
Management Board

The Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division is led by a management board, consisting of the Division Chair, First Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor/Webmaster, Historian, Student Representative, and immediate Past Chair. The management board is assisted by the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Panel, consisting of six members. A brief description of duties of each position and contact information for those currently serving are provided below. 

The Chair shall preside at meetings of the Division and of the Management Board. The Chair shall submit a report to the Management Board of the activities of the Division during his/her term of office and on future plans. The Chair shall serve as the Division’s representative on the GSA Joint Technical Program Committee. The Chair serves for one year.

The First Vice Chair shall assume the powers and duties of the Chair in the event of the absence or disability of the Chair. The First Vice Chair shall supervise planning for Division sessions and events to be held at the Annual Meeting of the succeeding year. The First Vice Chair serves one year.

Jen Pierce
Department of Geosciences
Boise State University

Karen Gran
Earth and Environmental Sciences Department
University of Minnesota Duluth

The Second Vice Chair shall assume the position of Chair whenever both the Chair and First Vice Chair are not available. The Second Vice Chair serves for one year.

The Past Chair shall be chair of the election nominating committee. The Past Chair serves for one year.

William Ouimet
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Connecticut

Mark Sweeney
Department of Sustainability & Environment
University of South Dakota

The Division Secretary shall keep the records of the proceedings of the Division and shall act as secretary of the Management Board. He/she shall maintain liaison with GSA Headquarters, and shall serve, ex officio, as a member of all committees. He/she shall submit semiannual reports to the Council of the Society of the Division. The Secretary shall notify the officers and the members of the committees of their election or appointment and shall arrange for issuance of notices of all Division and Management Board meetings and of election results. The Secretary serves for 2 years.

The Division Treasurer shall keep informed on the balance of Division funds obtained from membership dues, and shall account for all funds of the Division. The Treasurer serves for 2 years.

Lisa Ely
Dept Geological Sciences
Central Western Washington University

Scott Burns
Department of Geology
Portland State University

The DEI Officer will be responsible for coordinating DEI initiatives, communication between the Management Board and QG&G membership about DEI Initiatives, and appointing the members of the QG&G Includes committee. The DEI Officer serves for 2 years.

The Communications Coordinator shall provide information of interest to Division members through the Division newsletter, social media, and maintenance of the division website.  The Communications Coordinator serves a two year term. 

Veronica Sosa-Gonzalez
Education Program Manager

Sarah Schanz
Geology Department
Colorado College

The Historian shall provide continuity and institutional memory to the Division, through the compilation and maintenance of Division records, and shall advise the Management Board on aspects of the history of the Division. The Historian is appointed annually by the Management Board.

The Student Representative shall advise the Management Board on affairs of particular interest to student and early career members. The Student Representative is appointed annually by the Management Board.

Janet Slate
U.S. Geological Survey

Olivia Stanley
CU Boulder


Panel members

The Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Panel shall select the winner of the Kirk Bryan Award from nominations made by the voting affiliates of the Division. The Panel shall also be responsible for other duties as requested by the Chair from time to time. Panelists serve for two years.

2022 - 2024 Panel

2023 - 2025 Panel

Jenn Aldred Lee Corbett
Allison Pfeiffer Helen Dow
Brian Yanites Jason Rech