GSA Connects 2024 will take place from 22 to 25 September in Anaheim, California, USA (
Showcase your research through an engaging poster presentation or dynamic oral session. Receive valuable feedback on your in-progress research, open doors to forge new collaborations, and expand your professional network.
* The GSA Marine and Coastal Geoscience Division is hosting one session:
T106. Recent Advances and New Voices in Marine and Coastal Geoscience.
Quaternary Geology | Paleoclimatology-Paleoceanography | Marine-Coastal Geoscience
Leaders: Lauren Toth; Andrea Hawkes; Kelly Best Lazar; Nicole Khan; Ashley Long; Katya Beener; Emma Bouie; and Scott Starratt
We seek abstracts on physical oceanography, marine geology, geomorphology, sediment transport, geophysics, tectonic processes, climate change, paleobiology, or any aspect of oceans and coasts, past and present. We encourage students to participate in this session.
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* Please see below for a list of the 17 additional topical sessions our division is endorsing. Let's make sure the Marine and Coastal Science Division is well represented! You can find more info at
T20. 36th Annual Undergraduate Research Exhibition Sponsored by Sigma Gamma Epsilon.
Petrology, Igneous | Stratigraphy | Environmental Geoscience
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T40. Human Dimensions of Geoheritage.
Geoscience Information-Communication | History and Philosophy of Geology | Geoheritage
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T62. Shaping a Sustainable Future with Geology in the 21st Century: Geology and Society Division Turns 21.
Energy Geology | Environmental Geoscience | Geoscience and Public Policy
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T72. Geoscience Outreach Involving Undergraduates and High School Students Continues to Pique Interest and Build Cohort: Revelations from Longitudinal Tracking 2004-2023.
Environmental Geoscience | Geoscience Information-Communication | Geoscience Education
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T86. Coastal Hydrogeology in an Age of Rising Seas.
Engineering Geology | Marine-Coastal Geoscience | Hydrogeology
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T103. Lakes of the World Through Time and Space — Archives of Climate, Paleoenvironments, Ecosystems, Geohazards, and Economic Resources.
Stratigraphy | Paleoclimatology-Paleoceanography | Limnogeology
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T104. Cenozoic Lakes Across Western North America – from the Varved Beds of the Green River Formation to the Ice-Covered Alpine Lakes of the Sierra Nevada.
Stratigraphy | Paleoclimatology-Paleoceanography | Limnogeology
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T105. Understanding Temporal Dynamics in Hydrogeochemistry and Sedimentary Processes in Estuarine Environments.
Sediments, Clastic | Geochronology | Marine-Coastal Geoscience
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T107. Got Sand? Science Supporting Regional Sediment Management (RSM) for Coastal Resilience.
Engineering Geology | Environmental Geoscience | Marine-Coastal Geoscience
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T108. Coastal and Shallow Marine Sediments as Archives of Extreme Events.
Quaternary Geology | Stratigraphy | Marine-Coastal Geoscience
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T116. Insights from Microfossils and their Modern Analogs: from Traditional and Emerging Approaches, to Critical Re-evaluations (Posters).
Marine-Coastal Geoscience | Paleontology, Biogeography-Biostratigraphy | Paleoclimatology-Paleoceanography
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T117. New Advances in the Analysis of Biogenic Hard Parts (Sclerochronology) – Novel Applications, Proxies and Insights.
Marine-Coastal Geoscience | Geoarchaeology | Paleoclimatology-Paleoceanography
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T119. Oceans and Climates through Earth History: Modeling, Proxy, and Proxy Development Studies (Posters).
Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination | Geochemistry | Paleoclimatology-Paleoceanography
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T120. Cushman Foundation Symposium: Biostratigraphy of Planktonic Foraminifera and the Geological Time Scale: Honoring the Career of William A. Berggren.
Stratigraphy | Paleontology, Biogeography-Biostratigraphy | Paleoclimatology-Paleoceanography
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T136. Impact Cratering: a Dominant Process in the Solar System.
Geomorphology | Continental Scientific Drilling | Planetary Geology
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T147. Surf and Turf: Quaternary Landscapes Session in Honor of Dan Muhs.
Soils and Soil Processes | Stratigraphy | Quaternary Geology
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T187. Tectonics and Sedimentation of the Central Gulf of California, Mexico, and Surrounding Regions.
Geobiology and Geomicrobiology | Sediments, Carbonates | Tectonics
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