Secretary/Treasurer - Abhishek RoyChowdhury
Navajo Technical University
I am an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Natural Resources at Navajo Technical University (NTU), New Mexico. I received my BS in Biology, and MS in Environmental Science both from the University of Calcutta, India. I earned my PhD in Environmental Management from Montclair State University, New Jersey. I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey. My research expertise lies in the field of environmental clean-up and remediation with special emphasis on abandoned mine site remediation, water and wastewater treatment, and development of environmental-friendly “green” approaches for treatment of heavy metals from contaminated soil and water. My ongoing research projects are funded by USDA, NSF, NASA, U.S. Department of Interior- Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement, U.S. Department of Interior- Bureau of Indian Affairs, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and First Americans Land-Grant Consortium.
Often compared in size to the state of West Virginia, the Navajo Nation, the largest Native American Tribe of the U.S., has an area of over 27,000 square miles. Navajo Nation has a long history of mining activities, including gold, copper, lead, silver, uranium, and coal, resulting in large areas of abandoned mine sites with soil, water, and air pollution issues. Despite some cleanup efforts, more than 500 contaminated abandoned uranium mines exist across the Navajo Nation, exposing the population to serious health problems. Homes built in areas close to uranium mines also have high indoor levels of radon. My geology and health research are related to clean up of abandoned mines in the Navajo Nation and New Mexico to reduce the human health risk potentials.
Description of Duties: The secretary/treasurer shall act as secretary of the Management Board and shall keep and archive the records of the Geology and Health Scientific Division. The secretary shall notify the officers and the members of the committees of their election or appointment and shall arrange for issuance of notices of all Geology and Health Scientific Division and Management Board meetings and of election results. He/she shall maintain liaison with Geological Society of America headquarters and shall serve, ex officio, as a member of all committees. He/she shall collect and disburse all funds of the Geology and Health Scientific Division and shall keep records of all receipts and disbursements and other financial transactions of the Geology and Health Scientific Division. The treasurer shall account to the Geological Society of America Council for all funds advanced by the Geological Society of America.