
Welcome to the Diverse Faces of Geobiology

This website highlights the stories and research of folks from traditionally marginalized demographics who have helped build the field of Geobiology. In doing this, we hope to:

  • Show appreciation to scientists in our community who may have experienced marginalization
  • Give aspiring and early-career geobiologists examples of people they can identify with Send the clear message that our field welcomes, values, and was built by people of a wide range of demographics
  • Provide a resource for educators wishing to highlight people from underrepresented groups and the contributions they have made
  • Provide a resource for geobiologists to discover the work of people from outside their network, thereby stimulating new collaborations and research directions in our dynamic, interdisciplinary field
  • Actively combat racism and bigotry in our discipline, in science, and in our communities
We welcome you to check out the bios below. Please come back often; we will be continually updating this page with new faces!


The project is being coordinated by Dr. Carie Frantz (cariefrantz@weber.edu). For the fastest response, please put “Diverse Faces of Geobiology” somewhere in the subject header.

Dr. Rowan Martindale (martindale@jsg.utexas.edu) and Dr. Vicky Petryshyn (petryshy@usc.edu) are the Chair and Vice-Chair of the GBGM division. This website has been built and is maintained by Dr. David Gold (dgold@ucdavis.edu). You can contact them with any concerns.

You can find out more about the Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division of the Geological Society of America (a.k.a. GBGM) here: https://community.geosociety.org/gbgm