The new Marine and Coastal Geoscience Division aims to raise the profile of marine and coastal research at GSA. We want to bring together scientists in all areas of geoscience related to the oceans as part of an inclusive and diverse community. Marine and Coastal Geoscience encompasses all geoscience relating to the oceans. This includes, but is not limited to, the geology and tectonics of the ocean basins, the geology, geomorphology and environmental processes/hazards of the coasts, waves, tides and currents in the oceans, ocean-land and ocean-atmosphere interactions, geobiology of the oceans, and the ocean’s role in the climate system, both modern and ancient.
The purpose of the MCG Division is to bring together scientists interested in the marine and coastal realms, to facilitate presentation and discussion of questions, ideas, and opportunities in marine and coastal geoscience; to promote research and publication of results in those fields, to advise and assist the officers and committees of the Society in matters pertaining to marine and coastal geoscience; and to act as an organized group in promoting these objectives within the framework of the Geological Society of America.