
GSA professional members can join the Division for only $10.

Student / Early Career Professional (ECP) members can select one Division membership for free.
Additional Division memberships can be purchased at the Student/ECP rate.


Join GSA    Join the QG&G Division



Need to renew your GSA membership?

For your convenience, Division membership(s)
can also be selected on your GSA renewal form.

Renew Now



Do you want to add QGG membership to your current GSA membership? Here's how to do it...

You can add QGG division membership to your current membership by going to the GSA store from the GSA website store, scrolling down the left side and selecting Subscriptions > Sections and Divisions. If you purchase a Division through the store, the current subscription period will be the same as your current GSA Membership.

 Add QGG Division to your GSA membership