1:45 p.m., Phoenix Convention Center, North Ballroom 120D, North Building
Eric Kirby, Francis C. Monastero, Andrew J. Cyr, Victoria E. Langenheim and Michael E. Oskin, Presiding
- 1:45 p.m. – Introductory Remarks
- 1:50 p.m. – The 10-Ma Inception of the Eastern California Shear Zone—New Age Control and Implications
- Miller, D.M.*; Nuriel, Perach; Schmidt, K.M.; Langenheim, V.E.; Hillhouse, J.W.
- 2:05 p.m. – Kinematic Models for the Development of the Eastern California Shear Zone, Mojave Desert (Invited Presentation)
- Dixon, Timothy H.*; Figueiredo, Paula M.; Owen, Lewis Andrew; Rasmussen, Craig; Wetmore, Paul; Xie, Surui
- 2:20 p.m. – An Updated Geophysical View of the Eastern California Shear Zone
- Langenheim, Victoria*; Phelps, Geoffrey A.; Miller, David M.; Cyr, Andrew J.
- 2:35 p.m. – Relative Patterns of Neotectonic Deformation Along the Eastern Garlock and Eastern Pinto Mountains Fault Zones: Two Domain-Bounding Transverse Structures Within the Eastern California Shear Zone
- Menges, Christopher M.*; Dudash, Stephanie L.
- 2:50 p.m. – Updated Fault Slip Rates for Southern California Based on Recent Advances In Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclide Methods
- Prush, Veronica*; Oskin, Michael E.
- 3:05 p.m. – Kinematics of Low-Strain Faults Associated With the Eastern Terminus of the Cady Fault, Eastern California Shear Zone
- Schmidt, Kevin M.*
- 3:20 p.m. – Break
- 3:30 p.m. – Anatomy of a Releasing Stepover Between the Airport Lake Fault and the Owens Valley Fault Through the Coso Range, California
- Unruh, Jeffery R.*; Monastero, Francis C.
- 3:45 p.m. – Southern Continuation and Termination of the Airport Lake Fault
- Walker, J. Douglas*; Andrew, Joseph E.
- 4:00 p.m. – Collaborative Field and Remote Sensing Response from the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Delano, Jaime*; The, Ridgecrest Earthquake Working Group
- 4:15 p.m. – Slip Distribution, Slip Sense and Slip Styles Along Strike of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Surface Ruptures
- Olson, Brian*; The, Ridgecrest Earthquake Working Group
- 4:30 p.m. – Rupture on the ‘Ridgecrest Fault’ In the Context of the Geodetically Measured Regional Strain Fields for the Eastern California Shear Zone
- Phillips, Fred M.*; Rinehart, Alex J.; Lutz, Brandon; Axen, Gary
- 4:45 p.m. – Initial Geodetic Results from the Response To the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Funning, Gareth J.*; Brooks, Benjamin; Fialko, Yuri; Floyd, Michael; Haase, Jennifer; Hammond, William; Sandwell, David T.; Svarc, Jerry; Xu, Xiaohua
- 5:00 p.m. – Earthquake Early Warning During the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence: What Happened and What’s Next?
- Cochran, Elizabeth S.*; Minson, Sarah E.; Baltay, Annemarie S.; Bunn, Julian; Parker, Grace A.; Kilb, Deborah L.; Hoshiba, Mitsuyuki; Kodera, Yuki
- 5:15 p.m. – The Walker Lane – Eastern California Shear Zone, Potential Heir To the San Andreas Fault: Outstanding Regional-Scale Research Questions and Lessons Learned from Geodesy, Historical Seismicity, and Long-Term Evolution
- Faulds, James E.*; Koehler, Richard D.; Hammond, William C.; Carlson, Chad W.; Pierce, Ian; Henry, Christopher D.