumés sign-up here.

Early Career Perspectives: A Career with the National Park Service, 10–10:30 a.m.

Mentoring will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Show up early to secure your 30-minute consultation.

Early Career Perspectives: A Career in a State Survey, 10:30–11 a.m.

Internships and Research Experiences, 11 a.m.–12 p.m.

Careers in Geoscience Education Brown Bag, 12–1 p.m.

Early Career Perspectives: Working in National Labs, 1–2 p.m.

Early Career Perspectives: Careers with the Federal Government, 2:30–3:30 p.m.

Early Career Perspectives: Working in Museums, 3:30–4 p.m.

Other GeoCareers Events

Location: Hall E North Building

Visit agency and company booths to ask your career questions. Learn about each unique work culture and types of internships and careers available. Participants include Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Hess Corporation, Newmont Goldcorp, and more. Look for the GeoCareers logo to identify participating companies and agencies.

Location: PCC, North Ballroom 120BC, North Building

In a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere, this gathering will begin with an opening presentation from a well-distinguished hydrogeologist from the private sector. After the opening presentation hydrogeologists from a variety of career fields, including industry, government and academia are available for individuals to network, share ideas, ask questions, and discuss careers in hydrogeology. This year we will also have mentors joining us from the Environmental and Engineering Division.

Location: PCC, North Ballroom 120BC, North Building

Immediately following the Birdsall-Dreiss Lecture, this student reception provides time for individuals to network, share ideas, ask questions, and discuss careers in hydrogeology. This event includes the popular trivia competition.

Location: The Park, 3 S. 2nd St. #114

This student-only member event will bring together young scientists from both divisions to bond and network over shared interests.

Location: Sheraton, Ahwatukee A

Come meet and socialize with other geologists who are members of the LBGTQ and allied community for a night of good company. Cash bar available.


GeoCareers Center Events

PCC, 124AB North Building

Students, early career professionals, and mentors are welcome. Post or view jobs, receive career information, or attend one of our presentations.

Review will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Show up early to secure your 30-minute consultation. Bring two copies of your résumé.

If you would like to volunteer to review résumés sign-up here.

Other GeoCareers Events

Location: Hall E North Building

Visit agency and company booths to ask your career questions. Learn about each unique work culture and types of internships and careers available. Participants include Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Hess Corporation, Newmont Goldcorp, and more. Look for the GeoCareers logo to identify participating companies and agencies.