The Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH – ) provides a community for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas for inter-disciplinary research with diverse expertise from fields including biology, engineering, geology, hydrology, epidemiology, chemistry, medicine, nutrition and toxicology. SEGH supports a network of early career researchers (ECRs) with a mentorship program and targeted training at conferences. SEGH also benefits from a cohort of established scientists as a Fellowship group to support the international board which has sections in Europe, Asia/Pacific, Africa and the Americas.
SEGH has its own dedicated journal in Environmental Geochemistry and Health (Springer Nature – IF 3.25, 2018). Activities generally involve an annual international conference which ideally rotates between the regions, with smaller supported symposia headed by SEGH members to maintain interaction with members.
For 2020, two international conferences were planned for Kenya in July and China in November. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Kenya conference has been delayed and will most likely move to early 2021. We are hopeful that the Nanjing conference will go ahead. As we approach the 50th anniversary of SEGH in 2021, conferences will likely include the revised date for Kenya, as well as Portugal in July 2021, a smaller workshop in Vancouver for August with plans currently in discussion for late 2021 through to 2022. The formats normally follow 3 days of lectures, with 2 sessions for posters which are accompanied by nano-presentations of 90 seconds, which injects energy into the audience after a long day of talks. In addition, field trip with an appropriate theme coupled with a cultural experience rounds off the conference.
New members are always welcome to SEGH to build further on the diverse expertise and geographical reach.