Mission of the Geology and Health Division


The Geology and Health Division is concerned with the intersection of geological conditions, whether natural or anthropogenic in origin, with health, disease, pathology and death in modern and fossil humans, animals and plants. The interests of the Geology and Health Division focus on geology and its interdisciplinary relationship to medicine, biology, chemistry, and other sciences. The Geology and Health Division will work to:

  1. bring together an interdisciplinary range of scientists and practitioners interested in these issues;
  2. facilitate the presentation and discussion of relevant problems and ideas;
  3. promote research and the publication of results of relevant studies;
  4. cooperate with other divisions and the sections of the Society and with other scientific organizations in fostering, aiding, furthering, and promoting research in relevant areas;
  5. foster recognition of significant contributions and achievements;
  6. encourage and mentor students interested in related issues; and
  7. advise and assist the officers and committees of the Society in matters pertaining to the interests of the members of the Geology and Health Division.