About Us

GSA's Geoinformatics Division (est. 2006; ~232 members) advances "Data to Knowledge," providing GSA members with an opportunity to participate in the emerging field of cyberinfrastructure. The Division actively promotes and sponsors short courses, symposia, and books that emphasize information technology–supported discovery and integration of geoscience data leading to a more comprehensive understanding of Earth and the planets as complex systems. Each year, the Division presents the M. Lee Allison Award for Geoinformatics.

The purpose of the division is to bring together scientists interested in Geoinformatics; to facilitate the presentation and discussion of their problems and ideas; to stimulate communication among earth scientists and computer scientists; to promote research and the publication of results; to support development of new educational technologies; to support workshops in assisting the community to benefit from the use of technological and scientific infrastructure to advance integrative science; and to advise and assist the officers and committees of the Society in matters pertaining to Geoinformatics.