Stanley A. Schumm Research Grant Award

About the Schumm Award

Stanley A. Schumm was one of the foundational figures of fluvial geomorphology in the latter half of the 20th century. The conceptual models he developed for river process and form continue to influence how contemporary geomorphologists think about river systems. Schumm was also recognized as a supportive and effective mentor and the lives and careers of many students and colleagues were enriched by his influence. This award honors his intellectual contributions to the discipline and his qualities as a mentor.

This award was established in 2012 in honor of Stan Schumm and recognizes the contributions of graduate students in the field of fluvial geomorphology. The inaugural award was given in 2018.

How to apply for the Schumm Award

Applications are done via the student research grant program run by GSA. Any research grant application that has “Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology” selected as the General Field of Research Project will be automatically eligible for consideration for our awards.  PLEASE NOTE that a single application can be simultaneously considered for multiple awards.


Applications are due February 1 of each year.

Schumm Award Winners


2023 Mariel Nelson, University of Texas at Austin. Controls on river bank erosion timing and meander bend evolution using time-lapse lidar of the Trinity River in Texas.

2022 Mickey Means-Brous, Colorado State University. Geomorphic influences on salmonid recolonization in a post-fire environment.

2021 Emily Loucks, Western Washington U. Does sediment supply impact the threshold for initial sediment motion?

2020 Alyssa DeMott, Central Washington University, for the proposal Long-term geomorphic effects of the Glines Canyon Dam removal on the Elwha River, WA, USA


2019 John Kemper, Colorado State University, Floodplain forest establishment and legacy sediment within the Yampa River Basin, northern Colorado

2018 Rebecca Beers, Northern Arizona University, Channel Refill Rates and Processes Following Post-Fire Debris Flows, Pinaleño Mountains, Arizona, USA