
Are you interested in serving on a division committee?  We are seeking volunteers!  Just contact the Division Officers.

Nominating Committee
The nominating committee serves the critical task of staffing the Division management board and committees.
Current:  Andy Cohen (U. Arizona), Melissa Berke (U. Notre Dame), Jonathan Obrist Farner (Missouri U. of Science and Technology)

Program Committee
The Program Committee arranges technical sessions of the division at the annual meeting and other meetings.  Interested in proposing a session?  The Division can sponsor you!  Just contact the committee chair.
Current:  Mike McGlue (Committee Chair, University of Kentucky), Chris Campisano (Arizona State University)

Awards Committee
The awards committee oversees division awards and evaluates nominations and applications for awards.
Current:  Paul Baker (Duke University), Jay Zambito (Beloit College), Leandro Domingos Luz (University of Minnesota)