Student Travel Award

Proposal Deadline: due September 1, 2024

The Student Travel Award is a travel grant awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student presenting a paper or poster in soil or paleosol research at the annual GSA meeting. This award is intended to defray a portion of the expenses involved with attending and presenting a paper at the meeting. We accept applications from all current students. Residents of the US and foreign countries are eligible. Membership in the GSA and the Soil and Soil Processes Division are not required. Awards are up to $500 and will be sent to the awardee by the GSA following the committee's final selection. More than one award can be made if funds are available.

The Student Travel Award is competitive; the Soil and Soil Processes Division Awards Committee selects recipients based on (1) the scientific merit of the research topic and (2) clarity of the GSA abstract.


The applicant must submit an abstract that is in standard GSA format and must have a strong focus on soil- or paleosol-related research. In addition, the application must include a letter of recommendation sent from the student's research/thesis/dissertation advisor. Applicants must submit their abstract to GSA by the deadline and be presenting their paper or poster in one of the Division's primary sessions at the annual meeting.

Complete the application form and send it as an email attachment to Steven Driese <>  by September 1, 2024. The referee for the applicant also must fill out the recommendation form and submit it as an email attachment to Steven Driese  <> by September 1, 2024. Application and recommendation forms will be available on the Soils and Soil Processes Division Web page: