Student Research Awards

Proposal Deadline: due June 1, 2024.


The Soils and Soil Processes Division of GSA is pleased to announce the availability of three student awards, two for graduate research ($1000) and another for undergraduate research ($500). The proposed research must emphasize soil or paleosol research for it to be considered for an award. Proposals should be submitted to Dr. Steve Driese, the Chair of the Awards Committee at:, using the instructions provided below. Awards will be announced by June 15, 2024. Funds may be used for field or laboratory research. Applicants are encouraged to become members of the Division, but it is not a requirement for proposal consideration.


Proposal materials should include the following, in a single file (PDF or Word only):

1. Student full legal name, affiliation, contact information, current degree program, and expected graduation date.

2. Proposal narrative.

This will include the purpose and significance of the proposal research, and the methods employed to complete the research. (Recommended length of the narrative is 1-2 pages).

3. Itemized budget.

Please include information on all additional sources of funding for the project, including previous and pending sources of funding.

4. Project supervisor's name and contact information. Your supervisor may be contacted for a recommendation if your proposal is considered for funding.


Graduate Student Research Awards:
2024           Katarina Keating, University of Michigan: “Using paleosols to track atmospheric δ13C in the Paleogene”
2024           Catherine Peshek, University of New Mexico: "Determining conditions of pedogenic carbonate precipitation in modern soils of New Mexico using field and laboratory measurements"
Undergraduate Student Research Award:
2024           Ana Paige Venters, James Madison University: "Early Miocene Vegetation Reconstruction using Pedogenic Carbonate Isotope Analysis from Moruorot, West Turkana, Kenya”