Late-Breaking Session

USGS map of the 6 July 2019 Searles Earthquake
Searles Valley Earthquake, 6 July 2019 / USGS and California Integrated Seismic Network

Ten-million years of deformation along the Eastern California Shear Zone: context and characterization of the July 2019 Mw7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake

Co-Sponsored by GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division

Session Co-chairs: Eric Kirby; Francis C. Monastero; Andrew J. Cyr; Victoria E. Langenheim; Michael E. Oskin

  • Poster Session: Sunday, 22 September, 8 a.m.–noon, Hall AB, Special Presentation Area
  • Oral Session: Sunday, 22 September, 1:45–5:30 p.m., North Ballroom 120D, North Building

Watch the recording with Vimeo Livestream.

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8:00 a.m., Phoenix Convention Center, Special Presentation Area Hall A, North Building

Transitions Between the Sierra Nevada, Basin and Range, and Walker Lane in the Northern Pine Nut Mountains, Nevada: Insights From Geologic Mapping And Ar/Ar Geochronology
Say, Michael C.*; Zuza, Andrew V.
Kinematics of Transpressional Fault Linkages Along the Emerson and Calico-Hidalgo Faults in the Southern Eastern California Shear Zone
Spotila, James A.*; Chilton, Kristin D.
Initial Mapping Along the Central Reach of the Pinto Mountain Fault Zone, Southern California, Reveals New Insights into Tectonics and Paleohydrography
Dudash, Stephanie L.*
New Geologic Slip Rates Along the Blue Cut Fault, Eastern Transverse Ranges: Implications for Slip Transfer Towards the Eastern California Shear Zone
Guns, Katherine A.*; Blisniuk, Kimberly; Bennett, Richard A.
Using Creep-Related Fractures and Geodesy to Help Define the Location, Slip Rate, and Geometry of the Hidden Spring Fault Zone in Southern California
Riemann, Rebekah A.*; Evans, James P.; Jänecke, Susanne U.; Donnellan, Andrea; Parker, Jay
Airborne Lidar Survey of Surface Ruptures Produced by the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Oskin, Michael*; Scharer, Katherine M.; Brooks, Benjamin; Hudnut, Kenneth W.; Dawson, Timothy E.; Glennie, Craig; Fernandez, Juan; Arrowsmith, J. Ramón
Remote Triggering of Earthquakes and Tectonic Tremor in Mexico by the 2019 Mw7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake
Gonzalez-Huizar, Hector*
Setting of the Ridgecrest and Searles Valley Earthquakes from Gravity and Magnetic Data
Langenheim, Victoria*
Preliminary Assessment of Static Stress Changes Along Low-Angle Detachment Faults in Panamint and Searles Valleys
Kirby, Eric*; Furlong, Kevin; McKenzie, Kirsty A.; Sethanant, Israporn; Walker, J. Douglas
How 1000 Years of Earthquakes Have Shaped the Stress Distribution in the Eastern California Shear Zone: Seismic Hazards Before and After the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Carena, Sara*; Verdecchia, Alessandro

1:45 p.m., Phoenix Convention Center, North Ballroom 120D, North Building

Eric Kirby, Francis C. Monastero, Andrew J. Cyr, Victoria E. Langenheim and Michael E. Oskin, Presiding

1:45 p.m. – Introductory Remarks
1:50 p.m. – The 10-Ma Inception of the Eastern California Shear Zone—New Age Control and Implications
Miller, D.M.*; Nuriel, Perach; Schmidt, K.M.; Langenheim, V.E.; Hillhouse, J.W.
2:05 p.m. – Kinematic Models for the Development of the Eastern California Shear Zone, Mojave Desert (Invited Presentation)
Dixon, Timothy H.*; Figueiredo, Paula M.; Owen, Lewis Andrew; Rasmussen, Craig; Wetmore, Paul; Xie, Surui
2:20 p.m. – An Updated Geophysical View of the Eastern California Shear Zone
Langenheim, Victoria*; Phelps, Geoffrey A.; Miller, David M.; Cyr, Andrew J.
2:35 p.m. – Relative Patterns of Neotectonic Deformation Along the Eastern Garlock and Eastern Pinto Mountains Fault Zones: Two Domain-Bounding Transverse Structures Within the Eastern California Shear Zone
Menges, Christopher M.*; Dudash, Stephanie L.
2:50 p.m. – Updated Fault Slip Rates for Southern California Based on Recent Advances In Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclide Methods
Prush, Veronica*; Oskin, Michael E.
3:05 p.m. – Kinematics of Low-Strain Faults Associated With the Eastern Terminus of the Cady Fault, Eastern California Shear Zone
Schmidt, Kevin M.*
3:20 p.m. – Break
3:30 p.m. – Anatomy of a Releasing Stepover Between the Airport Lake Fault and the Owens Valley Fault Through the Coso Range, California
Unruh, Jeffery R.*; Monastero, Francis C.
3:45 p.m. – Southern Continuation and Termination of the Airport Lake Fault
Walker, J. Douglas*; Andrew, Joseph E.
4:00 p.m. – Collaborative Field and Remote Sensing Response from the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Delano, Jaime*; The, Ridgecrest Earthquake Working Group
4:15 p.m. – Slip Distribution, Slip Sense and Slip Styles Along Strike of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Surface Ruptures
Olson, Brian*; The, Ridgecrest Earthquake Working Group
4:30 p.m. – Rupture on the ‘Ridgecrest Fault’ In the Context of the Geodetically Measured Regional Strain Fields for the Eastern California Shear Zone
Phillips, Fred M.*; Rinehart, Alex J.; Lutz, Brandon; Axen, Gary
4:45 p.m. – Initial Geodetic Results from the Response To the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
Funning, Gareth J.*; Brooks, Benjamin; Fialko, Yuri; Floyd, Michael; Haase, Jennifer; Hammond, William; Sandwell, David T.; Svarc, Jerry; Xu, Xiaohua
5:00 p.m. – Earthquake Early Warning During the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence: What Happened and What’s Next?
Cochran, Elizabeth S.*; Minson, Sarah E.; Baltay, Annemarie S.; Bunn, Julian; Parker, Grace A.; Kilb, Deborah L.; Hoshiba, Mitsuyuki; Kodera, Yuki
5:15 p.m. – The Walker Lane – Eastern California Shear Zone, Potential Heir To the San Andreas Fault: Outstanding Regional-Scale Research Questions and Lessons Learned from Geodesy, Historical Seismicity, and Long-Term Evolution
Faulds, James E.*; Koehler, Richard D.; Hammond, William C.; Carlson, Chad W.; Pierce, Ian; Henry, Christopher D.

Session Description:

The recent M 6.4 and M 7.1 earthquakes in Searles Valley, California occurred along a little-studied fault system within the Eastern California Shear Zone. This late-breaking session of the GSA Annual Meeting (Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 22-25) will bring together studies of the geologic, seismologic, and geodetic characteristics of the rupture with ongoing studies of the active tectonics of distributed deformation along this shear zone. We welcome late-breaking contributions that are focused on the seismology of the earthquake sequence, geodetic deformation due to the events, field and remote characterization of the surface rupture, and potential interactions with nearby faults and geothermal systems

The session will have a hybrid format, with talks ranging from keynote overviews of the event and its significance, as well as “lightning talks” and posters. The session will be linked with theme session T52, Quaternary Tectonics of the Eastern California Shear Zone, and will be livestreamed and recorded on video.

We hope you will join this exciting session.

Andy Cyr, Eric Kirby, Victoria Langenheim, Frank Monastero, and Mike Oskin